Sports and Fitness, Weight loss
Mandarin diet for 3 days and 7 days. Mandarin diet for weight loss: reviews
Many of us have heard about what a mandarin diet is. Sunny fragrant fruits are in our markets all year round. And this means that you can use this method at any time. Losing with it, people understand that a diet, it turns out, can be very tasty.
The benefits of tangerines
Delicious fragrant fruit is often used in various diets. They are low-calorie, but they contain a lot of useful substances for us. For example, in mandarins there is a mass of vitamins, such as A, C, K, B1. Also, they contain such vital microelements as potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus. This is a plant product. And this means that he is very rich in fiber, which acts like a broom in our body, relieving him of toxins, toxins, and harmful substances. With all the nutritional value of this fruit contains very few calories - 50 calories per 1 piece. Therefore, with full confidence, we can say that the mandarin diet for weight loss is very effective. The body receives the nutrients it needs and is charged with energy. And this reserve is used in it completely, and does not go to fatty deposits on the waist, hips and abdomen.
Mandarin Relaxation Day
If you do not have allergies to citrus fruits, then you can start fighting with extra pounds. Armed with these fragrant fruits for this purpose. Once a week it is useful to arrange a day of unloading. This method helps cleanse the intestines and gives vitality. To do this, you need 1.5 kilograms of fresh mandarins. It is worth to divide this amount of fruit into five receptions. You need to consume them during the day, as soon as you feel the attack of hunger. You can and should drink as much as possible. As a liquid, it is recommended to use drinking water or freshly brewed green tea without sugar. For a day of such unloading, you can lose up to one kilogram of excess weight. True, it is possible that in a few days most of this weight will return. But still, if the method is used weekly, gradually the extra pounds will go away.
Mandarin diet for 3 days
This is an effective method of losing weight, despite the fact that it takes only 3 days. In addition to mandarins, it uses other fruits (apples, oranges), yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken eggs. Sample menu for one day:
1. Breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar, 1 tangerine.
2. The second breakfast: one egg, hard-boiled, 3 mandarins.
3. Lunch: curd casserole with tangerines, fruit salad of apples and oranges, sprinkled with lemon juice.
4. Afternoon snack: a glass of freshly squeezed tangerine juice.
5. Dinner: a glass of low-fat yogurt, 1 tangerine.
In between meals, you can drink water and green tea. All three days diet menu can be the same. And you can diversify it with other low-calorie diet products. This is a very good tangerine diet for weight loss. Reviews of people struggling with excess weight with this method, this is confirmed. Many with her help managed to get rid of 2 kg per week. But only to use it is often not recommended, as there may be problems with digestion.
Mandarin diet for 7 days
But here you can already diversify the menu and include in it boiled meat products. The main thing is that they are dietary, low-fat. This is usually a chicken breast, lean beef or fish (cod, haddock, pollock). The main thing here is to eat a little, but as often as possible. Most recommend a five-time meal. Sample menu for one day:
1. Breakfast: 1 fresh mandarin, 1 cup of green tea without sugar.
2. The second breakfast: 1 egg, hard-boiled, 3 small mandarins.
3. Lunch: boiled chicken breast (100-150 g), cabbage braised or sour (300 g), 1 cup of green tea, 1 tangerine.
4. Snack: 2 tangerines.
5. Dinner: a glass of low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese (100 g), 2 tangerines.
Between meals you can drink water and green tea that is not strong. In the following days, boiled chicken breast can be replaced with boiled beef or steam fish. Instead of stewed cabbage, you can serve any fresh or boiled vegetables, except potatoes. It can be beets, carrots, green peas, green beans, cauliflower or broccoli. You can also make a vinaigrette or mashed potatoes from these vegetables. This method allows you to lose 4 to 5 kilograms of excess weight per week.
Exit from the diet
During the time of restriction in nutrition, our body has rebuilt and began to live by the new rules. Therefore, it is very important to competently approach the topic of getting out of the diet. After all, if you immediately return to the previous diet, you can seriously damage your health. Metabolism is disturbed. Returning extra pounds is the most innocuous thing that can happen. The withdrawal from the mandarin diet should be carried out according to the following rules:
• continue to drink plenty of fluids, preferring unsweetened drinks;
• gradually introduce other fruits into the menu, in addition to mandarins;
• Do not increase sharply the calorie content of meals;
• continue to eat fresh tangerines, only in smaller quantities;
• Fruit can sometimes be replaced with freshly squeezed juices.
We fix the result
Many people think that it is only worth losing weight, and the extra pounds will never return. This statement is fundamentally wrong. After all, during the diet our body experiences great stress. In order to cope with it, he starts using reserve sources of energy, that is, stocks of fat. But soon the body adapts to the changed conditions and tries to make up for the life-force that has been spent. Usually it happens right after the diet. In this period, a losing person constantly wants to eat. Vegetables and fruit salads hunger is no longer satisfying. I want to eat fatty and high-calorie meals. Here you need to be very vigilant. Immediately after a diet, you can not return to your normal lifestyle and the usual diet. It is necessary to try to refuse high-calorie food even for a while. Replace the dinner with a glass of kefir. And it is obligatory to perform daily a half-hour complex of physical exercises aimed at strengthening all types of muscles.
Mandarin diet. Reviews of fitness trainers
I wonder what experts think about this method? It turns out that many fitness trainers recommend it to their clients. So, it is known that even the popular singer Philip Kirkorov often uses this technique when he wants to get rid of a few extra pounds. What is the secret of it? People engaged in fitness professionally say that most diets are designed for rapid weight loss. And the weight loss is mainly due to the reduction of muscle mass. And this is not very good. The exception to this rule is a mandarin diet for 7 days. After all, it contains lean protein products that will not allow us to "dry out" our muscles. In addition, mandarins are a good source of energy. If you use them in sufficient quantities, you will add vitality, which is more than enough for sports.
Reviews of slimming
And what do people who lose weight say about this method of combating excess pounds? Most of the reviews are positive. People say that the mandarin diet is especially effective for losing weight on the sides. With her help, even the most lazy person will lose a couple of extra inches in the waist. In these sunny fruits, enough sugar. Therefore, the stress of losing weight when using the technique is not experiencing. And all the negative comments about this diet are reduced to the fact that it is not suitable for everyone. After all, these fruits are very allergenic. People note that even those who did not have any food allergies before, had a rash on the body and itching. In addition, this method is contraindicated for consumers who have problems with digestion.
We found out that a mandarin diet is not only a very effective way to lose weight quickly, but also a delicious, aromatic menu. This technique helps recharge your life energy for a long time.
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