
Lower pressure, its rate and methods of reduction

The lower pressure (diastolic) characterizes the resistance, which overcomes the blood when moving through the vessels during a period of relaxed state of the heart. Diastolic pressure occurs when the aortic valve closes, when blood flow to the heart stops. In this state, the blood passes passively through the blood vessels. Indications of lower pressure are strictly dependent on two determining factors: peripheral resistance of blood vessels and the rhythm of cardiac contractions.

The formation of pressure involves the heart, blood vessels and blood flowing through them. The upper and lower pressure depends on the resistance of blood circulating through the vessels, the volume of blood released by the left ventricle in one contraction, and the magnitude of the pulse. Diastolic pressure is determined at the moment of a relaxed state of the heart (diastole), during the inflow of blood into the right atrium, and systolic pressure during the contraction of the heart (systole) with the release of blood from the left ventricle.

Normal indicators of lower pressure

It is generally accepted that the norm values for diastolic pressure range from 70 to 90 mm. Gt; Art. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the difference between the lower and upper pressure should be 30-40 units of measurement. An important role in determining the norm for each individual person is his health with average pressure indicators, as well as age. These indicators are absolutely individual. You can only determine the average statistical figures of normal blood pressure - they correspond to 120/80 mm. Gt; Art. In the active state, the blood pressure produced on the walls of the vessels is incommensurably higher than in the passive state, therefore it is necessary to measure its indices at rest.

The formation of blood pressure has a big impact on habits, nutrition, stress, lifestyle in general. By using certain foods, a person can deliberately increase or decrease his indices. Pressure problems can be managed by resolving physical and psychological stress, and also by properly balancing nutrition.


The raised bottom pressure - 100 mm. Gt; Art. - speaks about the real threat of active development of the disease. The problems of diastolic pressure are considered the first sign of hypertension when its indices exceed 90 mm. Gt; Art. In modern pharmacology, there are many drugs that help reduce blood pressure. However, there is no single prescription for reducing only diastolic pressure suitable for all patients. Only a qualified specialist can determine the causes of the disease and determine how to lower the lower pressure. This phenomenon requires immediate therapy. Do not refer to the weather or a sleepless night, of course, these factors also have some impact, but remember that hypertension has different forms of flow.

Today, increased (relative to normal) blood pressure (hypertension) is considered the most common human disease, regardless of its age group. Hypertension threatens a person not only with poor health, it is a very dangerous disease that can lead to irreparable damage to health in the form of a stroke or a heart attack. Such cases often lead to death, in addition, a person can forever remain disabled. Therefore, with problems of high blood pressure, you need to go to the hospital without delay.

Methods of reducing renal pressure

Lower pressure is often called renal, because its performance is directly affected by the work of the kidneys. If there is a pathology of kidney function, excessive production of a biologically active substance - rhinin - is possible, which contributes to an increase in diastolic pressure. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, which makes it possible to block the production of this substance.

For self-control against this phenomenon, a sick person should give up fried and salty foods, emphasize the use of vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk products. In the daily diet of the patient must necessarily be present cottage cheese. Sugar should be replaced with honey, and the systematic use of beetroot juice will help clean and strengthen the vessels, enough 1 tablespoon before each meal. If there is a need for a sharp lowering of the lower pressure and there is no means at hand, you should lie face down in the pillow and put your spine in the neck with ice. The compress should be kept as long as possible, and then massage in the area of its application.

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