
One ppm of alcohol is a lot or a little?

For about ten years our entire country has been arguing about how much per mille alcohol can be in the blood of the driver. Drivers, the government, doctors and inspectors of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - everyone has their own point of view and everyone believes that he is right. Where is the truth? What will end these disputes, until the end of no one knows. And, in the end, 1 ppm of alcohol - this is a lot or not yet?

That's exactly what is known, this is that alcohol on the road to the good does not bring. The statistics of traffic accidents speaks for itself. Thousands of dead, tens of thousands, injured and left disabled. This is a sufficient argument in favor of absolute sobriety behind the wheel, for 0 ppm of alcohol. But not everything is as straightforward as it seems. We live in Russia, we can not have everything smoothly, we always have mystery.

Let's start with the main one. Alcohol is alcohol-containing beverages of different strengths. Getting into the human body, it affects the nervous system, disables self-control. Under his influence, criticism is reduced, motivation is violated. A person begins to feel that "the sea is knee-deep," that he is capable of feats, that he is a genius, and no one understands him. Alcohol is in honor in many countries, but only for us, for some reason, this problem has taken on a serious social character.

The alcohol per mil (one thousandth of a share) is a measure in which the amount of alcohol in the blood is measured. A bottle of beer from a man gives about 0.3 ppm, and a woman has 0.5-0.6. Why is that? Because of the physiological characteristics. Male organism consists of water by 70%, and female only by 60%. And by weight, men are larger than women. There is also a peculiarity of perception and the speed with which the liver digests alcohol. Promille turns out different. A woman quickly loses reaction speed. Most of the ladies have problems with this, and then there's alcohol. But men should not relax and think that they are allowed more than women. At least because most women are well aware of their weaknesses. So, at the wheel try not to risk. But men almost always overestimate their capabilities, which ends pitifully.

A zero ppm of alcohol was introduced two years ago. But there is one more problem, which is not the main problem, but the person who collides with it can cause a lot of trouble. Firstly, it is the presence of endogenous alcohol in the blood, there are such people, whose body itself produces alcohol. This sometimes occurs with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The second is the errors that alcohol testers give. In either case, a person may face a fine.

There is an exit. It must be remembered that only a blood test can show an objective picture. If you are accused of taking alcohol, and you are 100% sure of yourself, you need to donate blood. Only then it will be found out whether there are notorious alcohol pimps or not.

Probably, we will argue for a long time, whether to introduce us the permissible value of ppm or leave it to zero. But everyone should remember: sitting behind the wheel of a car, he takes responsibility not only for his life, but also for the lives of others. And every driver for himself should become the hardest alkotester.

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