Health, Diseases and Conditions
Carbuncle: treatment is just necessary
Carbuncle is an apparent purulent inflammation of the skin with elements of necrosis, the foci of which are located near the hair follicles and sebaceous glands and are capable of intensive spreading throughout the surface of the dermis. Most often the carbuncle predominates on the back, waist and neck, making its unexpected detection accessible to every patient. What is this pathology? There are purulent inflammations of the skin with the participation of nearby hairs, which gradually turn into large areas of necrosis, acquiring a dark color.
Carbuncle, whose treatment takes a long period of time and takes a lot of energy - an unpleasant phenomenon. But, before treating, it is necessary to reliably determine the nature of the disease of carbuncles, the causes of its occurrence and the degree of progression. It should be noted that this pathology is infectious in nature, the main causative agent of which is Staphylococcus aureus or its other species.
At an early stage of the disease, several dense nodules appear in the above areas of the human body, which gradually merge into a common infiltrate. The latter, in turn, begins to increase rapidly in size, sometimes reaching palm dimensions. The skin is strongly tightened, and cyanosis is visible in the center of the neoplasm, and the surface of the infiltrate acquires a hemispherical shape. The first stage of the progression of this pathology lasts up to two weeks, but then in the infiltrate region several protuberances are formed, which are opened, turning the appearance of the carbuncle into a baby sieve. Through these openings pus and necrotic masses of green with clots of blood seep. But even this stage is gradually coming to an end, followed by the gradual necrosis of the skin cells and the formation of a deep ulcer. Together, both stages (suppuration and necrosis) last up to 20 days, and then the ulcers are filled with granulation tissue, forming a coarse deep scar. Deep scars remain for life, as a memory of the disease of carbuncles, whose treatment is sometimes even carried out surgically, but everything in order.
On the patient's body, there are mainly single carbuncles, the appearance of which is accompanied by fever, aggressive pain of spasmodic nature, as well as general malaise and palpable chills. Very often, existing pathologies such as nervous exhaustion or diabetes mellitus can be a significant cause of the progression of carbuncle disease, the treatment of which is simply necessary, since bleeding from a large vessel and sepsis can even cause the patient to die.
There is a relevant question, but how to treat carbuncle? Unambiguously, it is given to experienced specialists who face such a skin pathology not the first time.
There are two areas of productive treatment, which should be given preference, the doctor should decide, taking into account the general clinical picture and the characteristic complaints of the patient. For example, antibiotic therapy for antibiotic therapy (Ampicillin, Ampiox) and synthetic antibacterials of a wide spectrum of action (Furagin, Biseptol) is indicated for out-patient treatment of carbuncles of small sizes. But this is not limited to, there are other precautions against the development of carbuncle disease, the treatment of which also includes taking analgesic and cardiac drugs, as well as a dairy and vegetable diet. Apply and UHF-therapy, and ultraviolet irradiation. With a positive course of treatment, improvements begin to be visible on the third day of intensive care. However, with the appearance of foci of necrotic tissue, the patient is given an immediate operation, after which antibiotic therapy is continued.
To avoid such a fate, you must carefully consider your own health.
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