HomelinessDo it yourself

LED lights with their own hands. LED Dipped Headlights

Each driver dreams that his car was comfortable, comfortable and unique. External tuning is not only one of the ways of self-expression, it is also an interesting activity that will emphasize the merits of any vehicle. For example, to make the LED tuning of the headlamps by the hands of each driver. Minimum costs - maximum effect!

Tuning headlights - ways of performance

Tuning is the refinement, modification of the car design in order to distinguish it or refine some details. It can be both internal (modification of the engine, interior), and external (transformation of bumpers, suspensions, bodywork).

Finishing headlights on the machines is a very common type of tuning. After all, it is worth changing the light or shape of optics - the appearance of the car changes immediately.

There are many ways to refine optical devices. You can install the xenon or LED lamps in the headlights, change or emphasize the shape of the optics, making specific "cilia". But the "angel eyes" - LED rings in optics - are able to generally produce a sensation!

Which way to choose is the business of every driver. There will be installation of purchased lights or finalization of the standard - the car in any case will attract the attention of others. Absolutely any master of the car can independently cope with such work. This is a great way to emphasize your personality, and also save money on a trip to the auto show.

LED Tuning

Recently, it has become very popular to use LED lamps to refine the optical devices of the car. Most of the new machines come off the factory with already ready LED headlights. This can be explained not only by the attractiveness of these small light bulbs, but also by their low cost. It's much cheaper to make LED lights with your own hands than to buy a ready-made set.

Advantages of LED tuning

  • High luminous efficiency. The light of the lamps is as close as possible to the daytime.
  • High vibration resistance due to the absence of filament.
  • Extended service life (up to ten years and above when using lamps not more than twelve hours a day).
  • A wide range of radiation.
  • Instant inclusion. Using LED lamps, you do not have to wait until they heat up and the light becomes brighter - it happens instantly.
  • LEDs are resistant to temperature changes. Excellent behavior both at high and low rates.
  • Safe and environmentally friendly (no mercury and ultraviolet radiation).
  • Aesthetic. The size of one lamp allows you to experiment with the shape of optical instruments.
  • The relatively low price of a single LED.

That's why LEDs are so attractive to fans of tuning. Lamps are used not only for modification and design of headlights, but also for interior lighting, dashboard, discs, car bottom.

We make LED lights with our own hands

To buy LED optics for the car will not be a problem. The market of car goods represents a wide range of models for every taste and purse. However, similar headlights are also made with their own hands.

It is possible to make not only LED dipped headlights, but also fog lamps, turn signals, side lights and rear optics.

For work you will need:

  • LEDs and resistors (size and color at the discretion of the driver).
  • Insulating tape.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Sealant.
  • Drill for metal.
  • Wire, marker, paint.

The order of implementation

Before work, the headlight is dismounted from its regular place. Carefully heated with a hairdryer and remove the old sealant. Reflectors should be painted in black matte color, so that the LEDs are not too blind. Markers on the hull mark places and drill holes where diodes will be inserted. LEDs are connected to resistors - they will protect the wiring from fires and short circuits. Connect the lamps to their regular places using a wire. After the operation of the LEDs has been checked, the headlamp can be filled with sealant and installed back.

Instead of LEDs, you can buy ready-made LED lamps or heads. They cost a little more expensive than usual, but they will also bring less trouble. To make LED fog lights with their own hands, LED heads are needed, and for the dim light lamps are suitable. The order of manufacturing of PTF is identical to the previous one. The only difference is the case. Suitable as the old from the fog lights, and any other device.

LED headlights on the VAZ - do "angelic eye" with their own hands

After the release of BMW cars, the so-called "angel eyes" - LED rings in the headlights became very popular. This kind of tuning is suitable for all cars, in which optics have a round shape. Cars VAZ, like no others, are predisposed to such changes.

To independently produce "angel eyes", you need the following "ingredients":

  • Plastic sticks (such as blinds).
  • Sealant.
  • LEDs - 8 pcs.
  • Resistors - 4 pcs. (From the calculation: one resistor for two diodes).
  • Can.
  • Pliers.

You need to soften the sticks. This is done either in the oven or in boiling water. Soft fingers run around the tin can. For convenience, use pliers. The tips are slightly cut down, in order to be able to insert diodes. Under them, you also need to drill holes on the ends of the rods. LEDs are connected to resistors and installed in the resulting rings. In one hole there are two diodes. Through the entire ring, small incisions are cut out to make the diodes shine brighter. Cutting should be done 1/3 into the depth of the stick with an interval of one to one and a half centimeters. Then carefully disassemble the headlight and insert the resulting rings into it, before checking their work. After that, the optics are sealed and mounted back. Well, the LED lights with their own hands are made! A little free time and a minimum of materials will make the regular optics irresistible.

Alternative optics from the autoshop

Those who do not want to "bother" with the manufacture of headlights themselves, ready-made sets of optics can be purchased in specialized stores. Headlights, different in form, purpose, quality and price, will satisfy absolutely any driver. For example, a good LED spotlights will cost about 2000 rubles per pair. There are more expensive models, there is a little cheaper. Popular is the German brand Hella. High-quality LEDs in a modular design will fit almost every car. True, and the cost of this optics is high - from 3300 rubles. So if there are a couple of extra thousand, please.

When choosing headlamps, one should be very careful - the market is "teeming" with fakes. Particular attention should be paid to the housing and glass optics.

A couple of words in the end

Optics of a car is one of its main components. It should always be in good order and work smoothly. Properly selected and installed optics - the main task of the driver.

Refresh the old headlights and thereby update the appearance of the car will help LED tuning. Manufacture of LED lights with their own hands will not be difficult even for the newly-made driver. The necessary materials can be purchased at any specialized store, and they will cost several times cheaper than buying new lamps. In addition, making the headlights with your own hands is a great way to emphasize your individuality.

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