
Regional hospital (Annenki): address, description

For residents of the Kaluga region, the regional clinical hospital is a citadel of health. High-grade doctors with the help of modern medical equipment achieve impressive results in the treatment of adults and children.

Location of the medical institution

Annenki (Kaluga) is an area in the west of the regional center. It is a quiet and peaceful place with a favorable ecological situation. An extensive pine massif creates the best conditions for treatment in nearby medical facilities. One of them is the Kaluga Regional Hospital (Annenki). This is a whole hospital town , numbering about a dozen buildings, where almost all types of medical care are provided.

Address: Vishnevsky street, house 1. Here is the children's regional hospital (Annenki).

Good transport links, as well as direct flights from many areas of the city - all this allows patients to quickly and comfortably reach the medical facility by bus or minibus. Annenka (Kaluga) is located more than 10 km from the city center.

For those who prefer to use the railway, from the station of the station "City of Kaluga" to the hospital on schedule is the bus number 31. Transport runs every 15 minutes, so you do not have to wait long.

Patients with a personal car can be guided by the GPS coordinates.

Recording to the reception and contacts of the institution

The regional hospital (Annenki) carries out a reception in the directions from the medical institutions of the city. The institution is also visited by residents of the region. Patients can also enroll themselves to the right specialist by personal treatment in the registry or through the portal of a clinic record (Kaluga city). The regional hospital (Annenki) phones in the registries have multi-channel. They are also available for pre-registration on weekdays.

The medical institution works in the polyclinic mode, serving the population of the Kaluga microdistrict Annenka. The regional hospital (registry) in this case accepts preliminary calls of patients for recording to district therapists and doctors of narrow specialization for consultation and treatment of citizens.

The mode of work of the clinic and the procedure for receiving patients

The clinic conducts primary and current receptions at doctors and in diagnostic offices from Monday to Friday. The reception is open from 8.00 to 17.00 hours.

Patients entering hospitalization, come to the reception department - building number 8. It opens at 8 o'clock in the morning. On weekends, only patients with acute care are issued to the hospital.

Doctors and other medical specialists work on the shift schedules approved for the month. Their mode of operation can be specified 30 days before the proposed visit.

Structure of a multidisciplinary clinic

The regional hospital (Annenka) has long since evolved from an ancient institution of zemstvo medicine into a modern health center that provides assistance in the treatment of many diseases by innovative methods. Administration and economic services take care of filling the technical base, trouble-free operation of medical equipment, comfortable conditions for patients and doctors.

The directions of work on health care are divided into several main blocks:

  • therapeutic;
  • diagnostic;
  • Polyclinic;
  • surgical;
  • Obstetric-gynecological.

The following departments work in the hospital:

  • Functional, ultrasound, endoscopic and radiation diagnostics;
  • Surgical;
  • Rheumatological;
  • Pulmonological;
  • Neurosurgical;
  • Orthopedic;
  • Traumatological;
  • Urological;
  • Therapeutic;
  • Polyclinic;
  • Department of Rehabilitation;
  • Department of Nephrology;
  • Gastroenterological;
  • Neurological;
  • Otolaryngological;
  • Hematological;
  • Maxillofacial surgery;
  • Endocrinological;
  • Gynecological;
  • Coloproctological;
  • Department of Vascular Surgery;
  • Emergency cardiology;
  • Anesthesiology-resuscitation;
  • Clinical and diagnostic laboratory.

The city of Kaluga is famous for its perinatal center in the clinic, where future mothers from all over the region come.


High professionalism of medical personnel - this priority is fully owned by the regional hospital (Annenki). Doctors of the clinic have deep knowledge of their profile, confirmed by certificates for the right to professional activity in the field of medicine. The medical and nursing staff successfully passes the attestation for compliance with the position held, has qualification categories - the highest, the first and the second.

The leadership of the regional hospital encourages the training of personnel at all levels of new methods of treatment with the use of medical equipment of the latest generation. Doctors organize and participate in thematic and practical seminars, courses, exchange experience with colleagues from other regions.

In the hospital, there are professors and doctors of medical sciences. The majority of the staff has considerable experience in medicine, the average length of service is 20 years.

Organization of work of polyclinic

The regional hospital (Annenki) in the conditions of the polyclinic provides the services of physicians and doctors of narrow specialties. Consultations, a wide range of diagnostic procedures, laboratory tests allow performing primary and specifying diagnosis of diseases. Much attention is paid to early detection of various types of pathology, the use of modern methods of treatment with effective medications that have a minimum of side effects and allergic reactions. Appointed on an outpatient admission corrective treatment makes it possible to significantly improve the health of patients, improve their quality of life.

Specialization of the doctors of the clinic allows receiving medical care for a number of diseases related to the following departments:

  • Therapy (there are rooms for the reception of veterans and hospital workers);
  • cardiology;
  • nephrology;
  • hematology;
  • rheumatology;
  • Neurology (including the treatment of multiple sclerosis);
  • Surdology;
  • Pulmonology;
  • Otorhinolaryngology;
  • Allergology;
  • Gynecology and obstetrics;
  • ophthalmology;
  • rheumatology;
  • endocrinology;
  • urology;
  • traumatology;
  • Surgery (general, vascular, thoracic, maxillofacial);
  • endocrinology;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Occupational pathology (treatment of occupational diseases);
  • clinical psychology.

The work of specialized rooms - urodynamic disorders of the bladder, diabetic foot disease, audiometry (examination of hearing acuity and sensitivity of hearing aids), procedural room. A separate room is allocated for blood collection.

Modern clinical and diagnostic basis

Precise diagnosis is the basis of effective treatment. The regional hospital (Annenki) is equipped with the necessary equipment and is provided by qualified doctors-diagnosticians.

In the departments of the diagnostic profile, knowledgeable doctors of ultrasound and functional analysis conduct a survey on modern high-precision equipment. In the departments of endoscopic and radiation diagnostics, all human organs and systems are examined. Rapid detection of abnormalities in their work allows the appointment of timely highly effective treatment.

The work of the perinatal center

The structure of the regional hospital includes a perinatal center, put into operation in August 2016. The main objectives of the center are to help women with pregnancy pathology or those at risk for some reasons, as well as newborns.

Until recently, moderate pathology was the reason for sending patients to the capital. Now in the center comfortable conditions for effective treatment of pregnant women, parturient women and babies are created. This became possible due to the volume structure of the European level:

  • Admission department;
  • 2 obstetric departments - physiological and observational;
  • Pathology of pregnancy;
  • Resuscitative obstetric department;
  • 3 departments for newborns, including the Department of Pathology, Reanimation and Intensive Care for Babies.

In a large, well-equipped generic department with 11 individual halls, conditions have been created to increase the annual throughput to 5,000 births. Here all pregnant women of the city, region and more remote places can take.

The perinatal center is equipped with modern kuvezami with communications to create premature babies a special microclimate by analogy with the intrauterine. A new world technique is used, according to which a toy octopus is placed next to the child. It helps to strengthen the association with the intrauterine space, which the baby prematurely left. Tactile contact with toy tentacles creates a picture of a connecting umbilical cord in a child. He becomes calmer, does not disrupt the communications brought to him. Such a complex of measures makes it possible to take care of premature babies with high efficiency, including critical body mass indexes.

Unique medical services

In the regional clinic innovative programs for the treatment of serious diseases and their complications are being introduced.

Pilot international project - treatment of diabetic foot using the drug "Eberprot P" from Cuba. As a result of its use in patients, there are significant improvements, including the healing of specific ulcers on the legs.

The hospital specializes in arthroplasty of joints - surgical intervention, as a result of which the hip or knee joint is replaced by a modern high-strength and mobile prosthesis.

Surgical removal of brain tumors and vascular surgery - in these areas, hospital doctors have accumulated considerable experience. For surgical treatment in these areas, patients come to Kaluga from all over the country.

Annenki, regional hospital: paid services

The list of paid medical measures includes all types of medical, diagnostic help, conducting laboratory studies and surgical interventions, treatment in stationary conditions. Types of services and current prices for them can be found at the hospital's registry. All patients have two methods of payment for services: cash and non-cash.

How patients evaluate the work of the regional clinic

The management of the Kaluga regional hospital pays close attention to improving the quality of medical services. Patients are asked to complete the questionnaires and assess:

  • Work of doctors;
  • Organization of work of structural divisions;
  • Convenience of writing to doctors;
  • Convenience of waiting for admission and stay in the hospital.

The reviews contain many warm words of gratitude for the restored health, mercy and comfortable conditions.

Separate complaints have concerned the slowness of the staff, the prolonged waiting time for reception, and the unsatisfactory quality of individual dishes in the dining room. The indicated problems are taken under control by the administration and make every effort to eliminate them.

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