
Rectal suppository anti-inflammatory with hemorrhoids

If the hemorrhoids are not started, and the treatment is carried out at the initial stage, then, as a rule, one can manage a conservative method. It can include steam baths, various lotions and even physiotherapy procedures, but the basis of treatment is always the rectal suppository, anti-inflammatory, basically.

They are quite convenient to use: they keep their shape at room temperature, and when they enter into the room they quickly melt and dissolve. In addition, the action of the treating substance, when injected with rectal suppository anti-inflammatory, is much more effective than, say, in the treatment of tablets. This is because most of the medication goes directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the liver, where usually a significant amount of the drug decomposes. Therefore, there are two important reasons to be treated with suppositories: first, they act locally, directly on the sore spot; Secondly, their systemic action is also more effective.

When asked in the pharmacy which is best to take rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids, pharmacists offer medicines containing anti-inflammatory agents. Because the main goal is to knock down the inflammatory process faster. After all, if it is not treated, it can go to cracks, bleeding and severe infections.

When cracks already appear, the person usually experiences painful sensations, which can sometimes become intolerable. In such cases, rectal suppositories are used , anti-inflammatory, but with the addition of analgesic components. Even better, if in the composition of such suppositories there are wound healing substances. They contribute to the regeneration of tissues, and hence to faster scarring of wounds and cracks.

Often pregnant women and nursing mothers delay with a visit to the doctor, thinking that they still can not take any medications. This, in fact, is not so. There are many medicines, in particular candles from hemorrhoids, which can be used when carrying a child, and when breastfeeding. Another thing is that choosing a medicine on your own, it is very difficult to understand among the huge number of available drugs. It is not always expedient to rely only on the advice of pharmacists. A doctor probably will advise several options that will not harm either mom or baby.

Most likely, it will be some homeopathic suppositories containing sparing amounts of certain medicinal plants. It can be: sea-buckthorn, essence of St. John's wort, fir, thuja, wormwood, yarrow, tea tree oil. Some of these plants relieve swelling and inflammation, others anesthetize, others help to heal wounds and cracks. But their action is mild and unlikely to cause side effects.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories with glycerol are often prescribed . This is expedient for two reasons. Firstly, glycerin softens stretched after defecation of the muscles of the anus (it is when they stretch, cracks and micro-traumas are formed). Secondly, glycerin softens the stools, thereby preventing the appearance of constipation. It is because of constipation that muscles can stretch, with all the ensuing consequences.

In some rectal suppositories add anti-inflammatory adrenaline. He well stops bleeding. But you need to be careful with older people, because adrenaline raises the pressure, and patients prone to increased blood pressure are better off using other means.

Propolis suppositories, like a blood-restoring and anesthetic, have also proven successful. In addition, propolis is useful for removing inflammation, and repairing damaged tissues.

In any case, the doctor is able to better assess the patient's health and prescribe the appropriate drugs.

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