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Social hazards. Classification of social hazards

The reality is that every society, without exception, faces certain dangers that surrounds the surrounding world. They have different sources of origin, differ in nature and intensity, but they are united by the fact that, if ignored, the consequences can be catastrophic. Even the most insignificant at first sight social threat can lead to popular revolt, armed conflicts and even to the disappearance of the country from the map of the Earth.

Definition of the concept of "danger"

To understand what it is, you must first give the term definition. "Danger" is one of the fundamental categories of the science of life safety. In addition, it should be noted that most authors agree that threats along with ways to protect against them are the subject of study of the same science.

According to SI Ozhegov, danger is the possibility of the onset of something bad, some misfortune.

Such a definition is very conditional and does not reveal the entire complexity of the concept under consideration. For a comprehensive analysis, it is necessary to give the term a deeper definition. Danger in a broad sense can be interpreted as real or potential phenomena, processes or events that can really harm each individual, a certain group of people, the entire population of a particular country or the world community as a whole. This harm can be expressed in the form of material damage, the destruction of spiritual and moral values and principles, the degradation and involution of society.

The term "danger" does not need to be confused with the "threat". Despite the fact that these are related concepts, "threat" means an openly expressed plan of a person to harm physically or materially another person or society as a whole. Thus, this is a danger that passes from the stage of probability to the stage of reality, that is, already existing, existing.

Object and subject of danger

Considering the dangers, it is necessary to take into account the interaction of their subject, on the one hand, and the object - on the other.

The subject is its carrier or source, as individuals, social environment, technical sphere, and also nature.

Objects, in turn, are those on which the threat or danger (the person, the social environment, the state, the world community) spreads .

It should be noted that a person can be both a subject and an object of danger. Moreover, it has a security commitment. In other words, he is its "regulator".

Classification of hazards

To date, there are about 150 names of potential hazards, and this, according to some authors, is not a complete list. In order to develop the most effective measures that would prevent or at least reduce their negative consequences and negative impact on humans, it is expedient to organize them. Classification of hazards is one of the central themes of the discussion of specialists. Nevertheless, numerous heated debates up to the present time have not brought the expected results - a generally accepted classification has not been developed.

According to one of the most complete typology, there are the following types of hazards.

Depending on the nature of the origin:

  • Natural, caused by natural phenomena and processes, peculiarity of the relief, climatic conditions;
  • Environmental, caused by any changes occurring in the natural environment, which adversely affect its quality;
  • Anthropogenic, arising as a result of human activities and its direct impact on the environment through the use of various technical means;
  • Man-caused, arising in response to the production and economic activities of people at sites related to the technosphere.

The intensity is distinguished:

  • Dangerous;
  • Very dangerous.

In terms of coverage, there are:

  • Local (within a specific locality);
  • Regional (within a particular region);
  • Inter-regional (within several regions);
  • Global, affecting the whole world.

In terms of duration:

  • Periodic or temporary;
  • Constant.

According to the perception of human senses:

  • Perceived;
  • Not felt.

Depending on the number of people at risk:

  • Individual;
  • Group;
  • Massive.

What can be said about the classification of social hazards

Social dangers, or as they are also called public, are heterogeneous in nature. However, there is one feature that unites them all: they carry a threat to a huge number of people, even if at first glance it seems that they are directed directly at a particular person. For example, a person using drugs, doomed to suffer not only himself, but also his relatives, friends and friends, forced to live in fear because of the "vice" of a person who is not indifferent and loved by them.

Threats are numerous, which necessitates their ordering. Today there is no generally accepted classification. However, one of the most common typologies notes the following types of social dangers.

  1. Economic - poverty, hyperinflation, unemployment, mass migration, etc.
  2. Political - separatism, excessive manifestation of nationalism, chauvinism, the problem of national minorities, national conflicts, extremism, genocide, etc.
  3. Demographic - the growth of a huge population of the planet, illegal migration, which is currently reaching horrendous proportions, overpopulation in some countries, on the one hand, and the extinction of nations, on the other, so-called social diseases, which include, for example, tuberculosis and AIDS and Other
  4. Family - alcoholism, homelessness, prostitution, domestic violence, drug addiction, etc.

Alternative classification of social hazards

They can be classified according to a number of other principles.

By nature there are social dangers:

  • Effects on the human psyche (cases of blackmail, extortion, fraud, theft, etc.);
  • Related to physical violence (cases of banditry, racketeering, terror, robbery, etc.);
  • Generated by the storage, use and distribution of narcotic or other psychoactive substances (drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, banned smoking mixtures, etc.);
  • Arising mainly as a result of unprotected sexual acts (AIDS, venereal diseases, etc.).

By sex and age distinguish the dangers characteristic of:

  • Children;
  • Teenagers;
  • Men / women;
  • People of advanced age.

Depending on the preparation (organization):

  • Planned;
  • Involuntary.

Knowing the types of hazards is important. This will allow timely action to be taken to prevent or quickly eliminate them.

Sources and causes of social hazards

Health and life of people can be threatened not only by natural hazards, but also by social ones. Attention follows all types, since their ignoring can lead to disastrous consequences. Sources of danger are still called prerequisites, the main of which are various social and economic processes taking place in society. These processes, in turn, are not spontaneous, but are conditioned by the actions of a person, that is, by his actions. These or other actions depend on the level of intellectual development of a person, his prejudices, moral and moral values, the totality of which ultimately determines and outlines his behavior in the family, group and society. Misconduct, or rather deviant, is a deviation from the norm and creates a real threat to others. Thus, it can be argued that imperfection of human nature is one of the most important sources of social dangers.

Often, the causes of social dangers, unrest, escalating into conflicts, lie in the need or lack of something. These include, for example, the pathological shortage of money, the lack of adequate living conditions, the lack of attention, respect and love from close and dear people, the impossibility of self-realization, unrecognized, constantly worsening problem of inequality in society, ignoring and reluctance of authorities to understand and solve difficulties, With which the population of the country faces every day, and so on.

Considering the causes of social threats, it is necessary to rely on the principle that "everything influences everything", that is, the sources of danger are all animate and inanimate, threatening people or nature in all its diversity.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the main sources of danger are:

  • Processes, as well as phenomena that are of natural origin;
  • Elements that make up the technogenic environment;
  • Actions and actions of a person.

The reasons for which some objects suffer to a greater extent, while others do not suffer at all, depend on the specific properties of these objects.

What is the social danger of crime?

Figures showing the annual growth of crime in the world, just amazing imagination and involuntarily make you think about the meaning of life. Everyone can become a victim of illegal, violent acts, regardless of gender, age, race or religion. Here, rather, we are talking about the case, and not about the pattern. Aware of the seriousness of the situation and the responsibility that adults bear for the life and health of children, they try to explain to their children as thoroughly as possible what the social danger of crime is, what can result in negligence, excessive self-confidence or lightheadedness. Every child should realize that a crime is a conscious act directed against one person or a group of persons. It is socially dangerous, and the perpetrator who committed the atrocity is obliged to incur an appropriate punishment.

In the classical sense, crime is the most dangerous manifestation of deviant behavior, which causes significant damage to society. Crime, in turn, is an act of encroachment on public order. Violations of the law are not natural dangers. They do not arise due to natural phenomena that are not subject to man, but consciously proceed from the personality and are directed against it. Crime "blooms" in a society in which the poor are prevalent, vagrancy is widespread, the number of disadvantaged families is increasing , and drug addiction, alcoholism and prostitution are not perceived by much of society as something extraordinary.

The main types of socially dangerous crimes

Crimes, undoubtedly, represent serious social dangers. Belarusian Railways (life safety) notes the following most common crimes that have a negative impact on the environment: terror, fraud, robbery, blackmail, rape.

Terror - violence with the use of physical force until death.

Fraud is a crime, the essence of which lies in the seizure of another's property through deception.

Robbery is a crime, the goal of which is also the acquisition of another's property. However, unlike fraud, robbery involves the use of violence, which is dangerous for people's health or life.

Blackmail is a crime that involves the threat of exposing a person in order to obtain from him various kinds of material or non-material goods.

Rape - a crime that is a violent sexual intercourse, during which the victim is in a helpless state.

Brief description of the main types of social hazards

Recall that social hazards include: drug addiction, alcoholism, venereal diseases, terror, fraud, robbery, blackmail, rape, etc. Consider these threats to public order in more detail.

  • Addiction is one of the most powerful dependencies of a person. Addiction to such substances is a serious disease, almost untreatable treatment. The individual who uses drugs in a state of such intoxication does not give an account of his actions. His consciousness is clouded, and movements are inhibited. At the time of euphoria, the line between reality and sleep is blurred, the world seems beautiful, and life is iridescent. The stronger this sensation, the quicker the habituation becomes. However, drugs are not cheap "pleasure". In search of means to purchase the next dose, a drug addict is capable of stealing, extortion, robbery for profit, and even murder.
  • Alcoholism - a disease that comes as a result of addiction to alcoholic beverages. Alcoholics are characterized by gradual mental degradation, associated with the emergence of a number of specific diseases. The peripheral and central nervous system suffers significantly. The alcoholic doesomed to torture not only himself, but his entire family.
  • Venereal diseases - AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. Their social danger lies in the fact that they spread with great speed and threaten the health and life not only of the patients themselves, but also of mankind as a whole. Among other things, often patients hide from the people around the truth about their health condition, irresponsibly enter into sexual relations with them, thereby spreading the infection at a tremendous rate.

Protection from social hazards

In his daily life, a person inevitably encounters these or other threats. Today we are considering social dangers. The Belarusian Railways, that is, protection against them, is one of the most important functions of any state. Officials, other statesmen are obliged to ensure the safety of the population, which delegated them the right to rule. Their immediate duties include the development and implementation of measures, as well as preventive measures, whose purpose is to prevent or eliminate various hazards. Practice has shown that ignoring or neglecting social threats leads to the fact that the situation in society is significantly exacerbated, becomes almost uncontrollable and passes over time into an extreme stage, acquires features and characteristics of an emergency situation. Social hazards are everywhere waiting for humanity. Examples of the life of drug addicts, alcoholics, criminals should always remind us that we are responsible for what is happening around us and are obliged to help the needy and the destitute as much as possible. Only by joint efforts can the world be made better.

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