
"Sedalite": instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

What sedative and antidepressant drugs do you know? The most popular among doctors and consumers is using such a normotimic drug as "Sedalit." The reviews and instructions for this medication are provided below. Also in the materials of this article, its cost, testimony and special properties are indicated.

Packaging of medicament, its composition, form

"Sedalite" - biconvex tablets, covered with a shell and placed in a contoured package of aluminum foil. The main ingredients of this medicine are: lithium carbonate, potato starch, talc, calcium stearate, povidone, hypromellose, polysorbate, tropeoline and titanium dioxide.

Pharmacological action

What is a normotimic remedy like Sedalit? Instruction for use asserts that it normalizes the mental state of the patient and does not cause general inhibition. Also this drug has anti-manic, sedative and antidepressant effects.

The effectiveness of the drug in question is due to lithium ions, which are antagonists of sodium ions. According to the instruction, they displace them from the cells and reduce the biological and electrical activity of brain neurons.

It should also be noted that the active substance of this drug promotes the accelerated decay of biogenic amines. Thus, the concentration of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain tissues decreases, and the sensitivity of the neurons of the hippocampus and other areas to the action of dopamine increases.

This agent interacts with lipids, which are formed by inositol metabolism. In therapeutic doses, it blocks the activity of inosyl-one-phosphatase and reduces the concentration of neuronal inositol involved in the regulation of neuronal sensitivity.

The beneficial effect of lithium on migraine is associated with a change in the amount of histamine and serotonin in platelets. And its antidepressant properties are due to increased serotonergic activity and a decrease in the regulation of beta-adrenergic receptors.

Indicators of pharmacokinetic

When you take this medication after a meal, it is absorbed from the intestine and reaches its peak in the blood plasma after about 9 hours. This drug does not bind to proteins, but it penetrates the placental barrier and is excreted in the mother's milk.

The drug is not metabolized and is excreted by the kidneys in an amount of 95% (through the intestine - less than 1%, together with sweat - about 4-5%).

Medicinal product "Sedalit": indications

In what cases can the drug be recommended for admission? As a rule, this drug is prescribed in the manic phase of psychosis, in the prevention of exacerbations of psychoses (affective) of various origins, aggressiveness (including chronic alcoholism), sexual deviations, psychopathies and drug dependence. In addition, this medication is often used in Meniere's syndrome, addiction to psychotropic medications and migraines.

Prohibitions to the use of a medicinal product

When should you not use sedative pills "Sedalit"? Instruction for use informs that this medication is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its ingredients, severe surgical operations, leukemia, as well as during breastfeeding and during the entire pregnancy.

With special care, the normotimic drug is prescribed for heart diseases, central nervous system, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, hyperparathyroidism and renal insufficiency.

Sedalit tablets: instructions for use

How should I use the drug in question? It is taken orally after a meal. At the same time, the daily dose of the drug is divided four times. The last pill should be taken in the evening, or rather, before bed.

Usually the initial daily dosage of this medicine is 0.6-0.9 g with a gradual increase to 1.2 g. After this every day the amount of the drug is increased by 0.3 g and adjusted to 1.5-2.1 g.

It is strictly forbidden to exceed the daily dose of the medicine, namely, to use more than 2.4 g.

The duration of treatment in doses above 2 g is 1-2 weeks. If the medication is used for preventive purposes, then the effectiveness of monotherapy in patients can be achieved by continuously maintaining the concentration of lithium in the blood at a level of 0.4-0.8 mmol / l (over a period of six months).

After the manifestations of manic psychosis have been stopped, the daily dosage of the drug is reduced within one week before the prophylactic (that is, up to 0.6-1.2 g).

When the signs appear again, the amount of the drug is increased again.

Side effects

The antidepressant drug "Sedalit" can cause such unpleasant effects as:

  • Muscle weakness, heart rhythm disturbances, hand tremors;
  • Hyperreflexia, adynamia, dyspepsia, drowsiness;
  • Violation of articulation (with prolonged admission), increased thirst;
  • Disorders in the thyroid gland, leukocytosis;
  • Violation of hematopoiesis, weight gain.

Cases of overdose

When using higher doses of a medication such as Sedalite, the price of which is indicated below, the patient may experience: tremor, muscle weakness, dysarthria, severe convulsions, vomiting, confused consciousness, as well as dizziness, loss of appetite, diarrhea, blurred vision, Drowsiness, nausea and polyuria. In this case, it is necessary to cancel the drug and conduct symptomatic therapy.


Can I take Sedalit tablets with other medicines? Instruction for use reports the following interactions:

  • With simultaneous administration with ACE inhibitors, "Indapamide", NSAIDs and diuretics (thiazide), toxic effects and a sudden increase in the concentration of lithium in the blood are possible.
  • When combined with iodine preparations, the risk of disorders from the thyroid gland increases.
  • Parallel reception with sodium hydrocarbonate and xanthine derivatives strengthens the process of lithium excretion together with urine, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
  • With simultaneous use of the drug with phenothiazines, its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract decreases, as well as its concentration in the blood. This increases the concentration of lithium inside the cells, as well as its rate of excretion along with the urine.

Special Recommendations

Weakened patients and elderly patients need to adjust the dosage regimen.

During the first 30 days of treatment, the concentration of lithium in the blood should be monitored every week.

During the therapy, you can not drink alcoholic beverages.

Similar drugs and cost

The drug "Sedalit" is a very effective and quick-acting sedative. As a rule, its price varies between 120 and 150 rubles. You can buy such a drug in any pharmacy. If this tool is not available for you, it can be replaced by such analogues as "Lithium carbonate", "Mikalit", "Litosan-SR", "Quillum", "Contemnol".

In view of the fact that the listed funds have their own peculiarities in application, they can be used only by the doctor's recommendations.


What messages can be found about the preparation "Sedalit"? Reviews of patients and doctors will be presented right now.

Some patients claim that such a sedative is highly effective and relatively inexpensive. Other consumers constantly complain that this medication has a large number of side effects. As a rule, after it is taken, the patients gain weight and develop puffiness. In addition, often this antidepressant drug causes apathy, general retardation, severe thirst, drowsiness and arrhythmia.

With regard to feedback from specialists, they report that with a properly selected dosage, as well as regular control of lithium in the blood, this remedy is quite effective.

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