HealthDiseases and Conditions

Liver cyst: treatment and clinical outcome

As you know, all internal organs have their irreplaceable purpose, the liver is not the exception, and performs a very important function in the body. First of all, it cleans blood from harmful elements and converts various elements into necessary glucose, and also participates in the synthesis of certain blood proteins. However, it is often prone to serious pathologies when the diagnosis of a "cyst of the liver" is diagnosed , the treatment of which is required immediately. So, this disease is characterized by a benign formation in the liver, which looks like a cavity filled with a liquid mass. The walls of the cyst are represented by a thin layer of cells capable of producing a liquid, which causes the focus of pathology to significantly enlarge in its dimensions, that is, it can reach 25 cm or more. As a result of this pathological process, the histology of the liver is significantly impaired and the general condition of the patient worsens.

However, if a liver cyst is identified , the treatment has an individual approach and depends on a number of underlying factors, among which a variety of pathogenic neoplasm plays a role. So, cysts are true and false. In the first variant we mean the emergence of a cyst in the event that during the embryonic development period there is no connection to the bile ducts of individual bile ducts, so the absence of feedback, so to speak, is a pathogenic factor in the progression of this disease. In the case of false cysts, the pathological cause is the previous injury to the liver, as well as its abscess or the removal of echinococcus.

If a cyst is found in the liver, the treatment may have several directions, however, it is first necessary to understand how this pathology reveals itself. The contents of the liver cysts are represented by a transparent or brown liquid with an admixture of blood or bile and often prevails in the left lobe of the liver. In general, this disease is asymptomatic in the affected body, however, the patient is often disturbed by causeless, at first glance, pain in the epigastric region and right hypochondrium, as well as visual asymmetry of the abdomen with the predominance of enlargement on the right side.

Diagnosis of this disease is very difficult because of the lack of pronounced symptoms, so often the disease is detected exclusively on a planned ultrasound with a detailed examination of other internal organs. But if the final diagnosis of the "liver cyst" is still made, the treatment is urgent and depends on the size of the foci of pathology and their location. It is important to clarify that cysts up to 3 cm in diameter do not require medical intervention, but they should also be monitored, performing routine screening at least once a year, in the case of other clinical pictures, productive surgery can not be avoided, it implies surgical intervention.

Such operations are divided into radical, conditionally radical, palliative. In the first case, liver transplantation is implied . For conditionally radical operations, extrusion of the cyst with its membrane, direct removal of the painful part of the liver or the cutting of the cyst wall is characteristic. Well, for palliative interventions is characterized by opening and emptying the cyst, as well as cystoentero-, cystogastroanastomosis. Here it should be explained: marsupialization is inherent in opening the cyst, removing all its contents and forming an artificial pocket, and cystogastroanastomosis - the formation of the communication of the cavity of the cyst with the cavity of the stomach or intestine.

If a liver cyst is found on the diagnosis, the treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a knowledgeable expert, based on the ultrasound, as well as the form and stage of the disease, but also do not forget the age of the patient.

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