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Planning pregnancy - where to start?

Recently, almost all over the world, many married couples have become more serious about planning pregnancy. After all, often thoughts of healthy offspring come only during the bearing of the child, when it is too late to change anything. Therefore, the passage of a full medical examination by both a woman and a man is a pledge of the birth of a healthy baby.

If you seriously decided that pregnancy planning for your family is necessary, then the first thing you need to do to a future mother is to visit a gynecologist. He will be able to detect diseases with the help of a study of the microflora of the vagina, which, perhaps, did not manifest themselves in any way. Also, the doctor will determine the need for testing for toxoplasmosis, herpes, hepatitis, rubella and syphilis viruses, since the presence of these diseases in a pregnant woman can lead to irreparable consequences.

Pregnancy planning: we visit specialists

Further it is necessary to visit the doctor-genetics, which will help to determine whether you have chromosomal mutations, which, strangely enough, can be observed in absolutely healthy people. The whole problem is the possibility of transferring these damaged chromosomes to a child who may subsequently suffer from a genetic disease. This is especially true for women who are over 35 years old.

Also, the future mother should visit a therapist. He will measure the pressure and write a direction for tests that can show the presence of hidden chronic diseases (hypertension, anemia, etc.). If you are taking any medications, then you should definitely tell the doctor about it, since some of them need to be canceled long before the conception of the child.

Planning pregnancy is an extra reason to visit the dentist's office. After all, during the gestation of a child, the patient's teeth can cause further chronic infections in the baby. Therefore, they should be cured before the onset of pregnancy.

Analyzes before pregnancy planning

In addition to the general analysis of urine and blood, which you will appoint a therapist, you need to pass a test for urogenital infections. This analysis is done in a women's consultation or in a family planning office. It will help to identify the presence of pathogenic pathogens, which can subsequently lead to miscarriage.

Also, pregnancy planning involves the submission of tests for the Rh factor, blood group, and the detection of hormone levels. If the desired pregnancy does not occur within a year, then it is necessary to pass tests on the compatibility of future parents, and the spouse - and spermogram.

Diet in planning pregnancy

A healthy baby can only be born with a healthy mother. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is very important to be in good shape. However, if you are overweight, then do not immediately go to extremes and sit down on a tough diet. After a quick weight loss deprives the body of important substances, reduces immunity and even disrupts the hormonal balance. You just need to reduce the intake of easily assimilated carbohydrates, such as potatoes, sweets, bread, etc.

Also at this time, do not get involved in salt-free diets, vegetarian dishes or observance of fasting. After all, in this period the body of a woman should be saturated with vitamins, proteins and various acids (omega-3, folic acid, etc.), which have a beneficial effect on the development of pregnancy.

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