Spiritual developmentChristianity

Prayer of the airplane traveler

According to the religious traditions of Orthodoxy, every business is supposed to begin with prayer. Travel is no exception, and so many prayers were made for this occasion. The prayer of a traveling person can be addressed both to God himself and to various saints. In this article, we will look at some typical examples of Orthodox prayer prayers intended for those who decided to set out on their journey. Particular attention we will focus on prayers for air travel as one of the most popular modes of transport in demand these days, but at the same time one of the most dangerous.

Prayer of the airplane traveler

The text of this prayer we will give in Russian translation for better understanding it. Church Slavonic variant, if you want to get acquainted with it, you need to look in prayer books, which are offered in church shops. The prayer of a traveler on an airplane is addressed to Christ and it sounds like this:

"The Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who controls the elements and in his hand concentrated power over everything!" You are honored by the abyss and you rejoice in the stars, and the whole creation serves you. "All of you obey and obey your will. Mercy, good Lord, so now, Lord, take the servant of yours (name) and pray to my prayers, blessing my way and the air journey.Do not allow storms and nasty winds and safely and intact to save the plane.Give me a light and unabashed Various troubles March through the air, bless the intentions of the good deeds that I have conceived to accomplish, and make my return in the world: for you are the savior and deliverer, and all the goods of heaven and earth are the bearer, and to you I send glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever Centuries. "Amen!"

This prayer traveling through the air can be read both before boarding the plane, and directly in the cabin of the ship. In addition, it is possible to adapt it in case you yourself do not fly, but you want to pray for other people who will fly.

Prayer for the driver

This prayer is for those who make their way at the wheel of a car. Read it is recommended immediately before leaving for the road.

"God is all-good and all-merciful! You guard all with your mercy for your love for man." I with humility ask you through the intercessory prayers of the Virgin and all the other saints, save me from accidental and unexpected death, and from all the trouble of me, a sinner. , Who trusts me and travels with me.Help me each of them to deliver unscathed where he needs.Gradous God, spare me from the evil spirit of fidelity on the road, from the spirit of drunkenness, capable of causing a sudden demise that has no repentance.Save me, Lord, help me to live to my old age with a clear conscience, without bearing the burden of responsibility for the dead and crippled through my negligence on the road people. And let your holy name be glorified in this now and forever and ever. "Amen!"

Brief prayers for those who are traveling to the Lord and the saints

The next prayer of the traveler is called a troparion, and in churches it is sung at prayer services dedicated to those who are going on the road or are already in it.


"You are the way and the truth, Christ!" In the companions of your angel to your servants today, as in Tobiah's time, they came down for preservation. "And harmless to your glory from all evil in well-being, observe the same philanthropist with the prayers of the Mother of God!"

The troparion follows kontakion, also a small church chant.


"Luke and Cleopas to Emmaus accompanied, Savior, accompany and now your servants, to travel to those who want to, from all kinds of unpleasant circumstances, for everything is possible to you, if that be your will."

Prayer to Christ

Another prayer of the traveler, addressed to Jesus Christ. This text is also considered the main one and is intended for reading before the road in general, without reference to the form of transport.

"The Lord Jesus Christ, our God, you are the true path and life!" You accompanied your imaginary father Joseph and your immaculate mother to Egypt, and also accompanied Luke and Cleopas to Emmaus! And now I beseech you, Holy Archbishop, your grace to your servants And as Tobiah your servant, they sent down the guardian angel and mentor so that he would save and deliver from various unpleasant circumstances and from all visible and invisible enemies. And he instructed you in the fulfillment of your commandments, in a world of well-being and with good health, and in Reverse You give us all good intentions and thoughts to please you and to fulfill your strength in your glory, for from you mercy and our salvation come, and to you we send glory with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in For ever and ever! Amen. "

Prayer to God before you go on a journey

This is another prayer option for those who are going on the road. Not such a popular option, as above, but nothing worse.

Before the road I am going to, I want to entrust my life and health to you! Under your patronage I give my house and other property and all my relatives who remain here without me. I do not know that I But I calm down, believing in your care, mercy and love.Conserve my transport (car, airplane, ship, etc.) from breakdowns and accidents.I save myself in health, both physical and spiritual.In the most difficult moments My journey give me peace and inner strength, so that I could make Bless me to return to my home and do not leave me at every moment of my life. "Amen."

Prayer to the Theotokos

In conclusion, we quote the prayer for the Mother of God. "The prayer of the traveling Mother of God" is a very common text, since it is addressed almost more often than to God Himself.

"Blessed mistress, Virgin Mother of God, gave birth to God for our salvation and received her grace more than any other people, who showed a sea of divine gifts and a full-flowing river of miracles, shedding goodness on all who use faith in you!" Before you, we pray to you, The most generous mother of the philanthropic ruler, so that you may surprise us with your rich favors, and our requests that we bring to you, Skoropuslushnitsa, you soon performed, each giving what is in his favor, in comfort and in salvation, helpful. Come, O good and to thy servants with the grace and reach hither thy traveling fast and safe way, protection from enemies and safe return! We thank you, praising you begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ for ever. Amen! "

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