
Polishing the car with your own hands: all the nuances of work

Obviously, a clean and polished car looks much better than not well-groomed. And there are two ways to solve the problem of car care: to assign care for it to service workers or to children's centers, for which car polishing is a routine job, or, having patience and time, do this work yourself. The first method is simpler and more expensive, but choosing the second one should understand the intricacies of the forthcoming process and have a small amount of theory about how to polish the car.

On the tasks of polishing and the purposes of polishing

The main tasks of polishing, regardless of the variety of this tool, are to protect the car body for a certain period from the negative impact of the external environment and create a mirror surface. If you have to polish the car with your own hands, the car owner needs to decide on the goal, which he pursues. This will depend on his subsequent actions.

The task: to return the body to the former shine

Before polishing it is necessary to properly wash the machine, otherwise the idea of "polishing cars with their own hands" will not make sense. Washing is carried out in a shaded place and with a completely cooled engine. Before you start any further work, you need to let the surface dry thoroughly.

For hand polishing, microfibre wipes are best. They can carefully give the body a mirror shine. Of polish, you need to choose the ones that are designed to care for the car, good, for today their choice is more than great. They are on a silicone base, with the addition of natural wax, etc. Well-proven and cleaners-restorers. On the surface of the body should squeeze a small amount of polishing, and already an hour and a half later the car will shine. You just have to remember to change the cloth.

Task: remove dust and defects

It's time to get a polisher and abrasive polishing paste, as the solution to the problem can not do without their use. Pastes of this type are used for deep cleaning of the surface, since they are the ones that can remove the top layer of varnish. However, excessive "hobby" with an abrasive can lead to a sad result.

We should give due to the new generation of abrasive pastes, the cutting power of which is quite high. They are resistant to drying, eliminate the risk of scratching during work, adapted to all types of varnish and paint.

Remove small, subtle scratches is recommended with the help of rejuvenating agents. This is a kind of synthetic polishing pastes.

Nozzles-circles for polishers are:

- white (such circles are stiff and designed for rough work);

- orange (circles of average softness, universal);

- black (the softest, recommended for non-abrasive polishes).

Removal of serious defects should begin with grinding with short movements. Before polishing afterwards polished material must be washed off with water.

Polishing cars with their own hands begins with the most damaged places. The paste is applied directly to the polishing wheel. To avoid the risk of burning and rubbing the surface of the PCB to the lower layers, you need to be careful when working on bent areas with abrasive pastes. In addition, the polished surface should not be very hot. Holograms that appear after polishing LCP, can easily be eliminated by antigonogram pastes. In addition, a new generation of this type of equipment will remove the unsightly traces and stains of other polishes, and also restore the surface of the machine a pristine shine.

The polishing of the car with its own hands is finished with a re-treatment with a degreaser.

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