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Ivan Alekseevich Bunin: analysis of the poem "The Last Bumblebee"

The artistic perception of nature IA Bunin very subtly showed exactly in his poetry, from which, in principle, he began his creative career. Here he showed the characteristic features of his poetic and literary talent. In his lyrical works there are gentle and subtle notes of harmony and optimism, where the laws of the life of human nature are freely perceived. Bunin absolutely does not doubt that only in the confluence with nature can you feel the strong threads of contact with life and come to an understanding of the plan of God. Bunin's poem "The Last Bumblebee" is a good example of this. Its name immediately adjusts to a wave of mild sadness and melancholy, withering and ending, which, according to the planned course of the plot of the poem, receive a smooth and melodious development.

Bunin: analysis of the poem "The Last Bumblebee"

This poem consists of three stanzas, each of which contains a separate composition part. The first can be considered an introduction, it immediately gives an idea of the course of the hero's reflections and determines his complex psychological state.

Together with his hero he feels these fading colors of the soul and Bunin. Analysis of the poem "The Last Bumblebee" says that the bumblebee becomes an assistant and conductor of the melancholic state of the hero. The insect has become a symbol of withdrawal, anguish and death. Why such sadness and sorrow? This secret will open a little later, already at the very end of the work. For now, there is a call to the imaginary interlocutor to rejoice and enjoy the magnificent serene and hot, but last, summer days. And, in the end, after catching all these bright moments, he will have to fall asleep forever. How quickly time will fly for this insect, so man's life is one moment, and he will already be like that bumblebee euthanized by nature.

The second quatrain is filled with bright life tones and colors, but they contrast sharply with the theme of rapid withering, why the human soul becomes terribly and lonely, and all the more painful from the thought of an unexpected and imminent death.

Inevitable sadness

And, finally, the third stanza puts everything in its place, and, more precisely, brings the topic to its logical conclusion. Where does this sadness come from? Because a person sooner or later comes to the understanding that life is fleeting, and therefore it begins to overcome the thought of frailty and fleetingness of it. After all, summer warmth and joy will soon be replaced by the piercing and cold wind of autumn, and the bumblebee, as an integral part of a happy and happy time, will be killed by the ruthless forces of the harsh laws of nature.

Here Bunin himself surpasses himself. Analysis of the poem "The Last Bumblebee" says that the author seems to regret his lyrical hero. The bumblebee will soon disappear, and from a deep understanding of this comes severe pain and regret. That's how life, before it starts, sometimes in its heyday can disappear, since death will come at the most unexpected moment.

A metaphorical image of a bumblebee

Ivan Bunin "The Last Bumblebee" created on the basis of metaphorical artistic expressiveness. Without an attractive image of a bumblebee, it would not be so beautiful and soulful, it is for the author a mute interlocutor to whom the writer asks rhetorical questions.

Very accurately used phonetic means of expressiveness - with the help of hissing and hissing sounds, the writer conveys the behavior of the bumblebee - "mournful rumble", as well as the autumn "grim wind".

This verse is very piercing and alarming, suggestive of philosophical thoughts. This, most likely, Bunin expected. Analysis of the poem "The Last Bumblebee" says that it was created after the model of philosophical lyrics, where the eternal questions of the transience of life and the inevitability of death are touched upon, and in the period of adolescence one must enjoy every moment of earthly existence.

"The Last Bumblebee." History of creation

Bunin began writing poetry from the age of seven. When the writer created this poem, at that time he was 46 years old, he already knew what to tell his reader, the more he was a true master of beautiful syllables. Here it should be noted very important: Bunin twice awarded the literary Pushkin Prize (in 1903 and 1909), and he was an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg in the class of elegant literature. And, most importantly, in 1933 Bunin became the Nobel Prize laureate.

Incredibly, Bunin's poem "The Last Bumblebee" was written on June 26, 1916. It was literally a year before the October Revolution that he had a premonition, but did not suspect that very soon Russia would almost perish for Bunin exactly in the form in which he passionately loved her, and would be in the chaos of destruction, defamation and fratricidal war . Probably, therefore, at the subconscious level, he was in a depressed and depressed state. Even then he ceased to feed illusions about a cloudless future.

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