
Server rental - what server resources does the modern IT market provide?

Provided that the tariff plans offered by many providers today do not satisfy the economic demands of the user, he passes to a fundamentally different type of service, which is a server rental. Often sufficiently successful, progressive enterprises give their preference to maintaining their own server hardware in data centers, which are provided today by reliable hosting providers. Thus, many companies relieve themselves of the need to maintain a whole department of IT and technical specialists, designed to deal with round-the-clock servicing of servers and solving all sorts of everyday tasks related to their functioning.

Depending on the needs of the client in providing its resource with these or other productive capacities, as well as with applications, hosting providers can provide various options, which involves modern server rental. Among these options are the following solutions:

  • Virtual;

  • Postal;

  • Game;

  • Physical;

  • Deleted.

Advantages of modern server rental

Despite the fact that each option to a certain extent is significantly different from the others listed above in terms of technical characteristics, they all have a number of similar advantages, which include:

  • Regular backup of data (backup), which avoids the loss of valuable data in the event of abnormal situations;

  • Administration of servers with the use of technical specialists with the provision of technical support services from providers that ensure the uninterrupted functioning of everything they provide for the lease of the hardware and software complex;

  • The possibility of calculating the cost of services using a flexible system;

  • Use of backup communication channels, as well as backup sources of electrical power. For example, a provider can lease servers of a remote type in the data centers of regional providers, which, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of domestic electrical networks, are always in full readiness for backup outages;

  • The solution of any questions and problems of technical order that arise among customers with the involvement of relevant specialists in the shortest possible time;

  • Absolute security from obtaining unauthorized access by third parties to information of users and customers stored on a dedicated server for work.

In order to clearly understand the features of rental services of server equipment from a particular supplier, it is important to determine the main purpose of one or another of the above variants of this service when choosing the appropriate server. Virtual server in its essence is a separate system that operates autonomously from neighboring servers located in the same data center. This feature does not affect the functioning of each of the solutions working within the software and hardware complex. Thus, if for some reason one of the adjacent servers goes out of order, all the rest continue their uninterrupted work.

Such VPS-servers, as a rule, have a high degree of reliability, good performance, as well as the possibility of continuous operation in a continuous mode with a total rental cost of 800 rubles per month.

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