Spiritual developmentAstrology

Female Sagittarius, male Virgo: compatibility in pairs

A Sagittarius woman, a Virgo man - their compatibility in a couple is often questioned. After all, these are two people, completely different in mind and even in character. Surprisingly, the fact: the peace-loving and compromise Virgo rarely finds an approach to Sagittarius, which often makes their union impossible, and only an extreme situation is able to bring together representatives of the elements of the Earth and Fire. Why does this happen? Let's take a closer look.

Woman-Sagittarius, male-Virgo ... Compatibility in marriage - almost nonsense, that is, it is rarely happy. Virgo in this union is a sober half, this is the brain and reason of the couple. All the thoughts and actions of the man are aimed at getting a stable income and improving the financial position of the family. He is frugal, sometimes to greed, that can irritate the loving luxury and even unreasonable waste of a woman- Sagittarius. However, Sagittarius in Virgo is attracted to this reliability, as well as the innate mind. And the relationship at the initial stage may seem even ideal: a man seeks to earn, a woman - to spend with pleasure. But in the end, the economy will win, and Sagittarius will understand that large spending is not the destiny of its partner. And most of all in life this woman does not tolerate stinginess, whatever it may be justified!

The Sagittarius woman and the Deva-man in their relations experience the whole spectrum of emotions: from the admiration of the partner to the complete disappointment in him. As a result, both understand that they have chosen the wrong satellite, and leave the game painlessly, going in search of a more suitable partner.

The elements of the Earth - that's what drives the Virgo sign. The Sagittarius sign is governed by Fire. In other ways than love, these elements give the possibility of a strong union, but only when personal feelings do not interfere. Intellect and propensity to analyze Dev perfectly match with diligence and calmness of Streltsy, which is an excellent motivation for friendship or business partnership.

However, as the world astrological practice on the union "female Sagittarius, male Virgo" shows, their compatibility is more likely after partners reach the age of forty. It is then that the woman reaches that intellectual level that allows her to communicate with the Virgos on a par with, not attaching much importance to emotions and not giving them will. Do not forget that no matter who pretends to be Sagittarius, Its essence is a centaur. And this means that the freedom-loving animal will in some degree prevail over man. This bizarre interweaving of sublimity and commercialism, idealism and practicality will rather scare away than attract the Virgin.

In the "woman-Sagittarius, male-Virgo" union, compatibility depends on the willingness of the partners to submit to each other, to find exactly the balance that will suit both. Excessive criticism of a woman exasperates a male Virgo. To respond the same he is not capable, and to suffer silently very few people will like. However, a man in this pair can be boring, which also causes conflicts. And if everything is at an impasse, even beautiful sex can not hold together these on the verge of breaking the relationship.

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