Health, Diseases and Conditions
Myoma of the cervix ^ Causes and Symptoms
Myoma of the cervix is a benign tumor that is diagnosed in almost half of the patients seeking help from a gynecologist. As a rule, this disease occurs most often in women of childbearing age. Transition of a tumor to a malignant one is observed only in 1% of cases.
Causes of the disease
The most common myoma of the cervix arises:
After abortion;
With various diseases, one way or another associated with the cardiovascular system;
With hormonal disorders;
After endometriosis;
Due to hereditary predisposition;
With iron deficiency anemia;
When the menstrual cycle is disturbed;
After cesarean section;
At excess weight;
With prolonged use of intrauterine spirals or improperly selected hormonal contraceptives.
From the above reasons it can be concluded that myoma of the cervix can be detected even in a healthy woman.
How myoma develops
This tumor is formed from the muscular cells of the uterus, which eventually begin to uncontrollably share. Soon the myoma develops. If 3 cells were subjected to division, then the nodes will be the same. This disease is called "multiple uterine fibroids".
Myoma of the cervix: symptoms
Absolutely every woman must know that at the very initial stage of the disease, while cervical myoma is very treatable, there are practically no clinical signs of her presence in the female body. As a rule, it can be detected only with gynecological examination - the uterus and cervix become more dense and enlarged in size.
Over time, when the disease begins to progress, the following signs of the disease appear:
The duration of menstruation and the amount of secretions, which are caused by the weakening of the contractile function of the uterine muscles, due to the growing myoma, increase. In general, many women perceive this symptom as a matter of course and do not rush to address a doctor. The danger of increasing the number of secretions is covered in the occurrence of anemia.
Against the background of the first symptom may appear the second - the occurrence of acyclic bleeding of the uterine mucosa, which because of the presence of the tumor is in an irritated state.
Soreness in the lower back and lower abdomen. If the myoma of the cervix is very large, the woman will experience aching pain throughout most of the menstrual cycle.
In advanced cases, fibroid proliferation occurs on the rectum or on the bladder. Thus there is a feeling of compression of these organs, in connection with which there are constipation and difficulty with urination.
After determining the nature, speed and shape of the tumor, the doctor decides on the method of treatment - either resort to conservative, or (in neglected cases) to the operative.
Indication for the operation:
Abundant menstrual blood loss, leading to anemia.
Accelerated growth rate and large tumor size.
With a conservative method of treatment, the patient is prescribed a diet based on raw fruits and vegetables, iron-containing and hormone preparations.
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