
Noise in the head

Noise in the head is a disturbing and depressing phenomenon. Unfortunately, such a state is familiar to many. As a rule, noise in the head and ears is more typical for people in old age. However, as modern medical practice shows, people are more often affected by this disease younger people.

In the case when the noise in the head is provoked by a vascular neurosis, then, as a rule, it is associated with stress or weather change. In many women, this feeling accompanies the menstrual cycle.

Noise in the head. Causes. Treatment with folk methods

Stable high blood pressure causes significant damage to small-bore arteries. The brain vessels are very sensitive to the increase in blood pressure: they lose their elasticity and become narrow. As a result, there is a decrease in the flow of blood enriched with oxygen to the brain. As a consequence, dizziness develops, noise in the head. Often, in this state, it is pulsating, accompanied by imbalance, pre-stupor states.

Treatment, as a rule, is aimed at stabilizing the pressure. However, first of all, a survey is conducted. Mainly, the biochemical composition of the blood, the functioning of the thyroid gland, heart and kidneys are analyzed.

To stabilize blood pressure, not only medicines, but also folk remedies can be used. So, at the raised pressure the tincture of fruits or flowers of hawthorn, yellow sweet clover, mint, balm and others is effective. However, before using any folk remedy, you need to consult a doctor.

In old age, the characteristic cause of noise in the head is vascular sclerosis. Efficient in this state, many believe tea from the roots and leaves of a dandelion. In addition, to substantially relieve the condition will help cleanse the body of high cholesterol.

Noise in many cases prevents a person from concentrating, depressing and distracting him. In order to get rid of discomfort, you need to know exactly where it comes from.

Unpleasant sensations in the ears can indicate the development of infection, damage to hair bulbs located in the inner ear. If the source of noise is the head, then this may indicate inflammation. And in that, and in another case it is recommended to address to LORu.

It should be noted that self-diagnosis and treatment are unacceptable, as it may be unsafe.

Noises in the head can appear at the initial stage of neurosis. This condition is associated with a violent activity of a person, frequent nervous overstrain, stress. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by chronic fatigue, irritability, impaired concentration. In such situations, the most effective treatment is rest, exclusion of stress and conflict. Thus, neurasthenia can be avoided.

If you experience discomfort and a sensation of noise once a week for several months, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Among the most common causes of the development of the condition should also be noted cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, the use of mustard plasters on the area above the shoulder blades, hot foot baths can alleviate the symptom. Also, many take tea with leaves of nettle, birch. However, it is recommended to take it in the afternoon or in the morning.

If noise occurs against a background of reduced pressure, a cup of coffee or strong tea can bring relief. It is also recommended that you take before dinner and breakfast twenty or thirty drops of tincture of Chinese magnolia vine or an extract of Eleutherococcus.

The undoubted role is played by proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

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