Food and drinkBeverages

Parmalat - low-milk milk

Dairy products are of great importance in the daily diet. They can be consumed as food in their pure form or used as ingredients for preparing dishes and sauces. One of the most popular products of this category is the milk of Parmalat, the manufacturer of which for several decades offers consumers consistently high quality.

The product, thanks to which the company has gained worldwide fame, is milk with a long shelf life. And to this day it occupies a leading place in this segment.

About Parmalat SpA

To date, Parmalat is a group of companies that occupy a confident position in the food market. The main office is located in the Italian city of Collecchio.

It was founded in 1961 in the Italian city of Parma. The beginning was laid by a young college graduate Kalisto Tanzi, who launched a small company engaged in the pasteurization of milk.

This region is famous for its cleanest ecology, which produces dairy products of the highest class. The name of the company consists of two parts. The first part is the city of the base - Parma, and the second is formed from the word "latte", meaning "milk".

The modern company has branches in different countries. The production capacity is about 140 plants located on 5 continents.

Milk "Parmalat" is only one of the products supplied to stores around the world. In addition to dairy products, the company produces juices, olive oil, confectionery and other food products under several well-known trademarks.

Parmalat in Russia

Since 1991, the company began its active development in Russia. Production facilities are located in Belgorod and Yekaterinburg. In several cities there are offices of the company, the main one in Moscow. In the Russian market there is a wide range of Parmalat products: milk, cottage cheese, yogurts and cream, olive oil and tomato paste, juices and nectars, sweets and biscuits, pasta. On the shelves of shops you can find products of world famous brands, as well as several local ones.

Low milk milk

A large percentage of the population has certain health problems and can not consume dairy products. But it is not only tasty, but also useful products, so the Parmalat milk appeared to be low-lactose. The drink is completely natural, without the content of milk powder, the fat content of which is 1.8%. Innovative technology Parmalat Low Lactose helps to break down lactose into glucose and galactose - these types of sugar are absorbed by the body without any problems. As a result, there are no unpleasant consequences, you can drink Parmalat (milk) in any quantities.

The taste of this product is slightly different from the usual milk, it has a pleasant sweetish tint. At the same time, the useful composition is completely preserved. It can not be said that it is just a sweet drink.

To understand how suitable this product is, the first time it is recommended to conduct a simple experiment. It is worth to drink Parmalat (milk) in a volume of not more than one-fourth of the glass. If unpleasant feelings did not follow, then you can safely enter it into your menu.

About lactose intolerance

Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. If the small intestine does not produce a sufficient amount of lactase - the substance responsible for the digestion and assimilation of lactose - they speak of lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance affects more than half the world's population. And in some countries the problem can reach 100%. In Russia, this indicator is much lower - about 20%. Intolerance is more common in the adult population than in children. Symptoms occur approximately in half an hour after consumption of a dairy product and appear in the form of gas formation and a bloating in a stomach, a nausea and vomiting, diarrhea.

Useful substances contained in milk

Milk "Parmalat" is rich in many elements, which are necessary for the health of every person. For example, calcium is important for the formation and preservation of bone strength. Protein is required for the normalization of metabolic rate and for the normal functioning of the muscular system. Phosphorus and vitamin D help to assimilate calcium. Potassium is responsible for the normalization of water balance and heart rate. Vitamin A is important for the skin, eyes and immune system. And without the vitamin B2, there is not one exchange process.

Who is Parmalat Low Lactose for?

Milk "Parmalat" with a low content of lactose is recommended not only for those who suffer from the problem of digestibility of milk sugar. It should be drunk to the elderly, since the production of lactase naturally decreases with age. In this case, milk contains a large amount of trace elements and the necessary vitamins, so you should not abandon its consumption.

It can be entered into the children's menu when the child refuses to drink the usual milk of Parmalat company. Children like everything sweet, so the caramel flavor of the drink should interest the baby.

Those who follow their figure, you can also replace fatty milk with low-lactose. Or add it to coffee instead of the usual cream.

Proceeding from the whole usefulness of the product, with intolerance of the sugar contained in it, it is recommended to choose low-milk milk Parmalat. Feedback from dietitians, fitness trainers and ordinary customers talk about the need to try this product. In addition to being ready to drink, it is suitable for preparing milkshakes, cottage cheese and other dishes.

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