Spiritual developmentMystic

Magic and mysticism: how to talk to a deceased person

Many leave us suddenly and very unexpectedly, there are some understatements, maybe you did not have time to apologize for any act, and maybe you just want to say goodbye for the last time. There is a belief that only the physical body dies, and the soul is immortal, and it will always be close to its loved ones. But how to talk to the deceased person? We will answer this question in this article.


Before we ask ourselves how to talk to the deceased person after death, we will deal with the very concept of "soul", with which you want to communicate. From the Orthodox point of view, this is the immortal beginning, which the Lord God Himself created. As the scriptures say, God created the body from the dust of the earth and breathed life into it. This breath is our soul.

It is believed that it is formless, but possesses intelligence, only our soul, when it enters into a physical body that has the ability to wear out, that is, to grow old, gives it the opportunity to grow and develop mentally and physically.


Proceeding from the fact that our soul is immortal, we should not be afraid of those who are killing our shell, but of those who can kill our soul in hell fire. How to talk to a deceased person? What does the church think about this?

First you need to determine the exact purpose of your conversation. Nobody can forbid you to communicate with the deceased, only the answer, as the church believes, you will not get. You can talk to them anywhere and anyhow, but the best place for communication is the temple. Our words in the usual form can not reach the addressee, but in the form of a prayer they will surely hear us. How to do it better? Come to the temple, put a candle behind the repose and talk mentally with this person.


How you can talk to a deceased person, given the teachings of the church, has been described above, but it is important not to forget some more points. It's about the tears shed after the death of people close to us. It is important to know that our tears are very hard for them, and our task, according to the church, is to make them happy in a new world.

Order a service in the temple, put candles for the repose, be sure to leave alms, so that during your service your deceased was mentioned.


So, is it possible to talk to a deceased person? The answer to this question will be yes and no. Also these two answers are both true and false. To answer this question, we need to get acquainted with the concept of "consciousness."

There is an opinion that our world consists of infinite threads of consciousness. When a separate person is created, these threads are intertwined and create a bundle. This clod is the consciousness of an individual person with its own characteristics, characteristics. We need the brain to hold this bundle and isolate us from the general flow. What happens after our death? These lines straighten out, transferring all the accumulated experience and knowledge, and we return to where we came from, that is, to God.

If we believe in Christianity, then this is the final death, a person no longer exists, but Buddhists believe in reincarnation, that is, rebirth in another body. What to believe? It's up to you. However, if we adhere to the idea that our world is a tangle of threads of consciousness, then we can confidently assert that we have survived the lives of all the people around us. Threads store in themselves the experience and knowledge of all living beings, therefore, straightening, they do not change their consistency. Thus, it turns out that our soul is immortal and stored in those very nodules.

In addition, some argue that if you train your brain, it's possible to remember all of your past lives.

Reincarnation of man and pets

Asking about how to talk to the soul of a deceased person, we try to return the soul to the body, but this is possible only in the near future (for forty days). Our body limits our consciousness, and when the physical body dies, the consciousness wanders and slowly diverges into the original particles.

The consciousness of man is much stronger than the consciousness of animals, so by his strength we can fully revive our pet in a new body. The pet will be outwardly different, but his consciousness remains the same.

If you try to do the same with a person, you can get not what you would like. Part of consciousness, some skills will remain, but some of the soul already lives somewhere and accumulates new experience.

Communication with the deceased

So, how to talk to the deceased person? Our consciousness disintegrates after a while, until it has completely disintegrated, then a connection is possible. It is worth remembering that by this we do not allow a person to leave, his soul does not develop, nor does he gain experience.

Many wondered about what awaits us after death. They say that if you think about death badly, that means you can get yourself into trouble, when you die, then we'll see. This is an erroneous opinion, if you do not think about death and later life, then nothing will happen. Consciousness will almost instantly disintegrate into particles. If you want to walk around other worlds, see what is outside our planet, get this unforgettable experience, then think about it, dream.

The next time, about forty weeks, the souls of our loved ones are next to us, behaving quite the same way as they behaved during life. We do not see them, but we feel the deceased come to us in a dream to answer our questions. Speaking to the deceased in a dream within the next forty weeks after death, you really communicate with the soul. We do not see them, because they are not in our dimension, but in the next layers.


Many people who have the ability to magic, try to tie their knot of consciousness so strongly that after death, it remains the same, did not change its characteristics. The person in whom the soul of the magician will dwell will be exactly the same as it was, only the appearance changes.

How to talk to a deceased person, if during life he put such a powerful defense on his consciousness? This is impossible, since not a single particle is left in the world lines, it is already a full-fledged other person. Than it is bad?

Each person accumulates experience and knowledge, sharing them on the same lines after death. So, a person who during his lifetime did not have a special mind, in another body can become a real genius. If there is protection, the soul does not develop, does not adopt the experience of others and does not share its own. Each new generation is superior to something in the past, and these people remain the same.


How to talk to a deceased person? Bright magic offers some rituals of calling the soul of a person. Before going directly to the rituals, we will deal with the very notion of "magic", possible dangers, consequences, charms and other terms that are necessary if you decide to take up this art.

White magic is the ability to interfere in the present in order to change the future. It is believed that any deliberate and deliberate action is magic. We are able to impose the strongest spell or evil eye on a person with one's sloppy word, action, envy or gaze.

Any person, without exception, must have with him his amulet or talisman, which protects against unintentional harm. How can I find it? The best option is your cross, preferably a baptismal cross. Do not show it, never let it be worn by other people, not even by relatives. So, how to talk to a deceased person at home using white magic?

Use the good method described in the next chapter.


What is it and can it be prophetic and carry a meaning? Of course, it can, because this is our subconscious, walks in other dimensions. How to talk to a deceased person in a dream? It's very simple, because the souls of the dead people are still very close, they are left by habit to stay close to us. In a dream, we can conduct a real productive conversation with a deceased person. If the deceased himself does not want to get in touch, you can ask him.

How to talk to a deceased person in a dream, what is needed for this? If you do not want to disturb a person, then take a thing that belongs to him before going to bed and ask him to come to you in a dream and tell you what you want to know, or ask your question. Even if the deceased did not come to your conversation, in most cases the answer lies in the interpretation of what he saw.

Note that during sleep you can get other souls in the guise of someone you've been waiting to see, such situations are often found and are able to confuse you. When the rite is held, you open the door, where all the undead souls and those whom you call seek to. That's why you should use only white magic.


Unlike the previous version, this one is more dangerous. Why? Mirrors are used to perform rites of dark magic.

For this ritual, some preparation is needed. It is necessary every day after sunset to aloud to communicate with this person, ask your questions or explain the problem, in connection with which you want to disturb the deceased. This procedure should be conducted from three to forty days. How much do you? Everything depends on the problem, as a rule, during this time everything is solved by itself, the deceased helps, without going to direct contact, very dangerous for you. You yourself will feel that you are ready for the rite.

If you decide to conduct a ritual, you must be ready to emit the soul. During the rite, there should be no fear at all, even if you see the reflection of the deceased. Everything should happen after sunset. Your reflection should not be present in the mirrors. You need to speak out loud and confidently. Even if there was no contact, ask for forgiveness and say goodbye to finish the ritual.

Technique: place two mirrors opposite each other, put candles on each side, their reflections should not be visible. In the mirrors a corridor is formed, lit by the flame of candles. The mirrors should not have windows, doors, fire, water.

Call the deceased person to talk persistently and confidently, if a person was not familiar with you during life, then take his thing and photo. The main thing is the absence of fear, confidence, observance of the safety of the ritual.


Another way of communication is the spiritual board. This ritual applies to dark magic, like the previous one. If you do not have a ready-made board for communication, you can do it yourself.

How to talk to a deceased person on paper? For this we need:

  • At least four thick white candles without flavors;
  • whatman;
  • saucer;
  • A marker, a marker or a pen (you can not use a pencil).

Make a spiritual board, write letters in a circle, they should be large and located quite far apart. On the sides of the paper, put candles, the more they are, the stronger the connection.

As you are ready, call on the spirit you need, be persistent and confident, only so you will achieve the result. Put your fingertips on the saucer. Ask your questions and wait for an answer.

From the first time it can not work, you need to train yourself. Try before the ritual completely clear your mind, do not let the emotions. It seems that there is nothing to think about - it's easy, but try to do it! It takes time.

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