What could be better than visiting the steam room after a hard day's work or on a long-awaited day off? It is difficult to answer this question, because the bath is not only pleasant, but also incredibly useful for health. What is especially pleasant is to find a suitable option today in any city. For example, residents of the Tula region invites you to relax the soul and body of the sauna "Dolphin". Tula is a large city, in which dozens of baths and SPA centers are currently operating, where you can steam. What is interesting about this complex and should it be visited?
The best of all countries and cultures under one roof!
Sauna "Dolphin" (Tula) offers its guests four relaxation areas with steam rooms, decorated in different styles. These halls are "Ancient East", "Rome", "Renaissance" and "Japan". In this case, you should choose only the design, in terms of their equipment, all locations are the same. In each room there is a lounge, a steam room, a swimming pool, a shower and a toilet. Bath-sauna "Dolphin" is an excellent place for rest, celebrations and SPA-procedures. The thematic design of the interior will allow the guests of the institution to immerse themselves in the chosen era and to escape from the everyday fuss. Relax with taste and in an acceptable scene!
Description of halls and additional services of the complex
Each room is decorated in its own unique style. In the Roman room you are waiting for antique sculpture, "The Ancient East" resembles the palace of the Sultan, "Renaissance" will please with interesting figures of lions and marble columns, and "Japan" - minimalism and traditional interior decorations. Each room has, in addition to a thermae, a swimming pool and a comfortable relaxation room. In addition, you can order a session of SPA-procedures. And all this is the "Dolphin" sauna. Tula is a city in which many people come to work or to see local sights. Do not know where to stay? Vip-numbers of the complex "Dolphin" - this is a decent solution for visitors or citizens who have decided to change the situation for a while. Also guests of the sauna are available to order food and drinks on the menu, and what is especially nice, there is karaoke in every room.
Cost of visit
Like any other sauna / sauna, "Dolphin" has two payment rates. In the daytime, the cost of one hour is 900 rubles, and after 17.00 - 1500 rubles. You can book a sauna for a period of two hours. The complex works round the clock, when renting a hall for 4 hours or more guests are waiting for discounts and pleasant bonuses. There is a separate order for food and drinks on the menu. Also for a fee in the complex you can buy slippers, towels and other necessary accessories. A pleasant news for those who like to relax with the whole family: children under 7 years old can visit the center for free.
Useful information for guests
The maximum capacity of each room is 6 people (children under 7 years are not considered). The question of visiting a complex by a larger company should be discussed individually with the administration of the complex. All necessary bathroom accessories can be brought with you, and guests are allowed to visit the sauna with their drinks and snacks. The exact address where the "Dolphin" sauna is located: Tula, Gastello 2 nd, 17, building 1. It is most convenient to get here by car, the complex has a guarded free parking. Prior sauna reservations are required. It is recommended to call and reserve the necessary hall for at least a week for a certain number of hours on the desired day.
Sauna "Dolphin" (Tula): reviews of those who have already visited this institution
The wellness center has been working for several years. During this time, many residents and guests of the city visited it. This sauna impresses with the original design of the halls. Here you want to be photographed and consider each element of the interior for a long time. In the rest, according to the majority of clients of the center, the complex is the most common. Steam room and rest room can hold at most 6 people at the same time. In fact, for the birthday and any other holiday with the administration, you can agree on a visit to the complex by a larger company, albeit with a surcharge. According to some guests, the sauna "Dolphin" (Tula) prices is unreasonably inflated. However, it is worth noting that if you compare this complex with other city baths, then the cost of visiting here is average.
There are also dissatisfied visitors among the visitors. Most of all claims to quality of service and cleanliness of water. It is stated that the most modern filtration system is installed in the health complex. However, in practice water often has a specific smell of chlorine. However, this claim to the health and entertainment center is coming to an end. "Dolphin" is one of the most popular saunas in the city. People come here with friends and whole families, and many townspeople prefer to celebrate holidays in this center. If you live in Tula or are going to visit this city, take the time for rest and relaxation in the "Dolphin", and you will not regret it.