
Antidepressants - what is it? Tranquilizers and antidepressants

The modern "mad" rhythm of life, the endless flow of information that a person needs to process daily, as well as many other, mostly negative factors, lead to the fact that the body and the psyche can not stand. Insomnia and stress, impaired functioning and communication, often ignored, and more often drowned out by drugs or other potent substances, eventually lead to such complex diseases as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and various depression. According to the forecasts of medical analysts, the depression by the 20-th years of this century will outpace the number of the sick of the leaders of the twentieth century - infectious diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system. In the fight against depressive disorders, various drugs are used, created both on the basis of natural and synthetic components. Antidepressants - what is it? What are they and can these drugs cure depression or only alleviate its symptoms? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such drugs? In this article, we will try to answer these and other questions about antidepressants, the effect of their use and the consequences of taking.

What it is?

As the name suggests, antidepressants (also called thymoleptics) are psychotropic drugs that work against the symptoms of depression. Thanks to such drugs, increased anxiety and excessive emotional stress, apathy and lethargy, insomnia significantly decrease and even completely disappear. The drugs related to this group are different both in chemical structure and composition, and in the mechanism of action.

How it works?

Let's see, antidepressants - what is it: the destruction of the body or help the exhausted human psyche. Let's look at how these drugs work. The human brain consists of a multitude of neurons - nerve cells, constantly carrying out information exchange between themselves. To implement such a transfer of information, special intermediary substances are needed - neurotransmitters, penetrating through synaptic clefts in the space between neurons. Modern researchers distinguish more than 30 different mediators, but only three of them have a direct relationship to the development and progress of depression: serotonin, norepinephrine (norepinephrine), and dopamine. According to research data, depression occurs when there is a significant quantitative decrease in neurotransmitters at neuronal interaction sites. The action of antidepressants is aimed at increasing the number of necessary mediators and normalizing the biochemical balance of the brain.

A bit of history

Before we start to consider modern groups and types of antidepressants, we will briefly tell about the history of their discovery.

Until the middle of the twentieth century, depression and various neurotic conditions with similar symptoms were treated with a variety of herbal remedies. To "lift the mood" used a variety of excitatory compounds, which included caffeine, ginseng or representatives of opiates. "Calm" nervous excitement was tried with salts of bromine or drugs based on valerian drug. Also, various kinds of gymnastics and physiotherapeutic procedures were used, the effectiveness of which was rather insignificant.

In the early 50-ies of the twentieth century, the drug "Prometazine" was created, originally used for anesthesia during surgical operations. Pharmacologists tried to strengthen the inhibitory and suppressive effect of this medication, as a result of which, by 1951, "Chlorpromazine" was obtained, which became widely used in the medical practice of treating depression. Today this drug is known as "Aminazine".

In the late 60s of the last century, Swiss doctors treating patients with tuberculosis noted a rather unusual side effect of a drug such as Iproniazide. Patients who received it were in high spirits. Gradually, he was used in psychiatric practice, as he was very weak in helping against tuberculosis. At about the same time, the German researcher Ronald Kuhn discovered the drug Imipramin.

The discovery of the first timoleptics led to the rapid development of pharmacological research in this field and the creation of new medications aimed at combating the symptoms and causes of depressive disorders.

Modern classification

Depending on the effect of the use of antidepressants on the depressed patient, they are subdivided as follows:


Primary action



Withdrawal of psychoemotional stress without sleeping pills

"Gerphonal", "Amitriptyline"

Balanced action

To accept which it is possible only on purpose or appointment and under supervision of the attending physician as at reception of greater doses there is a stimulating influence, and here average doses operate soothingly





Used in the treatment of depressive conditions with symptoms of lethargy and apathy





In addition, there is a classification based on how the action of antidepressants affects the course of biochemical processes in the human body:

  • TCAs are tricyclic timoanaleptics.
  • MAOI - monoamine oxidase inhibitors:

- irreversible (Tranylcipromin, Fenelzin);

- reversible ("Pirazidol", "Moclobemide").

  • IIPS - inhibitors of selective absorption of serotonin;
  • IOSIN - inhibitors of the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine;
  • NASSA - noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants.

There are also a number of antidepressant drugs that can not be attributed to any of the named groups.

TCAs: Tricyclic antidepressants, what is it?

The drugs of the tricyclic group, such as "Nortriptyline", "Imipramine" and "Amyltryptiline", received their name due to the underlying triple carbon ring. These antidepressant drugs help increase the number of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as norepinephrine (norepinephrine) and serotonin (a hormone of happiness). This is achieved by reducing the level of their consumption by nerve cells - neurons.

Due to the fact that not only the necessary neurotransmitters are blocked when these medicines are taken, many different side effects occur. Taking antidepressants of a tricyclic group can cause the following side effects:

  • Lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • Nausea;
  • Dry mouth;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • Increase in heart rate - pulse;
  • Constipation;
  • Decreased potency and libido;
  • Anxiety or anxiety.

Such medications are usually prescribed by doctors in the first place, since they are the most studied and the consequences of their use are well known.

MAOI - monoamine oxidase inhibitors

The drug "Iproniazide", discovered by one of the first, as well as other medications of this group, such as "Izokaraksazid", "Tranilcipromin", suppress the enzymatic reaction of monoamine oxidase contained in nerve endings. Due to this, the neurotransmitters responsible for our mood, such as serotonin, tyramine and norepinephrine, are not destroyed, but gradually accumulate in the brain.

Most often, MMAA antidepressants are prescribed for atypical depression, or when the drugs of the tricyclic group are not approached and did not have the desired effect. The advantage of medicines of this group is that they do not exert an overwhelming influence, but, on the contrary, stimulate mental processes.

Just like tricyclic drugs, MAOIs do not have a momentary effect on a person's condition - the effect of antidepressants comes a few weeks after they start taking them.

Due to the fact that MAO inhibitors have a lot of side effects (and also easily interact with medicines for cough and cold and are capable of provoking a life-threatening increase in blood pressure), and also because of a rather rigid diet when they are taken Prescribe such drugs quite rarely, when other methods of treatment did not help.

Selective absorption inhibitors of serotonin

The groups of TCA and MAOI considered by us are, for the most part, long-open and well-studied drugs. But the "old" generations of antidepressants are gradually being replaced by more modern medications, the action of which is blocked not by all mediators, but only by a single - serotonin, preventing its reabsorption by neurons. Due to this, its concentration increases and the therapeutic effect is obtained. The IUPS includes such modern drugs as "Fluoxetine", "Sertraline", "Zoloft", "Paroxetine" and others. The drugs of this group have fewer side effects, and they do not affect the human body so much.

Inhibitors of the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine

These are quite new drugs, which are already attributed to the third generation of antidepressants. They began to be produced in the mid-1990s. Such drugs as "Tsymbalta", "Efferor" block the re-seizure of not only serotonin, but also noripinefrin, but such medications as "Velbutrin" and "Zyban" prevent the return of noradrenaline and dopamine.

The side effects of this group of drugs are much less than those of others, and they are rather weakly expressed. After taking antidepressants, based on such inhibitors as "Duloxetine" and "Bupropion", there may be an increase in weight and small dysfunctions in the sexual sphere.

Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants - NASSA

One more modern group of antidepressant drugs are NASSA, which slow down or completely stop the seizure of norepinephrine by synapses of nerve cells, thereby increasing its concentration. Such medications as "Remeron", "Lerivon", "Serzon" block the receptors of serotonin.

When taking medications in this group, there are such mildly unpleasant side effects as drowsiness, dry mouth, increased appetite and associated weight gain. The abolition of antidepressants of this group proceeds without any serious problems.

In addition to the above main groups of antidepressants, there are a number of drugs that can not be attributed to any of them. They differ in both the chemical composition and the mechanism of action. This, for example, such drugs as Bupropion, Hypericin, Tianeptine, Nefazodone and many others.

Alternative methods

Today, foreign specialists are increasingly using drugs that affect not the neurotransmitters and neurotransmitters, but the state of endocrine system such as the adrenal glands, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, for the treatment of depressive conditions. Some of these drugs, for example, "Aminoglutetimide" and "Ketoconazole", block the synthesis of the adrenal hormone cortisol, but they have many side effects and have a negative effect on the endocrine system.

To the second group it is customary to include antagonists of antalarmin receptors, which combine the positive qualities possessed by tranquilizers and antidepressants.

In addition to drug treatment of depressive conditions, such methods as periodic normobaric hypoxia and plasmapheresis, light therapy, and many others are used more often, which help reduce symptoms and weaken symptoms.

Pros and cons

Most of those who took antidepressants agree that they are very effective medicines, especially if they are taken simultaneously with the course of therapy conducted by a specialist. It should be remembered that these drugs, as well as their dosage, can be prescribed only by a doctor, under whose control and should they be taken. Do not expect an instant improvement in the condition. As a rule, a sense of hopelessness and loss of interest in life, as well as lethargy, apathy and sadness pass 3-4 weeks after the start of a systematic admission.

One of the biggest drawbacks of these drugs is the withdrawal of antidepressant syndrome, manifested with a sharp and uncontrolled cessation of their admission.

How to apply correctly?

1. If you have diagnosed heart, kidney or liver disease, tell your doctor about it.

2. Antidepressants act individually, so the specialist will choose the drug that is right for you.

3. In some cases, one medication is not enough, the doctor can prescribe simultaneous reception of several (tranquilizers and antidepressants, neuroleptics and any anticonvulsants). Based on the diagnosis and controlling your somatic condition, the specialist will choose drugs that can complement each other and not have a negative impact on the human body.

4. Do not stop taking antidepressant drugs suddenly and without consulting a specialist, as this can aggravate the course of depression and cause various unpleasant physiological reactions.

5. Many people ask whether it is possible to drink antidepressants and alcohol together. All instructions to medicines state that this is absolutely unacceptable, since it can lead to serious damage to the nervous system, up to a lethal outcome.

Is it a withdrawal or addictive syndrome?

In the event that you take antidepressants for a long time and then abruptly stop for any reason, you may experience discomfort, such as emotionally unstable behavior, increased fatigue, muscle pain, dizziness. All these symptoms are known as an antidepressant withdrawal syndrome. That's why doctors recommend gradually to reduce the dose of drugs taken and to do this under the supervision of specialists. Only professionals will help to remove unpleasant sensations, having picked up necessary normotonics and preparations on the basis of plants. If the drug was taken uncontrolled, and then its reception was abruptly terminated, such abolition of antidepressants can lead to sleep disorders, increased anxiety, and problems from the cardiovascular system. In addition, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Unreasonable fears;
  • Influenza-like symptoms;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • Spasms and pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Loss of coordination and dizziness;
  • nightmares;
  • Tremor of extremities.

Instead of concluding

From all of the above, it can be concluded that such drugs, such as antidepressants, are strong and quite dangerous, that they are modern drugs that can cope with depression. However, before you start taking them, be sure to consult a specialist - a psychiatrist or psychoneurologist, who will be able to find out which form of the disease is yours and what medications will help to cope with it.

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