EducationThe science

Molecular biology is a science that studies the role of mitochondria in metabolism

Living matter is a harmonious multi-level system in which each subsequent link is manifested by the complication of the structure and functions of the previous levels. Especially significant are metabolic processes occurring in cellular organelles, for example, in the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes. Both cytology and molecular biology consider them. It is a science that studies the role of mitochondria in metabolism.

We will dwell on the features of the molecular and cellular nature of the organization of nature. They are the basis for more complex levels. Also, we will find out how the synthesis and splitting processes take place in the cell. Next, determine which organelles are responsible for catabolic reactions. The answers to these questions will be given by molecular biology, a science that studies the role of mitochondria in metabolism.

Metabolism and energy in the cell

Living organisms exist due to the ingestion of their tissues, organs and cells of nutrients. Under the action of enzymes they are cleaved in special organoids - mitochondria, present in all eukaryotic cells. In this case, energy is released, some of which is dissipated in the form of heat, and the remaining portion passes into the form of ATP or NADPH molecules. It is spent on growth, movement, reproduction, etc. Biological science, which studies the role of mitochondria in metabolism, has proved their importance in the synthesis of energy.

How the structure of mitochondria determines its function

Externally, the organelles are like disks, sticks or filaments. These are, for example, in myofibrils or cells of protozoa: ciliates, flagellates. The organoid consists of two membranes, the inner part contains a matrix and folds-cristae with ATP-soms, including an enzymatic complex. He is responsible for the synthesis of molecules of adenosine triphosphate. Molecular biology - a science that studies the role of mitochondria in metabolism, found that primary reactions occur in the matrix, and the direct formation of ATP occurs on the crystals of the organelles.

Why are mitochondria called power cells?

To synthesize energy, it is necessary to transfer H + ions from the outer, positively charged surface of the organoid, to the folds of the inner membrane carrying negative charges. This process catalyzes the molecules of the enzymatic system of H + - ATPase, through the membrane channels of which the hydrogen cations move. They cause the oxidative phosphorylation reaction. This is the addition of phosphate acid to ADP, which leads to the formation of ATP molecules, the main energy substance of the cells. The science that studies the role of mitochondria in metabolism is molecular biology. She experimentally confirmed the main importance of these organelles in metabolism and energy in cells.

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