
Marconi Guglielmo: inventions, interesting facts, biography

Who is Marconi Guglielmo? Not everyone of us knows the truly great achievements of this person, his life path and discoveries in the world of data transmission. No one even suspected that in a few years this small, but not for years smart boy will become an inventor and bring his contribution to the formation of the modern world. Despite the disagreements with the parents, Marconi, who had arisen at the youth, they did not cease to be proud of their son.

Guglielmo told the public about his invention only after more than two years. What moved him, when he hid his achievement, no one knows. Perhaps he was trying to improve it or did not consider it necessary to show it right now. Nevertheless, it was on the day of his experiment that he conducted a so-called radio session with the French, being in the territory of modern England. Naturally, the opening made the French nervous, because they considered themselves the main inventors.

Guglielmo Marconi: Biography

The inventor was born in an ordinary landowner's family with an average income in April 1874. At that time, none of his relatives had any idea what this boy would achieve in a few years. The family at the time of Guglielmo's birth resided in Bologna, and the boy's father was already married for the second time. Guglielmo was the second son, and therefore the attitude of his parents towards him was supportive and almost all his petty pranks were said goodbye. Noticing his son's desire to explore the world around him, his father decided not to send the boy to a regular school, but to leave him at home school. Thanks to the available funds, the father of the future inventor Guglielmo Marconi was able to hire him good teachers and educators. Throughout the training, the teachers celebrated the extraordinary mind of the boy, the desire for exact sciences and his perseverance in studying subjects.

Disagreements with parents

Up to a certain point, the father considered his second son to be a very clever and educated boy, but his child's hasty decision greatly upset his father. The fact is that, despite all the exhortations of the parents, Marconi Guglielmo decided not to enter the university, but submitted his documents to the most ordinary technical school. Naturally, this greatly undermined his authority in the family, because the father, however, like his mother, saw him either as a lawyer or as a businessman.

Experiments with electricity

Young Marconi Guglielmo was very fond of experiments with electricity, which they conducted in practical classes at the technical school. Particularly impressed by the guy experiments such famous people as James Clerk Maxwell, Heinrich Hertz, Edward Branly and, of course, Oliver Lodge. However, the greatest surprise and delight was caused by experiments with two balls, which were electrified, and an electric spark jumped between them. In the course of this experiment, small periodic oscillations and pulses appeared, called Hertz waves. Even then, the young inventor thought about using such waves to transmit a signal.

Years after graduation from technical school

Since after finishing the technical school, the young inventor did not have the necessary funds to study and diagnose oscillations and impulses, he had to move to England in a hurry. This decision was due to the fact that at home, he could not reach the heights he had always sought. The inventor did not even think that for several decades he will conduct over a painstaking study of oscillations and periodic pulses.

Customs and the first days in England

However, as soon as a young and inexperienced native from Italy came to the territory of England, his local customs seized him. Particular attention was drawn to his black huge suitcase, in which Marconi Guglielmo kept his invention. At the request of the young inventor to be more careful with the contents of baggage, the customs of England did not react. In an attempt in broken English to explain what is there, Guglielmo once again failed. All contents of the black suitcase were gutted, broken and thrown into the nearest trash can.

Few people know that the inventor came to England also on the advice of his scientific leader Augusto Riga. Since his mentor was a professor at the Institute of Physics at the University of Bologna, he could not quit his job and break into the Foggy Albion. For some time the inventors communicated and passed on to each other the information obtained in the course of the experiment.

The reaction of Italy to the flight of Marconi Guglielmo

Having learned that their citizen made the move to another country, the Italian authorities reacted instantly. Literally a few days later Guglielmo received a summons to the army and a demand to appear at the specified place without fail. How did the young inventor react?

Thanks to the ingenuity of his mentor in Riga, Marconi was able to get into the confidence in the leadership of the Italian Naval Academy and promised to cooperate with the authorities. The main promise of the inventor was the creation in the near future of something that would certainly play a role in the speedy advancement of the career ladder of the chief of this school.

Thomas Edison in the version of Marconi Guglielmo

Promising the boss success, Marconi began to work hard on his invention. Literally after some time the head of the college invited Guglielmo to the territory of the naval base to demonstrate his invention. When the preparations were in full swing, the participants in the process were amazed at the news that the King and Queen of Italy would soon arrive to familiarize themselves with the invention.

For the first time it was possible to pick up a signal for a distance of 18 km, which frankly impressed the King of Italy. Being still under the impression of what he saw, the head of state arranged a dinner and an entertainment program in honor of the inventor. A few days later, an amount of 15,000 pounds was transferred to Marconi's account in exchange for the right of the Italian fleet to use his invention.

Marconi Guglielmo: radio and the attention of the royal family

Over the following years, the inventor equipped the Prince of Wales yacht with special radio equipment, after which he sent telegrams daily to the island of Walter. At that time, the Queen was troubled by the Queen's trauma, but Guglielmo Marconi's invention of radio helped her get information about her child's health every day.

After the end of the competition, Prince Edward presented this yacht as a gift for Marconi Guglielmo. Until the end of life, the inventor used this gift as his own floating laboratory.

Marconi Guglielmo: Interesting Facts

Literally 110 years ago the data transmission signal crossed the border of the English Channel. After this successful operation, the inventor received the favor of the authorities and fame. After 6 months of hard work, Marconi was able to increase the radio transmission distance to 150 miles. And already in the beginning of 1901 he established wireless contact between settlements on the coast of the territory of England.

In 1902, the inventor transmitted a signal from west to east across the Atlantic. Thanks to successful work and long tests, as early as 1907, the inventor opens his own company of the transatlantic data transmission service. For hard work Guglielmo and his friend Ferdinand Brown are awarded the Nobel Prize in physics.

The post of commander of the navy

During the First World War, the inventor received several military missions, and soon was appointed commander of the navy of Italy. Since, without proper education, one can not completely manage the fleet, Marconi Guglielmo, whose inventors allowed him to lead the program for the transmission and receipt of telegrams, used his skills during the war. And after 10 years of hard work, Guglielmo establishes the first radiotelephone microwave connection.

The inventor left our world in 1937, on July 20. At the time of his death Marconi was 63 years old. Undoubtedly, it was a great man, and his heritage is being improved every year.

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