HealthDiseases and Conditions

Sand in the bladder symptoms, signs and treatment

Today, the formation of sand in the bladder is a problem that worries a huge number of people. With this problem people are facing after the onset of twenty years and the reasons for this are the most banal: the wrong food, the abuse of mineral carbonated drinks.

In this case, some lucky people sand in the bladder (the symptoms will be described below) does not cause any inconvenience, as it is deduced by natural means. However, it should be understood that not everyone is to count on such luck. Most people who have such a problem, like sand in the bladder (the symptoms are the same for both men and women) is familiar to the hearsay, it is transformed into stones, which is much harder to derive than sand.

It is important to understand that sand in the kidneys is formed, and, therefore, it is necessary to deal with the treatment of this disease, starting with examination of the organs of the urinary system.

Sand in the bladder symptoms and causes

Certainly, in each individual case, sand in the bladder appears due to individual causes. At the same time it is noticed that this female is more often affected by this disease. The causes of the formation of sand can serve as features of the structure of the urinary system, infection of the genitourinary system, as well as abuse of salt and mineral carbonated water.

It is not difficult to detect sand in the bladder. As a rule, this phenomenon is accompanied by frequent cystitis and urethritis, inflammation, burning and cutting during urination, unnaturally saturated color of urine with a reddish tinge. In addition, during urination, the patient can feel pain not only in the bladder, but also in the kidneys, appendages and lower back. Confirm the presence of sand in the bladder can only ultrasound examination, according to the results of which it will be necessary to immediately begin treatment.

There was sand in the bladder: treatment is required

Before you start treatment of sand in the bladder, you need to identify the cause of its appearance. If the sand hit the bladder from the kidneys, then it is necessary to treat the kidneys initially. If the cause is a violation of the metabolic process, then it is necessary to establish nutrition with the help of special diets and medications.

It is also very important to diagnose and begin treatment of an infection that promotes the formation of ill-fated stones.

Typically, the doctor appoints a patient who has had salt in the bladder or sand, a copious drink of at least 2.5 liters per day, while clarifying that it is a question of non-rigid water. Mineral and water are strictly forbidden. The main part of the liquid is important to use after dinner.

As for the diet, everything here will depend on the type of metabolic disorders. So, for example, with a low content of calcium in the body, it is necessary to use more dairy products, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. If it is a violation of the inappropriate removal of uric acid, the diet will consist of eating meat, fish, and giblets. Useful will be cooked food, as well as stews and steamed. Cocoa and chocolate during eating are strictly prohibited.

One way or another, the decision to follow a diet is taken individually in each case, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body, the nature of violations of its performance.

To effectively remove sand in the bladder (the symptoms are described above), often diuretics are used, although more often medication is used. Traditional medicine is also used, the effectiveness of which has been proved in practice and more than once.

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