Self improvementPsychology

Reactivity in psychology is what?

Psychology can give almost all answers to questions about human behavior. This science is able to explain why some people become leaders, while others try to avoid attention all their lives. Not the least role in the characterization of personality is played by the type of temperament, which is influenced by such a notion as reactivity. This in psychology is often taken as the determining factor of the individual's response to various external stimuli.

Temperament in the Representation of Philosophers and Scientists of Antiquity

Even ancient philosophers argued that a person has a number of characteristics given to him at birth, which are subsequently formed into a combination of traits or the so-called character. It is impossible to significantly change these features, they are amenable only to an easy adjustment under the influence of society and upbringing.

On what the temperament or character depends, scientists of that time could not imagine, but made attempts to substantiate their numerous theories in proportion to knowledge in medicine and psychology. The founder of the typology of temperaments was Hippocrates, he first gave a definition to each of the types that are used to this day. That's only explained the famous physician temperament by the predominance in the human body of a particular fluid.

Years later, European scientists tried to put forward their typology, based on the physical characteristics of people. Such a version was subjected to great criticism in the scientific world and is now practically not used.

Temperament with the eyes of Hippocrates and Claudia Galena

Hippocrates defined the temperaments of personality, and his pupil and follower Claudius Galen wrote a large scientific treatise, which described in detail and thoroughly each type, specifying the fluid that is contained in the maximum amount in the organs of man.

Based on Galen's theory, the following types of human temperament existed:

  • Sanguine - in this person there was a large amount of blood, which influenced his actions and emotions;
  • Phlegmatic - it was the result of the predominance of phlegm;
  • Choleric - had a high content of bile;
  • Melancholic - suffered from an abundance in the body of black bile, corroding its internal organs.

Almost until the eighteenth century, this theory was perceived as the only true one. And only the diligent work of modern scientists dispelled the fantastic assumptions of Hippocrates, although the names and characteristics of temperaments have remained unchanged and are actively used.

The division into temperaments in modern psychology

Academician Pavlov made a great contribution to the development of psychology . As a result of research, he found out that a person from birth has his own type of nervous system, which determines his behavior. And this theory is equally effective for animals and humans. In the future, Pavlov's research became the basis for the work of Soviet and European psychologists. As a result, there appeared a scientifically grounded typology of human temperaments:

  1. Sanguine. People of this temperament adapt easily to new conditions, are active and work. Most of them are friendly and have high communication skills. They react sensitively to the mood of others and are extroverts.
  2. Choleric. This temperament characterizes irritable and hot-tempered people. They are very quickly distracted from the case, difficult to concentrate. Expression of emotions in choleric people occurs rapidly and briefly, they can also be considered extroverts.
  3. Phlegmatic person. Such people are very efficient, but it's difficult to switch from one case to another. They are little emotional and able to remain calm in any situation. All their movements are slightly slowed down, the same applies to facial expressions on the face. Phlegmatic is referred to as intravert.
  4. Melancholic. Melancholics are very sensitive, but not too active. They are touchy, but timid and inhibited. Such people have low productivity of labor and are difficult to meet new people. The slightest troubles cause in them violent emotions, paralyzing any activity.

To determine the temperament of a person, it is necessary to consider it with respect to a number of properties. Psychology has a productive system that allows you to analyze the type of the nervous system and classify it.

The basic properties of temperament

The definition of temperament is impossible without the eight aspects that characterize it:

  • Sensitivity;
  • activity;
  • The ratio of reactivity and activity;
  • Plasticity and rigidity;
  • Rate of reaction;
  • Emotional excitability;
  • Extraversion or introversion.

An experienced psychologist assesses the personality of each aspect and displays a type of temperament. The most important parameters are considered to be reactivity and activity. They should be discussed in more detail.

Reactivity in psychology: definition

It is difficult to say when psychology stood out in serious science and began to consider the personality of a person taking into account all aspects of temperament. But the scientific community believes that Wolf Solomonovich Merlin was the first to introduce such a notion as reactivity in psychology. This gave impetus to further research on the psychoemotional differences of individuals, which eventually resulted in a fundamental scientific theory.

At the moment, it can be argued that reactivity in psychology is the uncontrollable reactions of the individual to any external and internal stimuli. The intensity and duration of these reactions largely determine the temperament of a person. In the future, psychologists came to the conclusion that emotional performance is responsible for the efficiency and productivity of labor. In psychology, this has acquired special significance, many large corporations in the West use the notion of reactivity, selecting new cadres.

Reactivity and speed of decision-making: is there a relationship?

According to the results of numerous studies and tests, psychologists have found out that the speed of decision-making and reactions to various life situations depends on the reactivity.

People with high reactivity often make decisions under the influence of emotions and the moment, many of their conclusions and reactions are incorrect. But in a critical situation, they can save lives not only for one person, but for many others. What can not be said about individuals with low reactivity. They think about each decision for a long time and are not able to take it at a particular moment under the influence of stimuli from the outside world.

The formula for the intensity of the reaction in emotional reactivity

Since reactivity in psychology is a reaction to an external stimulus, it will be natural to assume that it has a certain strength. In the modern world there is even a formula according to which it is possible to determine the degree and saturation of the reaction.

In people with low reactivity, intensity is in direct interaction with the force of impact. The more pressure you exert on such a person, the more intense is his reaction.

Otherwise, everything happens to people who are rapidly excited. The intensity of their reaction is absolutely independent of the force of impact. Even a small pressure serves as a stimulus to an intense reaction of the individual. This makes people with high reactivity unpredictable and difficult to control.

Reactivity in psychology: examples of manifestation in everyday life

In order to have a complete picture of reactivity, let's give a simple example from life. Suppose that you dream of a vacation after a hard working year. Your friends are also going to relax, but one goes to the mountains, and the other dreams of a lazy beach holiday in a warm country. Both of them call you with them, but after long meditations you decide on a trip to the sea and the sun. At the moment when you are ready to voice your decision to a friend, he begins to argue that you must go with him and have no right to act otherwise. Your reactivity is very important here. What will you do? Begin to resist pressure and refuse to have already planned and such a welcome rest on the beach, going to the mountains as a protest? Or adhere to the original plan, regardless of the pressure exerted on you?

People who are able to do harm to themselves, are highly reactive and often make the wrong conclusions from the situation. And in the decision-making the personality of the opponent does not play a role, it can be a close friend or an unfamiliar person. The tendency to take hasty and wrong decisions is revealed in those people who have an increased reactivity. In psychology, this is usually considered a constant, from which they repel in determining the temperament of the personality.

Reactivity and activity: features of the relationship

It has long been proven that the productivity of any human activity determines the ratio of reactivity and activity. This in psychology was expressed in several formulas, which appeared as a result of special and long studies. Highly reactive individuals have little activity, since they can not work with concentration and are constantly distracted by the slightest external stimuli. In addition, internal stimuli - thoughts, emotions, memories - act on this type. All this significantly reduces the productivity of labor.

Individuals with low reactivity usually have the highest activity. They are able to solve one task before reaching the result, without being distracted by anything in the surrounding world. Such people are able to work for weeks and months until they get what they want. Such a type is often referred to by scientists who have presented great discoveries to the world.

Many people's psychological reactions can not be controlled, but knowing some knowledge, one can predict human behavior and draw conclusions about its capabilities on the way to the top of career growth.

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