
Problem: Flash Player 11 is not installed

Installed on the computer Adobe Flash Player is a prerequisite for a comfortable visit to any resources on the Internet. After all, the work of many of them is based just on the basis of this plugin. Without it, in most cases it is impossible to play videos, screensavers and run flash games. Also, without this application, the design of sites having a complex design is incorrectly displayed. The latter can create an additional strain on the eyes, or, at a minimum, make it difficult to travel the world wide web, making them less colorful.

Why there are problems

Unfortunately, with all the indispensability, popular software carries a lot of problems. Numerous errors caused by obsolete (and in some cases, on the contrary, new) Adobe, can spoil a lot of nerves. Because of vulnerabilities in the program code, the application is constantly exposed to the actions of intruders. This is one of the reasons why developers have to constantly release updates. Therefore, the versions of the plug-in quickly become obsolete, and from time to time, when we reproduce the videos, we are offered to update it. Here the real problems begin.

There are cases when even experienced users do not install Flash Player. This can happen both at the beginning and at the very end of the installation process. It even happens that the installation window opens and then disappears. The last sign unambiguously indicates the presence of viruses. Most likely, the user downloaded the malicious program under the guise of the installation file. This happens if you look for an update for the player on unreliable sites or go through questionable links.

Problem: Flash Player 11 is not installed

There are many reasons for the occurrence of problems, in addition to the already described case of the virus. You can secure yourself here only if you download the installation file from the official developer site. This resource has a spoken name and is at the top of the search terms.

Not the least role in the plug-in is played by its compatibility with the browser itself. In such cases, Flash Player is not installed or "flies" after a certain period of time. Obviously, the new version of Adobe is unlikely to work correctly with obsolete or never updated browsers. Therefore, it is so important to download in a timely manner new versions of not only a flash player, but also compatible with it software. You can check the installed version of your browser in the help / help window.

It's important to remember that, for example, Mozilla and Opera use completely different versions of the flash player. You can not install it right away for all browsers on your computer. So if you alternately use one or the other, you will have to install separately in each case.

But even if the user does everything right, it does not always guarantee him no problems. Sometimes whatsoever you do with a computer, it still does not install Flash Player. The solution in such extreme cases is the complete removal of the application and the subsequent installation "clean". It is better to use a special utility to uninstall. You can also download it on the official Adobe website.

Installation process

When downloading it is necessary to pay attention to the last three digits in the name of the plug-in - so its version is indicated. In addition, along with Adobe comes antivirus from the same developers. Surely you already use another protection program, so you can safely remove the tick in front of it. Another thing that deserves special attention is the line "Your system". If it's a different browser, enter your own.

After running the installation window, the program will require you to close the current browser. It is best to follow her advice, and by doing so. Otherwise, the installation does not complete correctly. It does not hurt after that to call the task manager and check through it the existing processes. Many people know that sometimes the browser icon continues to be there even after closing. This process must be completed manually.

Sometimes users have slow or no installation of Flash Player due to anti-virus intervention. This protection should be turned off for a while. Account control and firewall - too. Remember that there should be only one installation process in the task manager. Some people mistakenly click on the icon several times, after which the window "hangs up". Superfluous processes need to be closed.

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