
"Phytolysin" in cystitis: reviews of doctors and patients

The unpleasant symptoms of cystitis are more familiar to women. Treatment of the disease must start in time to prevent the transition to a chronic stage and the development of various complications. Well-established drug "Phytolysin" with cystitis. Patients can be heard about it differently, but most confirm the effectiveness of the drug.

General description of the preparation

"Phytolysin" is a complex product, developed on the basis of exclusively natural components of plant origin. It contains essential oils and medicinal herbs, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. The manufacturer of the medicinal product is Gerbopol (Poland), which specializes in herbal remedies.

The medicine for cystitis "Phytolysin" for today is considered the most effective and safe. Vegetable components of the drug are selected in such a way that the impact on the pathological condition was comprehensive.

Form of the preparation

The medicine for eliminating such an unpleasant illness as cystitis is made in the form of a paste of saturated dark green color. The smell of the remedy is rather peculiar, the main notes of which are pine and mint aroma.

For many it may seem unpleasant and too saturated. Although most patients noticed similarity with toothpaste on herbs. It should be borne in mind that this feature of the drug is due to the plant components and the naturalness of the product.


The very name of the drug speaks of its plant origin. Pasta from cystitis "Phytolysin" has the following ingredients in the composition:

  • Birch leaves are used to prevent stone formation, have a diuretic and anti-edematous effect.
  • The grass of the bird's mountain - is known in the people under the name "sporish". Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Onion husks - has a diuretic and antimicrobial effect;
  • Fruits and parsley seeds - improve the tone of the muscles of the bladder, has a diuretic effect.
  • Field horsetail - can stop bleeding and increase the outflow of urine.
  • Goldenroot herb - improves the immune system, has a disinfecting effect.
  • The root of wheatgrass - normalizes metabolic processes, has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Root lovage - has a strong disinfectant effect.
  • Seeds of fenugreek - have a soothing effect.

In the composition of the drug, in addition to medicinal herbs, you can find essential oil of sage, pine, peppermint, oranges.

How does the paste work?

To get rid of cystitis "Phytolysin" is able due to diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Therapeutic effect is provided by the medicinal herbs and essential oils included in the composition. The accelerated outflow of urine is caused by an irritating effect on the renal tubules, contributes to the speedy clearance of pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the development of the disease.

Some components in the paste have an antispasmodic and soothing effect, which makes it possible to smooth out the manifestation of the pain syndrome during urination. Essential oils prevent the reproduction of bacteria and stop the inflammatory process. To treat urolithiasis, "Phytolysin" may also be prescribed.

With cystitis (the reviews confirm this), the drug effectively removes inflammation, discomfort and pain.

Indications for use

On the recommendation of a doctor, the paste can be taken as an independent drug. In more severe cases, "Phytolysin" is prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment. Due to the versatile therapeutic effect, the drug is successfully used to eliminate the following pathologies of the urinary system:

  • Acute and chronic cystitis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Urethritis.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis (the presence of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract, respectively).
  • Prevention of urolithiasis.

In the chronic course of the disease, long-term courses of therapy are needed. Optimal option for treatment will be herbal preparation "Phytolysin" with cystitis. The doctors' testimonies indicate that a positive result after the application of the remedy is possible only after a preliminary medical examination and with strict adherence to the recommendations of the urologist. The specialist will select the necessary treatment regimen and calculate the dosage of the drugs.

Symptoms of cystitis

Inflammatory process in the bladder is an unpleasant and fairly common pathological condition. Cystitis occurs most often in women due to its anatomical features and close proximity of the urogenital system: the infection easily penetrates through the short urethra into the bladder.

To the causes contributing to the development of inflammation, include hypothermia, hormonal changes, non-compliance with personal hygiene, the presence of untreated gynecological or urological diseases, the weakness of the immune system. Pathology can develop at any age.

The first characteristic symptoms of ailment are painful and frequent urge to urinate. There is a drawing pain in the lower abdomen, against the background of the inflammatory process, the body temperature rises. Desires to go "in a small way" arise both day and night. At the same time, it releases a small amount of urine, and the action itself is accompanied by a cutting pain and burning sensation.

Features of treatment of cystitis

Self- management of inflammation of the bladder is ineffective and even dangerous because the ailment will surely go into a chronic stage. Therefore, when identifying the first symptoms of cystitis should consult a doctor. Practically all patients are treated with a paste from cystitis "Phytolysin". Reviews say that the best result the drug shows in complex therapy. In parallel, antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics, uroseptics can be prescribed.

In addition to drug treatment, it is important to adhere to the diet regime by eliminating fatty and spicy food, and drink enough liquid to wash out pathogenic microorganisms from the bladder and urethra.

Can I use "Phytolysin" during pregnancy?

During the period of gestation, many women experience symptoms of cystitis, which is not allowed to be treated according to the usual pattern. Doctors recommend patients in an interesting position from cystitis "Phytolysin". The drug, according to doctors, has no negative impact. Whether it is valid and a vegetative agent it is possible to accept at a cystitis at pregnant women?

Herbs and essential oils, which are the basis of the drug, are not really safe for the future mother and baby. Some of them contribute to the inflow of blood to the pelvic organs, have an antispasmodic and vasodilator effect, which is undesirable during the period of gestation. Despite this, numerous positive recommendations of women confirm the safety of the drug "Phytolysin" (reviews for cystitis).

In pregnancy, use a remedy that has not passed the relevant studies, without prior consultation with the treating gynecologist is prohibited. During lactation, the paste "Phytolysin" for the treatment of cystitis and other inflammatory processes of the urinary system is also not recommended.

Application of funds in children

Inflammation of the bladder is often diagnosed in children of different ages. Treatment of an illness in this case must be completely entrusted to a specialist. Drugs for therapy should contain a minimum number of synthetic components or be completely natural. If necessary, antibacterial pills from cystitis can be prescribed.

"Phytolysin" has no special studies on the use in pediatrics, but it is still used to eliminate the symptoms of inflammatory processes in the urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis). Antimicrobial and disinfectant properties of the paste strengthen the effect of other drugs. Dosage for the baby and the duration of the course of therapy should be selected by the doctor.

Instructions for use

Pasta with a specific odor is not taken in pure form, but previously prepared from it a suspension. A teaspoonful of "Phytolysin" should be dissolved in 100 ml of warm water. In order to smooth out a specific taste of the drug in the liquid, you can add sugar or honey (1 tsp). The mixture must be stirred until the pasta is completely dissolved and drunk.

Before taking "Phytolysin" with cystitis, you need to get a specialist consultation that will calculate the dosage necessary for a particular patient, the number of medications per day and the duration of therapy. Usually the course is from 2 to 6 weeks.

Additional measures

In the treatment of cystitis, dietary nutrition plays an important role. Therefore, the diet excludes harmful food (fried, salted, spicy), alcohol, sweet fizzy drinks, coffee, strong tea. Effective treatment of cystitis "Phytolysin" is impossible without drinking regime. Liquids should be drunk at least 2 liters. It can be compotes from dried fruits, fresh fruit juices (especially cranberry), green tea.

Interaction with other drugs

Despite the fact that the drug is completely herbal, it is powerful enough and can change the effect of treatment with other medicines. Pasta (ointment) from cystitis "Phytolysin" enhances the therapeutic effect:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Anticoagulants (preparations for blood coagulability).
  • Medicines for reducing sugar levels.
  • MAO inhibitors.


The plant origin of the drug does not yet indicate the possibility of application in all patients. Pasta from cystitis "Phytolysin" is used to crush stones in the kidneys only after a preliminary medical examination. There are some contraindications, which should completely abandon treatment with this drug:

  • Intolerance to the components of the paste.
  • Nephrosis.
  • Acute nephritis.
  • Urolithiasis (phosphate stones).
  • Renal or heart failure.
  • Inflammatory processes in the stomach or intestines.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Hepatitis.

"Phytolysin" in cystitis: reviews

According to the numerous positive responses coming from both patients and specialists, treatment with the drug brings results if the doctor's recommendations and instructions for use are followed. To protect yourself from the chronic course of the disease is possible only if you first visit a urologist and find out whether in a particular case it is possible to take "Phytolysin" in cystitis. The patients' feedback also confirms the effectiveness of the drug as a prophylaxis of inflammatory processes and urolithiasis.

It should be borne in mind that in most cases, one plant product does not treat cystitis. In parallel, the patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy.

Some patients who took the paste "Phytolysin" noticed changes in the stool. Indeed, the drug can cause relaxation, which completely passes right after the end of therapy. If the patient feels worsening, you should always consult a doctor.

Structural analogues paste for the treatment of cystitis has not. A similar action is possessed by "Urolesan", "Kanefron", "Rovatineks", "Phytolite". Before using any of the analogs, you should visit a doctor.

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