EducationColleges and Universities

College of Hotel Service and Tourism, St. Petersburg: conditions of admission

The College of Hotel Service and Tourism (SPb) prepares qualified and competitive professionals who will be able to work in the restaurant business. It should be noted that the graduates of the educational institution have the opportunity to get a job in a company that has opened branches around the world.

A little bit about the educational institution

The college is located in the cultural capital of Russia. Peter was founded in 1703 as one of the important centers of the empire. Due to the fact that this status has been preserved to this day, many foreigners or out-of-town students study at the educational institution.

In 2009, the College of Hotel Service and Tourism (SPb) became a laureate of the project "Education", which indicates its quality training.

When to file documents?

From May 16 to August 15, applications for full-time education (budgetary basis) are accepted. If there is a desire to study in absentia, then this period is extended until December 1. It is possible to obtain knowledge on a contractual basis.

To enter the College of Hotel Service and Tourism (SPb), you must submit an application together with photos, a copy or original of the education document, as well as a photocopy of the passport. Before the publication of the list of applicants, you must submit the original certificate or certificates of graduation 9 classes, seven pictures, three copies of the identity document. Optional documents are such as a copy of the military ticket (for boys from 16 years of age), a copy of the identification number. In addition to the above, you should also submit a medical certificate.


The College of Hotel Service and Tourism (SPb), whose faculties are in high demand, offers training in the following areas: a chef, a technologist, a builder, a commodity manager, a logistics operator, a tourist operator. It should be noted that all these specialties are really in demand on the labor market. Having a diploma, you can easily find a job anywhere in Russia.

The article describes all the specialties, as well as character traits and abilities that an entrant must have in order to become the most qualified worker. Of course, teachers try to develop them during their studies. All teachers are excellent with children, so feedback about the institution is as good as possible.


A student who studies at a technologist-technologist can later be a sous-chef, a chef or a director of a company.

What is required from an applicant for a good education in this specialty? Analytical and creative thinking, accuracy and responsibility. A student who has received this specialty, after graduating from the College of Hotel Service and Tourism (SPb), will be able to work at various enterprises whose work activity is related to food products. He is able to understand not only the preparation of food, but also in the administrative management of food institutions.


The profession of cook should go to those who have a desire to cook in cafes or restaurants, canteens. This specialty has ancient roots, while it is respected and popular to this day. The College of Tourism and Hotel Services (SPb), whose reports are impressive, produces high-quality specialists in this field.

What is taught? After graduation, the student will know all the necessary rules and requirements that must be observed in the food industry. He will be able to understand the structure and organization of all work. Teachers also provide knowledge related to the composition of food, its shelf life, caloric content, the correctness of the combination of ingredients, the compilation of menus.

What are the advantages of this profession? It is in demand, highly paid, there is an opportunity for career growth. It also helps to maximize and realize your potential.

Tour Operator

A lot of students choose their educational place in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) MBPUU "College of Tourism and Hotel Services". One of the popular specialties in the institution is a tourist operator. They want to be several hundred students. After graduation, you can work as an agent or as an operator. What is the direct duty of such specialists?

The agent, working in the firm, should advise the clients on the issues of interest to them, select the most optimal tours, execute all necessary documents.

The operator also sells tickets, opens visas, insurances, book rooms in hotels and hotels, organize individual tours and travel.

What do you need from an applicant to become a high-class specialist? It requires independence, individuality of thinking, love of countries, travel, people, the desire for a new, responsibility, smiling, sociable, endurance.


The College of Hotel Service and Tourism (SPb), students' feedback about which you can read below, offers training in the specialty of "logistics". For Russian institutions, this is a very new profession, undeveloped by the modern generation of children.

Logists deal with issues of transportation of goods, warehousing. They should be able to reduce costs to a minimum, but perform all processes at the highest quality level.

It should be noted that from the entrant, as well as from the student, knowledge of a foreign language and confident use of a computer are required. These skills are crucial in this profession.

As a rule, logistics are required in firms and companies that deal with cargo transportation and transportation of goods.

The entrant should have such qualities: honesty, flexibility, ability to adjust, diligence, alertness, endurance, sociability.

Commodore expert

The College of Hotel Service and Tourism (SPb), whose photo is in the article, prepares qualified commodity experts. They are engaged in the movement of products in commercial organizations, laboratories.

The main task of a commodity expert is to examine consumer goods and check them for the content of nitrates and other harmful substances. Also, he is authorized to issue and revoke certificates, which confirm the quality.

It should be noted that the profession of "commodity" is necessary not only in the food sphere, but also in everyday life. A person learns to distinguish high-quality products from a large number of products offered.

What are the advantages of the profession? It is in demand always, wages are increased, career growth is accessible to any person, prestigious, helps to realize. There is also an opportunity to continue education in a university, where there is a specialty.

The commodity manager can work as a director of the company, administrator (for example, a shop or restaurant), a sales agent.

A person who wants to receive this profession must be purposeful, determined, have a creative and analytical mind, communicative, non-conflicting, self-confident, energetic.


Now many courses are open, allowing to be trained for the builder. The College of Hotel Service and Tourism (SPb), whose specialties are briefly described in the article, allows you to obtain a diploma and become a qualified employee. Students receive not only theoretical knowledge, they also go through practice, where they "stuff their hands" and prepare for working days.

Pros of the profession: demand, a large range of vacancies, good wages, provided work for the company, career growth.

The entrant must possess the following skills: flexibility, physical strength, maximum good vision and hearing, strong nerves, excellent eye, dexterity, concentration, accuracy, punctuality. Also, he must have leadership and organizational skills, without which career growth will not be possible. It is desirable, that the arranger knew how to rally people, could motivate them to work with the maximum productivity.


It should be noted that the feedback about the educational institution is quite pleasant. Everyone who has studied there does not complain about the level of teaching. Each student was able to find a job, and easily entered the desired university of the Russian Federation.

There are those children who at school learn German or French, so, not having business with English. They have nothing to worry about, because to enter the college of hotel service and tourism (SPb), the passing score of which we will certainly indicate, the passing of the USE for this foreign language is not needed. In the educational institution there are four qualified teachers who will be able to teach the student a language from scratch.

As for the USE, only Russian and mathematics are needed. If the applicant wishes to enter after 9th grade, then he should pass the entrance exams. The minimum passing score in this case is not less than 50 per item.

There is an opportunity to transfer from another college to this one. At the same time it will be necessary to submit all the necessary documents (you can check the information with the administration) and, if necessary, pass some exams.

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