HealthDiseases and Conditions

Rectum: diseases, symptoms. Signs of major diseases of the rectum

Disease of the rectum in women and men - one of the most common and very sensitive topics, relevant for today. Perhaps, all because many hesitate to seek help from a specialist.

The most terrible disease that can hit the rectum is cancer. Like other types of tumors, it is characterized by an asymptomatic course. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to pay attention to any changes in the rectum.

Rectum: diseases, symptoms, treatment

The rectum is a small pelvic organ that is part of the digestive system and is designed to remove processed foods (feces) from the body.

The rectum begins at the level of the third sacral spine and ends with the anal opening. Its average length is 15-17 cm.

The organ consists of the mucous, submucosal and muscular layers. Due to this structure, the mucosa can be displaced - folded or straightened depending on the overcrowding of the rectum.

The main function of the body is the emptying of the intestine. Due to its purpose, the rectum is highly susceptible to various injuries and illnesses.

Among the common diseases - cracks, polyps, proctitis, hemorrhoids, ulcers, cancer. The same symptoms of rectal disease may indicate different ailments. In case of any discomfort, immediately consult a doctor. Is engaged in rectal problems proctologist.

Polyps in the rectum: symptoms

Polyps - benign formation on the epithelium of the rectum. Distinguish between fibrotic and adenomatous, villous and multiple polyps of mixed type.

  • Fibrous polyps are formed from connective tissue.
  • Adenomatous - from the tissues of the glands (this type of polyps is the most dangerous, since it can degenerate into cancer).
  • Insect polyps are epithelial growths that have many papillae-villi.
  • Mixed type of polyps - combinations of the previous species.

The main causes of the onset of the disease are untreated inflammations in the rectum (colitis, hemorrhoids, enteritis).

When there are polyps in the rectum, the symptoms can be the following:

  • Blood during defecation.
  • The stool is painful, sometimes accompanied by bleeding.
  • If an infection occurs, the temperature and chills may increase.
  • Constipation (if large polyps).
  • Sensation of foreign body in the anus.

It should be borne in mind that very often a patient finds it difficult to detect the formation of polyps or simply inflammation of the rectum - symptoms as such may be absent.

The treatment of polyps is carried out surgically. Other methods are simply ineffective and give relief only for a while.

Single polyps are removed by electrocoagulation (cauterization). For the treatment of large polyps, transanal excision is used. Therapy of polyps that have begun malignant degeneration is carried out by removing the affected part of the rectum.

Paraproctitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Symptoms of diseases of the rectum may be very different, or may be completely absent. For example, the main sign, indicating paraproctitis (purulent inflammation of the rectum), - the discharge of pus in the anus.

The cause of the disease is the formation of micro-holes (fistulas) in the areas of anal crypts, due to frequent constipation, diarrhea, heavy lifting, hypothermia. Such suppuration is either revealed independently, or with the help of doctors. In its place there is a fistula (chronic paraproctitis).

Signs of the disease - malaise, weakness, headache, a slight increase in temperature, chills, aches in the joints. Decreased appetite. Urination and stool may be impaired.

There are several forms of paraproctitis:

  • Subcutaneous. Symptoms - redness, swelling, seals in the anus, which is accompanied by soreness and discomfort.
  • Tazovo-rectum. Symptoms - general weakness and intoxication, are similar to a respiratory infection. There may also be painful urination and stools.
  • Ischiorectal. Symptoms - the formation of purulent inflammation in the ileo-rectum fossa, asymmetry of the buttocks, redness of the skin.
  • Submucous. This is the appearance of purulent foci on the mucous membrane. Symptoms resemble symptoms of subcutaneous paraproctitis.
  • Pelviorectal. The most serious form. Symptoms - chills, fever, pain in the pelvis and abdomen.
  • Necrotic. It is accompanied by the death of tissues - necrosis.

The most favorable method of treatment is surgical. During the operation, not only the abscess is removed, but also the internal micro-opening. After such operation relapses of disease does not arise.

Hemorrhoids: Causes and Symptoms

Hemorrhoids - a venous expansion in the rectum, which is chronic with periodic exacerbations.

Similar diseases of the rectum signs are quite unpleasant - itching, burning, pain during stools, bleeding, prolapse of part of the intestine.

The main cause of the disease - a sedentary lifestyle, frequent constipation, pregnancy, lifting weights, severe hypothermia.

If the disease is ignored and not treated, it can be the beginning of the formation of polyps, blood clots, cancer. Therefore, do not postpone the visit to a specialist. Effective are the folk methods of treatment - candles, ointments with raw potatoes, beets, carrots, garlic, propolis and honey. Well decoctions of herbs (millennial, mountain ash), infusions of horse chestnut.

Do not ignore the symptoms when the rectum is inflamed. Diseases, photos of which you do not see in an ordinary hospital, are not only "uncomfortable", but sometimes dangerous for life.

Thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node

This complication of hemorrhoids, arising as a result of neglect of the disease. Timely diagnosis and therapy of hemorrhoids in the early stages helps prevent its further development and relapses.

However, when the disease is ignored, thrombi appear, which have different degrees of severity:

I - formation of clots that disrupt blood circulation in the nodes. The main feature is the appearance of small cones near the anus.

II - inflammatory processes begin. The pain becomes stronger, the temperature rises, the swelling of the skin of the anus is increased.

III - spread of inflammation to the inguinal area with possible tissue necrosis.

The main symptoms of rectum disease, which need to be addressed:

  • Pain in the anus, perineal region.
  • Bloody stools.
  • Violations of defecation (diarrhea, constipation).
  • False urge to go to the toilet.
  • Incontinence of gases and feces.

Of course, rectal disease is a delicate problem, but it needs to be addressed. You can not let everything go by itself. Otherwise, complications with health, in particular malignant tumors, can not be avoided.

Rectal prolapse

The prolapse of the rectum is the eversion of all layers of the distal colon. It occurs equally often in children, men and women. In the first case, this is due to the anatomical features of the child's organism, in the second - to hard work, in the third - to bearing and the birth of a child. Many diseases of the rectum in women are associated with childbearing.

Sometimes the causes of the disease may be injuries to the buttocks, falls, bruises of the sacrum or spinal cord.

There are three degrees of the disease:

  1. The gut falls out during defecation, and then independently returns to its place.
  2. The gut falls out during defecation and physical exertion. You can return it back only by refreshing.
  3. Falling occurs during coughing, laughing and can be accompanied by incontinence of feces, urine.

Symptoms of rectal disease in such cases can start suddenly or appear "on the increase". At the same time, mucus or blood may be isolated, abdominal pain, constipation.

Treatment of prolapse (prolapse of the intestine) is most effective if performed surgically. Medication therapy is used as an additional method.

Cancer of the rectum: a risk group

In most cases, the disease does not occur on a flat surface. She is always preceded by inflammatory processes in the body, which for a long time were ignored and not treated. These are all kinds of fistulas, cracks, polyps, hemorrhoids.

A tumor is most often found in those over fifty. The risk group is made up of people:

  1. With hereditary predisposition.
  2. Sufferers of dysbiosis.
  3. Leading sedentary way of life.
  4. With diabetes or those who suffer from obesity.
  5. Abuse of carcinogens (nicotine, alcohol).
  6. Who has precancerous conditions.

Probably, there is nothing more terrible and unpleasant than a condition when the rectum is inflamed. Disease symptoms may be the same, but the treatment will be different.

It should be remembered that cancer of the rectum for a long time "sits" is asymptomatic and is found only at the stage of metastasis. Therefore, people from the risk group need to pay special attention to this body.

Diagnosis of rectum diseases

To diagnose diseases in proctology use a large arsenal of a variety of methods:

  1. The most accurate and reliable is rectoscopy. It is the introduction of a special device of the rectoscope (tube with illumination) into the rectum to a depth of about thirty centimeters. This helps to identify the patient's various inflammatory processes (ulcers, polyps, tumors). The procedure will bring a little discomfort, but almost painless. The use of the rectoscope also makes it possible to produce and treat diseases of the rectum (electrocoagulation).
  2. Colonoscopy - examination of the rectum with a probe. It is used for tumoral formations. Contraindications - acute pain, infectious diseases, cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency.
  3. Biopsy - taking tissues or cells of the rectum for further diagnosis under a microscope.
  4. Endorectal ultrasound (the introduction of a special sensor).
  5. Analyzes of blood, urine, feces.

Due to various methods of researching the rectum, it is possible to diagnose most accurately any inflammation, diseases of this organ and to choose the treatment scheme as correctly as possible.

Methods of therapy of proctologic diseases

Depending on the complexity of the disease, the following methods are used for treatment:

  1. Medicines. Effective only in the initial stages of disease. With the help of medications you can remove pain, inflammation (candles, ointments).
  2. Surgery. The main method, which is successful almost in 100% of cases. It is used at any stage in a complex with medicines.
  3. Cryosurgery. Treatment of tumors with low temperatures. The method is strong in different fields of medicine.
  4. Laser therapy. Impact on the disease by electromagnetic radiation.
  5. Hypothermia. Therapy with temperature. The device with a temperature restriction is used - from -5 to +35 degrees. Hypothermia is often used after surgery, with proctitis, cracks.

Diet treatment

With different ailments of the rectum, different diets are prescribed. So, for example, in the presence of constipation and cracks it is recommended to adhere to diet number 3. Namely - to include in the diet thermal and mechanical stimuli for stimulation of the rectum. This vegetable coarse fiber - meat, bread, eggs (hard-boiled, omelets), fish and dairy products, cereals and pasta, fats, vegetables.

Diet in diseases of the rectum is adjusted depending on the stage and complexity of the disease. In any case, it is necessary to exclude alcohol and carbonated drinks, spices, spicy dishes, as well as other products that cause flatulence. The food should be as balanced and fractional as possible. Do not forget about vitamins (fruits, vegetables in raw form and in the form of juices).

After the operation in the anus, one or two days need to starve to avoid defecation and, accordingly, irritations of the anus.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine for rectal ailments is quite effective, if you know how to apply it correctly. It is used as an additional method of treatment. People know thousands of recipes for removing not only pain, but also other symptoms.

All recipes can be divided into two types:

  1. For oral administration. Decoctions of millennia, spotted arum, elderberry, gorchak, tatarnik, nettle, chamomile.
  2. For topical application - suppositories, ointments, baths, microclysters. Use for this purpose celandine, sea buckthorn oil, camphor oil, calendula.

In any case, prior to the use of drugs of traditional medicine, a consultation of the proctologist is needed, otherwise the treatment may not ease the course of the disease, but, on the contrary, harm.


Disease of the rectum - a delicate problem, but in need of urgent resolution. Prolonged disregard of the symptoms leads to chronic inflammations, which are difficult to treat. The worst consequence of chronic intestinal ailments is cancer, which can manifest itself only in the third or fourth stage, when there is no way out ...

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