
Reproduction of jasmine cuttings, as well as other ways

Reproduction of jasmine by the cuttings is not the only way to get several from one bush. Seeds, root shoots and layers can also help in this matter. If your plant is a variety, then it is advisable to use the latter two methods.

Reproduction of jasmine by cuttings, layers, seeds

In all cases, you need a good primer, saplings and film. The soil needs mixed - two parts of peat and one humus and leaf land. It is this ratio that loves jasmine. Shrub, the reproduction of which will occur with the help of seeds, will first pass the stage of seedlings. They germinate in prepared boxes, pre-hardened by cold (stratifying) for two months. In March, the seeds are placed in the soil, sprinkled with sand. A glass is put on top and pressed slightly. This will prevent the soil mixture from drying out. The glass must be cleaned daily and turned over. Seeds are often watered through a fine sieve or with a spray gun. On the tenth day, shoots should appear. They are dived, pritenyayut, and then transplanted into the open ground.

Reproduction of jasmine cuttings is often used with varietal shrubs. In this case the rooting is very high. And if you propagate with green cuttings, then it is almost 100%. To do this, select a large and well-developed shoot. Do not take too wide stems - their long interstices and hollow core can be a suitable medium for putrefactive bacteria. In this case, the cutting will die, not having time to take root. It is better to take a small growth annual shoot.

Reproduction of jasmine cuttings will be more successful if cut with a piece of the older stem. Stimulants of growth will help strengthen the Korbramov. In the nutrient soil mixed with river sand, the cuttings will quickly gain strength. They also need diffuse light and high humidity. The latter factor can be controlled by spraying. The jasmine is multiplied in spring by dipping the lower branches to the ground and fixing them with wooden staples. This method gives an independent bush by the end of the growing season. Strongly expanded jasmine can be multiplied by dividing the root system. This method is suitable if the part of the plant that is under the ground is strong and healthy.

Jasmine: Care and Reproduction

This shrub has no special needs. Periodic watering and loosening of the soil is enough for him. Also, after flowering, you need to remove old branches. Once in several years it is necessary to carry out the capital pruning of the bush. Jasmine is able to bloom for a long time, staying in one place. After its flowering becomes less intense, the plant needs to be divided. Jasmine is used as a hedge, to create compositions. Landscape designers find it widely used on sites. The charming smell of flowers of this shrub is good in itself. It is also possible to assemble them and use them, dried, as an aromatic additive. Make sure that your plant is untreated before adding jasmine flowers to tea or sweets.

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