Health, Preparations
How to use "Clotrimazole", candles, during pregnancy
Pregnancy, in most cases, weakens the body of a woman and reduces immunity, resulting in "getting out" of chronic diseases, among which in almost the first place is candidiasis, in everyday life called "thrush". Most often, "Klotrimazol" candles during pregnancy are used in the fight against this infection, as well as for the sanitation of the birth canal for some time before delivery.
This drug contains an antifungal agent, powerful enough, so it is quite effective even in the treatment of chronic diseases. However, it is worth remembering that all vital organs are laid with the fetus in the first three months, because at this time it is not recommended the use of any medicines. Use "Clotrimazole" during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester is completely harmless, but it's worth doing this only after consulting with the doctor.
Completely cure thrush is quite difficult, since it is almost impossible to destroy the fungus, especially one drug. Therefore, this drug is most often used in combination with others. However, after the first application, it reduces unpleasant symptoms and brings relief to a pregnant woman.
Apply "Clotrimazole" candles during pregnancy and possibly for the treatment of other types of fungal diseases, including trichomoniasis, skin mycoses and others. Most often, just a day using one candle, which is recommended to put on the night.
It should be noted that the drug is also used for the treatment of other infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. In this case, you should get rid of the infection and partner, for which the analog "Clotrimazole" in candles, cream for external use is suitable.
Contraindication to the use of the drug may be sensitivity to the components. In some cases, there may be local allergic reactions, including burning, irritation, itching, frequent urination. Also, there may be vaginal discharge, other than normal. In any of these cases, it is necessary to consult a specialist, describing the side effects that have appeared, especially when "Clotrimazole" candles are used during pregnancy.
If you randomly take the drug orally, nausea, anorexia, a dysfunction of the liver, and drowsiness and hallucinations are less common. In this case, treatment is carried out using activated charcoal, after which symptomatic therapy is done.
Despite the fact that many medications are contraindicated while expecting the baby, "Klotrimazol" during pregnancy reviews is positive, as for the fetus it is relatively harmless. To a large extent this is due to the fact that, thanks to the local use of candles, only a small amount of the active substance enters the body. With lactation, the drug is not recommended, since it has not been fully investigated whether clotrimazole penetrates breast milk.
In the treatment of candidal vulvitis and trichomoniasis, "Clotrimazole" candles during pregnancy are used 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks. For the sanation of the birth canal the drug is sufficient to apply once. Patients with hepatic impairment must undergo a treatment under strict control of the functional state of this organ. Discontinue therapy is necessary if irritation or any other signs of hypersensitivity occurs.
An additional examination is prescribed if there are no signs of improvement after application of the drug. In such cases, confirmation of the diagnosis and exclusion of another cause that caused the disease is required.
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