Spiritual development, Astrology
Pluto in Scorpio: Characteristics
A mysterious dwarf planet exerts no less influence on the solar signs of the zodiac than other celestial bodies. How does Pluto influence the human being in Scorpio? What character traits do they show? Astrology provides answers to these questions.
Characteristics of the planet
Pluto strengthens the negative features of the sign of the zodiac. It weakens the action of other planets that are next to it. The force of the impact of a dwarf celestial body is compared by some astrologers with the action of Mars. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, here the planet is located "at home". The gloomy dwarf is responsible for all the gloominess, the susceptibility of a sign to a lie, the constant borderline state. Pluto in Scorpio gives man mystery and mystical appeal. Personality, born under the auspices of the planet, has a logical mindset, a craving for science and art.
People who were born under the sign of Scorpio in the management of Pluto, have the ability to "reborn from the ashes." That is, such individuals quickly recover after crisis situations and dangerous diseases. Pluto suppresses Venus, connecting with him in the solar sign of the zodiac. He makes a man stingy, hungry for power, money, love and satisfaction. In such a person everything is "too".
Pluto in Scorpio for a man
The representative of the sign under the control of Pluto is easy to recognize in the crowd. The man has a high growth and a heavy, "bearish" gait. These external features manifest themselves depending on how powerful Pluto is in the natal chart of a representative of the strong half of humanity. Such a man is a passionate, willing to get everything and immediately a person. He will not stop at anything in achieving this goal. Usually he is successful in all endeavors. However, if Pluto is not positioned correctly, there is a possibility of development of failures, excessive sensitivity.
If in a natal chart a man connects Pluto and Venus in Scorpio, then he can be described as a person who is constantly on the verge. For him there is no "golden mean". He perceives either white or black; Either "yes" or "no." With Pluto's unfavorable disposition, the man becomes self-centered, impermanent and cruel. In relations, he seeks to dominate, suppressing the partner and not respecting her wishes. Pluto shackles emotions, forcing a man to experience everything within himself. He does not give the opportunity to express feelings, because at first glance, the person seems unassailable.
Pluto in Scorpio in woman
Ladies born under the sign of Scorpio under the influence of Pluto, have a bright appearance, combined with a heavy, penetrating look in the soul. At the first meeting, the representative of the sign can push away with her coldness. But the subsequent communication shows how much she has a rich inner world, demonstrates how she knows how to feel. She thirsts for thrills, she strives for a cardinal change of appearance, engaged in extreme sports. In a relationship it is too jealous, passionate and vulnerable. Many representatives of the sign face intolerance and misunderstanding on the part of the elected.
Pluto in Scorpio in a woman makes her commit rash acts, use people for their own purposes. To get what she wants, she is able to "go head over". Mysterious and attractive, it stretches to everything mystical. In men it attracts passion and the ability to show emotions, to do things. While she herself can be a long time secretive and silent.
The negative influence of the planet
Pluto in the sign of Scorpio can have a negative impact on a person. In this scenario, the individual plunges into a depressed state, suffers from unrequited love, plunges into debauchery. A person begins to get involved in casual relationships, gets into criminal stories, becomes a tyrant. In relations with the opposite sex, the person manifests himself inadequately, leading to absurdity any manifestation of emotions. Spitfire and the desire to control every action exhausts both the representative of the sign and his partner. Pluto in Scorpio, if inappropriately positioned, either unnecessarily empowers a person, or makes him secretive and predisposed to self-flagellation. The influence of the planet can manifest itself not immediately, but after some negative situation: deception, betrayal. Here the person becomes vindictive and even more cruel.
The positive impact of Pluto
Man, born under the control of a dwarf planet, can arrange to himself. He is trusted, his opinion is listened to. Pluto in Scorpio endows the person with artistry, ability to science, insight. Many representatives of the sign achieve success in politics and business. With a strong Pluto, man has charisma, managerial qualities.
How to deal with the negative character traits, which Pluto bestows?
Astrologers recommend sending excessive emotionality to the channel of art. Dancing, singing, creating paintings, writing books and music - all this requires a great deal of energy. Art will help to suppress passion and jealousy, pain and resentment, misunderstanding from others. To avoid self-interest and greed, people with a pronounced Pluto are advised to choose a profession related to finance. Managing cash flows, they will be able to curb the desire to possess other people's material values.
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