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Quinceberry wormwood: useful properties

Quartz wormwood is not just a plant. It is a whole storehouse of useful elements that can solve many human problems.

General information

It is a shrub growing in a desert area. The plant belongs to the family of astroids and is poisonous. Has a pronounced specific flavor. The people are known as anthelmintic.

The stems of wormwood can be up to half a meter in height. The flowering period runs from August to September.

Quinceberry wormwood grows in the Central Asian regions, mainly in Kazakhstan. The locals call the plant a darmina .

This is how the wormwood cactus grows in the southern part of Kazakhstan, the photo of which is presented below.

The plant prefers fertile land and flat terrain. It is often found in the form of thickets.

How to grow

It is important to note that the plant likes the hot summer, but high humidity also does not hurt.

Wormwood wormwood Even very cold winters, but the drought affects its flowering not in the best way.

It is quite easy to propagate a plant. Used and roots, and seeds, and shoots.

The most convenient way is to directly plant seeds in the ground. The best time for this is from November to January. So there is a great chance to achieve an excellent harvest.

Procurement of buds for subsequent drying should occur at the end of July.

Keep the dried wormwood in tissue bags or cardboard boxes. Contact of the plant with plastic or metals is unacceptable, since this affects its pharmacological action.

Wormwood citric. Application and medicinal properties

What else is interesting to know about this miracle? Since ancient times wormwood wormwood Is known as a plant endowed with great healing power. Some witches and sorcerers used it in their drugs and conspiracies. It was believed that the decoction of its flowers gives strength and health to even a hopeless patient!

The history of the appearance of this plant is rather confusing. Already in the Middle Ages his healing power was mentioned. Many believe that for medical purposes it has been used by Arabs since ancient times.

And nowadays wormwood wormwood Used against worms. Especially well expels parasites from a child's body. This is due to the high content of santonine, which even in our time there are no synthetic analogs!

Folk legend

In the people there is a legend about the boyar son, who suffered from ascarids. The father gave it to an ordinary shepherd for education, so that he taught him his job. The shepherd loved the boyar child as his own and decided to help him cope with the ailment. He prayed to the higher powers every day and asked to send a blessing to the boy. One day the shepherd had a dream about the grass growing on the lawn, and an unknown voice told him that this was the solution to his problem. The man, not believing in this, prepared a drug with wormwood and gave him a glass to drink to the boy. A month later, the child was completely cured of the disease, and the happy father provided the shepherd with money until the end of his days!

Tales of fairy tales, but the benefit of wormwood against worms has been proven more than once. Even specialists acknowledge the effectiveness of this method of treatment. After all, synthetic analogs do not always help in this situation.

As is known, not all the plant possesses therapeutic effect. The greatest concentration of useful properties is found in unblown buds.

How to use

Many people have a question about how to take wormwood citric.

It must be noted that experts advise it with great caution, since the risk of side effects is high. For example, there may be an allergic reaction or even vomiting.

Therefore, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about whether it is worth taking flowers of citadel wormwood Or preparations made on their basis.

Now many are surprised that earlier in the villages where a large number of cattle were kept, there was a very low level of worm infections, although almost all people were involved in agriculture and were constantly near various animals.

The fact is that now the well-known wormwood citrine, useful properties which are widely used in this area, really saved from this disease.

Recipes for the prevention of worms passed on by the hostess from generation to generation, so this is really proven folk remedies that will help you to cope with the problem of parasites.

Citrine wormwood on alcohol. Recipe for Worms

Method of preparation of such a drug:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of dried wormwood into ten tablespoons of vodka.
  2. Stir and insist the mixture for a week.
  3. Strain and pour the resulting tincture into a glass jar.

Adults take twice a day for fifteen drops.

Broth from worms

Decoction to cook easier, and adjust the dose easier. It is also suitable for children's use.

Cooking method:

  1. Two teaspoons of wormwood will require two glasses of pre-boiled water.
  2. Fill and leave to simmer on a slow fire for about seven minutes.
  3. We insist about half an hour.

It is recommended to prepare this broth daily, so that the body gets to the full useful properties of the plant. Take three times a day for half a cup.

Also, there will be an effective course of treatment with enemas filled with the same decoction.

Mixture with tansy

Cooking method:

  1. Twenty grams of tansy flowers are mixed with one garlic head passed through the press and add ten grams of citric seed.
  2. Pour all the steep boiling water and put the infusion for a couple of hours.
  3. Eat four tablespoons of the resulting broth three times a day.

A mixture based on birch buds

The recipe to impossibility is simple, but its effectiveness is simply stunning.

  1. Fifty grams of birch buds should be mixed with ten grams of citric seed.
  2. Pour two glasses of water.
  3. Send insist on nine hours.
  4. Take before meals three times a day.

Decoction based on dark beer

Cooking method:

  1. Ten grams of seed of citadel wormwood pour a liter of beer.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Then leave to infuse on the stove for ten minutes.

It is recommended to take thirty milliliters three times a day.

Wormwood oil

You need to put the freshly plant in a liter jar and pour it with olive oil. The remedy is insisted for ten days.

Apply for healing wounds and smear problem areas of the skin.

Recipes are contraindicated Breastfeeding and pregnant women, as well as people with individual intolerance and suffering from various chronic diseases.

A child can use tartar wormwood as a vermilion agent only Under the control of the attending physician. Accordingly, only the patient can prescribe the dosage and the method of application.

Remember, folk recipes, though time-tested, but each human body is unique, so what is a solution to one problem can be contraindicated to another. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor and hand over all the necessary tests for intolerance, before engaging in self-medication.

Quartz wormwood is really a curative plant, look at it, perhaps it will help you cope with worms when other medications do not help.

There were a lot of such cases in folk medicine. Patients suffering from parasites were cured almost immediately after undergoing a course of treatment with wormwood citrine. They were very surprised that experienced specialists with high experience could not help them, and the tablets prescribed by them also proved to be ineffective. Suddenly, at first glance, it would seem, the usual weed helped them cope with the disease and re-live a full life!

Also, the plant is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and can help with rheumatism, neuralgia.

So do not underestimate such simple and common plants. Some of them can cure the most neglected diseases.

This is the wormwood wormwood, which cured many generations of people from worms!

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