
Morphological analysis of the noun

The morphological analysis of the noun's name implies the fulfillment of the complete grammatical characteristic of the noun. It must be remembered that the morphological analysis of the noun is necessary in the context.

To successfully perform a morphological analysis of a noun, you need to know:

• what morphological features are characteristic for the noun;

• which of these signs are permanent, unchanged, and characteristic of all nouns in general;

• which of these signs are unstable, changeable, and characteristic of a given word form;

• What role does it play in the proposal?

It is necessary to be able to:

• determine the initial form of the noun;

• find constant signs that are peculiar to him;

• determine the variable characteristics characteristic of this part of speech;

• Establish the syntactic role of the noun in the sentence.

To perform the correct morphological analysis of the noun, one can use the scheme of its morphological analysis:

1. To name the part of the speech to which the word proposed for parsing belongs, its general grammatical meaning, to which question it answers.

2. Indicate the initial form of the noun.

3. To name its morphological features:


- name common / proper ;

- Inanimate / animate;

- declination;

- gender (female, male, general, not determined).

Unstable signs of a noun:

- case;

Is a number.

4. Specify the syntactic role of the noun in the sentence.

Note! Carrying out the morphological analysis of the noun, it must be written along with the preposition that will help to indicate the case correctly. The preposition should be put in brackets. For example: (y) river.

When identifying such permanent features as "common" or "own," there are certain difficulties when performing the analysis of the noun that is part of the phrase. In this case, the formulation is given: the noun is a part of the name expressed by the phrase.

Morphological analysis of the noun will look like this: (Moscow) nights - a noun, means an object: what? Evenings. The initial form is evening. It is part of its own name (the phrase "adjective + noun").

When determining such a constant sign as "animate" or "inanimate", one must rely on the questions of who? Or what? Another criterion is the semantic: animate nouns denote objects of living nature, while inanimate ones are inanimate.

But still the main difference is grammatical: the animate nouns have the same form of the accusative and genitive case in the plural, and the inanimate ones of the nominative and accusative plural . For example: (see) whom? what? Dolls, sheep, children - animate, (see) whom? what? Grass, tables, noses.

The genus can be determined by substituting pronouns - it - it - it or mine - mine - mine. A separate group are nouns of the general genus (ending in -a: sloven, ignorant and others). In words of foreign origin, the genus is defined by its meaning.

The declension of nouns is not determined if they are used exclusively in the plural. Ten nouns in the -ma (tribe, flame and others) and the noun "way" refer to the different. Also do not forget about indecent nouns: names of masculine animals (chimpanzees), objects of the middle genus (coffee). The genus of proper nouns is determined by the substitution of common nouns for them. For example: the country of the Congo.

The case and number are non-permanent signs, therefore, performing the morphological analysis of the noun, before the enumeration they put the word "used".

A sample of written analysis

A rare bird will reach the middle of the Dnieper.

The bird is a creature.

1. (Who?) A bird. N. f. - the bird.

2. Constant: pronounced, animated, feminine. Genus, 1 scl. Non-state: im. Etc., singular.

3. (Who?) The bird.

(Before) the middle-noun.

1. (Up to what?) (Before) the middle. N. f. - The middle.

2. Constant: narytsat., Neodush., Zhensk.rod, 1 scl. Non-state: generic, singular

3. (Up to what?) (Before) the middle.

Sample of oral parsing

Bird is a noun.

1.It means the object: (who?) The bird. The initial form is a bird.

2. Permanent morphological features are the following: common, animate, 1 declension, feminine gender. Used in the singular, nominative case.

3. In the sentence acts as a subject.

The (middle) is the noun.

1. Indicates the subject: (to what?) (Before) the middle. The initial form is the middle.

2. Permanent morphological features are the following: common, inanimate, 1 decline, feminine gender. Used in the singular, genitive case.

3. In the sentence acts as a complement.

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