EducationSecondary education and schools

Parents meeting in the 4th grade. Parent meeting plan

4th grade is final in primary school. The next year the guys will start to learn new subjects. Instead of one teacher with children there will be several teachers. The 4th grade is decisive, so it should pay special attention. Teachers need to work closely with their parents.

One of the important moments in the school process is the timely holding of the parent meeting. In this way, it is possible to solve the controversial issues that have arisen in the classroom, as well as prepare mothers and dads for the future education of children in secondary school.

Nuances of preparation for the meeting

To ensure that everything is accessible and quickly explained to the parents, the teacher must be responsible and competent to prepare for the meeting. Secondary schools generally hold meetings at the end of each quarter. The issues of education, behavior of schoolchildren are touched upon. Also upcoming events are planned and the results of the passed quarter are summed up. The meeting touches upon the characteristics of children's performance that are common to all parents.

Individual issues are resolved with the parents after the meeting. At the end of the event, the teacher writes the minutes of the parent meeting. The sample of the document can be taken in the office of the educational institution or use the information given in the article. Thanks to the document, parents can learn the basic information, which for a number of reasons were absent.

Types and conduct of a parent meeting in the 4th grade

  1. Organizational meeting in the 4th class is carried out unscheduled. Usually one issue is touched upon, which is very important for the class. It can be a trip on an excursion or preparation for an important solemn event.
  2. The current meeting is assigned to parents strictly according to the planned schedule. Such events take place in all classes of the school at different intervals. These fees cover all the questions of academic performance and behavior for the previous quarter.
  3. Final fees are assigned at the end of the educational process and after passing the exams. The teacher tells the parents about the successes related to the assessment and educational process of the children.
  4. The school management conducts general school meetings. Here, the news of the institution is discussed, general questions of academic achievement are decided.

Parent meeting plan

Teacher in advance notifies parents of upcoming fees - specify the date, time and place. All the necessary information can be recorded in the diaries of schoolchildren. To the parents' meeting in the 4th grade passed with benefit, the teacher must take the event responsibly. Do not interfere with the creative approach. It is necessary to interest and it is possible to submit all necessary information to parents.

The main part of the time is devoted to the theme of the event. It's good if a plan is drawn up in advance. Upon completion, the minutes of the parent meeting will be drawn up. A sample of its filling is presented above.

The rules of the meeting in the 4th grade

A lot of questions can be touched upon by parent meetings (grade 4). Topics of the event should be relevant and interesting for all present. The meeting should be organized in a suitable and convenient for all time. It is best to schedule a meeting for the evening, when parents are no longer employed at their main place of work. It is desirable that moms and dads are aware of the topic of the upcoming meeting. Notify adults of the planned meeting for a week.

It is necessary to observe subordination and respect for each other. Both the educator and parents should forget about home problems and fully concentrate on the topic of the event. Parent meeting in the 4th grade should be spent no more than an hour and a half.

Do not forget about the rules of etiquette. Interlocutors need to treat each other with respect. To the teacher could easily remember the names of parents, the table can put a list of those gathered.

The teacher should know how the protocols of parent assemblies are properly drawn up (grade 4). The necessary information can be checked with the head teacher.

Start of meeting

Before starting a teacher it is worth checking the number of parents present. Then the plan of the event is briefly notified. Starting a meeting is worthwhile with the positive moments to put parents to the conversation. It is worth noting in advance that not all the information that will sound is to be passed on to the students.

Focus on bad performance is not worth it. This problem should be discussed only in general terms. In any case, you can not call the names of the guys who are lagging behind their peers. Individual issues are resolved with the parents after the event. Moms and dads should go home in high spirits, knowing that without problems they can help their child to bring up knowledge. Secondary schools are trying to bring problems to moms and dads in a mild form.

What not to mention at the meeting?

Parent meeting in the 4th grade should cover all the important questions that concern the students. It is impossible in the presence of other parents to discuss those who could not attend the training camp. You can not compare the guys in their academic performance and behavior, name specific names. It is not recommended to give a negative evaluation to the whole class.

It is also not advisable to put a parallel class as an example. The teacher should speak with restraint, not giving vent to emotions. Even if there is a problem in the school community, together with the parents it will be possible to solve it.

Theme of education of children

Parent meeting in the 4th grade can begin with the rules of behavior of pupils at school and beyond. It is worth remembering that knowledge of etiquette is as important as academic achievement in basic subjects. It is easy to determine which parent pays due attention to the upbringing of the child. Trained guys get on well with their classmates, listen carefully to the teacher at the lessons.

At the meeting it is necessary to touch on the topic of communication in the family. It is worth explaining to the parents that much depends on them. The child as a sponge absorbs the principles of adult behavior.


Independence is the key to success. It is worth reminding parents that children in grade 4 can solve many problems without the help of adults. And it concerns first of all the homework. Mums and dads should control the learning process for children, but do not do most of the work for them.

It is worthwhile to understand that for future study in secondary school more attention, perseverance and independence is required. If there are any problems with a particular subject, it is worthwhile to work out extra. You can use the help of a tutor.

Lack of control by parents is also a big problem. Many guys get bad marks just because moms and dads do not check their homework. And the children, in turn, are lazy, lose interest in learning. To come up with an interesting system of motivation is the task of moms and dads.

How to finish the meeting?

At the end of the event, the teacher answers the questions of the parents. The moments concerning the whole class are discussed. Nuances that concern specific children are discussed after the meeting with parents separately. Here we mean the performance of children, their behavior.

A teacher should be informed when the next event of such a plan is tentatively held. The meeting ends with a summary of the results. The teacher should thank the audience for the presence.

How to behave to parents with children after the meeting?

Even if there are problems with studying, you should not abuse the child. We need to talk with the schoolboy. It is important to understand how to solve the problem. Together with the children, moms and dads will always find a way out of any situation. Trust is the main element of interaction between parents and children.

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