HealthQuit Smoking

Not at all an inoffensive composition

Bad habit. This term is used in connection with various concepts. And one of them is smoking tobacco or tobacco products. But the tobacco itself is not only in cigarettes or cigars. There is a product called nasvai, which is very popular in Central Asia, and now very quickly finds its fans in Russia. This product also contains nicotine, since the composition of nasaws is based on tobacco or makhorka. There are also in its composition and products such as slaked lime, plant ash (eg, flax), vegetable oil, as well as camel's excrement and chicken droppings. Ashes, litter and lime are added to the composition of the nasal one in order to change the acidity of the environment. This, in turn, improves the absorption of nicotine into the blood, which occurs through the mucosa of the oral cavity. This product can be sold in the form of small, dirty-green "sticks" or "balls". It can also be in the form of a powder or a plastic mass.

Now on our streets you can meet a lot of something chewing people. Everyone is used to it. After all, chewing gum has long become an ordinary product, which, according to the advertisement, normalizes the acid-base balance. But some of these lovers chew have not quite the usual look. They have a very healthy blush, and their eyes glitter feverishly. In particular, this applies to adolescents. This is not the consequences of alcohol, but it's in the nasvaye. It is also put on chewing gum for the lower lip or for the cheek. And then after a while spit out the green saliva. And if this "product" gets into the stomach, then it can cause strong vomiting.

After all, the composition of nasovaya is inherently a composition of a light narcotic. Moreover, instead of tobacco you can use marijuana. But even without it, this product for teenagers is disastrous. And since when millions of migrant workers rushed to Russia, along with them in the vastness of this country appeared Andijan, Ferghana or Tashkent nasvay. In those parts, chewing green "balls" adolescents - is quite common. Adults do not even pay attention to them. And in Russian schools, especially in those where there are people from Asia, this phenomenon also gradually becomes ordinary. Children adopt this bad habit, not realizing the consequences of nasivaya.

Many people consider this potion as a substitute for cigarettes. But this "substitute" is not at all harmless. Take at least Uzbekistan. There are many people in this country who suffer from oral cancer. And 80% of them used this product. In addition, nasway is more addictive than ordinary cigarettes. After all, the composition of the nasivaya includes, in addition to tobacco, also binary components. And they greatly enhance the action of nicotine, and accordingly increase the dependence on this "product". And "breaking" from it does not go to any comparison with the withdrawal syndrome of the smoker. There are cases when students who have not used nasavi for a long time lost consciousness during the lessons.

But harm from nasvaya is not limited to cancer of the larynx, tongue or lips. Under its influence, teeth and their roots are also severely destroyed. Adolescents suffer from memory impairment, they have a delay in mental development and loss of balance. And the presence of animal excrement in this product can cause various intestinal infections and parasitic diseases, even such as viral hepatitis.

But while nasvaj and brings harm to health of people, it is practically impossible to fight with him at the moment. After all, he does not formally refer to drugs. And the staff of drug control can neither detain nor prosecute traffickers of this potion. And they are traded openly, along with spices in the markets of Russian cities. And although nasvay and is considered a cure for smoking, in fact, it is the first step to addiction. And at this time, all the hope for explanatory work among adolescents. It should be carried out by both teachers in schools and parents. Otherwise, the consequences can be most unpredictable.

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