HealthHealthy Eating

Serotonin in foods. Take care of your good mood

In the spring period, we can often visit a bad mood, overcome depression and apathy. These phenomena can be quickly eliminated by using certain products that increase the production of serotonin in our body. Serotonin itself is not contained in foods, but it is implied, since it is pleasant activities, including food, that enhance its synthesis.

How does this happen? This substance is produced by our brain, and for its production we need selenium, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, vitamins E and B, tryptophan, and a number of hormones such as estrogen and insulin. Serotonin in products means the presence of these substances in maximum quantities. In order to always have a good mood, well-being and full satisfaction with your life, there are their needs every day.

Products containing serotonin, of which many have heard - is, of course, chocolate and ice cream. At home or at work, you can always eat a piece of chocolate and feel a rush of new strength and ideas. No wonder students necessarily eat chocolate before passing important exams. It contributes to better concentration of attention, and therefore, the highest score. If it comes to work, it will become more productive, and rest and sleep - full. Serotonin in foods helps to always feel successful and full of strength, but its lack leads to disturbances in sleep, aggression, outbursts of anger, excessive excitement and increased anxiety.

Therefore, be sure to include in your daily diet products containing serotonin. Namely all kinds of seafood and fish. They include a mass of necessary substances for our body, including omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna and salmon are especially good in this respect. They increase the production of the hormone of happiness and well-being in our body and promote relaxation. Indispensable for its production and proteins, namely virtually all types of meat, turkey, chicken, pork, beef, veal and cheese.

In order for its production to be even more successful, consume foods that contain folic acid. These are broccoli, spinach and bread, but not from bleached flour. If we talk about what foods contain serotonin, we can not fail to mention the bright and juicy, only one of its appearance, lifting our mood, citrus. A rush of energy and vigor of spirit will be presented to us by guava, mango, Bulgarian pepper and strawberry. By the way, experts have long found out the fact that our mood completely depends on the color of the products that we eat. A bright and colorful dish sends exciting signals to the brain and promotes the production of serotonin.

The brain needs glucose, so if you look for serotonin in foods, you should pay your closest attention to various kinds of sweets. And in order not to spoil your figure, eat them often, but in very small portions and preferably in the morning. Be sure to allow yourself a little weakness, since experts have proven that the level of serotonin and obesity are directly related. He gives us a quick sense of satiation. And vice versa, when in the body it is not enough, we constantly want to eat something, "get stuck with depression."

What foods contain serotonin? Their whole list. In addition to the above, it is necessary to note green vegetables, tomatoes, blueberries, nuts, cereals, as well as various aromatic seasonings. All of them contain substances necessary for the production of serotonin. Their lack of diet for a long time can lead to a person's development of a very deep depression. To which are inclined, by the way, some people who "sit" on hard diets. One of the easiest ways to quickly elevate the mood is a cup of fragrant strong tea or coffee.

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