Homeliness, Interior Design
Lamps from the Stone
The world's first lamp
The primitive human fear of darkness determines our eternal desire to "tame" light, to make it our ally and friend. For this, a man, having barely learned how to obtain fire, came up with compact lighting devices. This is, first of all, a torch, representing a wooden stick, oiled on the end with tar or any other combustible composition. The ease of use and simplicity of the design allowed the torch to survive thousands of years - in Europe they were actively used in the Middle Ages of a new era. Modern humanity has fully paid tribute to the recognition of the torch, making it the symbol of the largest international event - the Olympic Games.
Evolution of the luminaire
Creative inspiration was not alien to our ancestors, so over time, new forms of lighting devices of different shapes, made of different materials, appeared. In the rock carvings you can see not only torches, but also bowl lamps made of stone, various clay vessels. They were filled with hot coals, set on fire, grease, oil, and the light from them allowed not only to continue working in the dark, sewing, handicrafting, but also to deter wild animals. Curious variants of luminaires-vessels with fat-impregnated wood shavings were mentioned in their works by the great Homer. Later, there were lamps with a wick, wax candles, kerosene lamps and, finally, electrical devices.
The temptation of stone
In the modern world, living among plastic, synthetic fabrics and a variety of man-made materials, a person began to pay great attention to natural raw materials for the manufacture of interior items. The lighting devices did not become an exception. In recent years, lamps from marble and other natural stones and minerals have become fashionable. Perhaps this was fostered by the charm of the stone, its pristine beauty, never repeating patterns, or perhaps the desire to feel in a city apartment is as natural as in a natural environment. One way or another, but the fact remains, stone lamps were in the XXI century more in demand than their counterparts in metal and glass.
Luminaires in the environment
If you look closely at fixtures from onyx or marble for a while, it's easy to see that no other material reflects so brightly the richness of forms and shades invented by nature itself. The widest variety of stone textures, an abundance of colors and shades, varying degrees of transparency, make it possible to produce lamps of the widest stylistic range and purpose. For the interior space of chimney rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, amazing collections of stone lamps, up to the ones made in Tiffany's technique, which are an ornament and at the same time give coziness, are made. With their help you can not only amaze your neighbors and friends, but also radically change the aesthetic atmosphere of the home.
More often on the facades of elegant houses, in gardens and mini-courtyards, along alleys and garden paths, one can meet street lights made of onyx in the form of lamps of different eras. No less important are lamps made of stone for decorating flower beds and flower beds, arbors and patios, columns and rotundas, reservoirs and alpine hills. Harmoniously blending into the architectural decor and landscape, giving additional variety to the familiar objects, natural lamps create the impression of an integral composition of the house and the surrounding area. Collections of stone lamps can include devices of the most varied sizes, shapes and designs, perfect simplicity and underlined brevity which produces a vivid artistic impression.
Technological and forms
Not for nothing above in the article are mainly mentioned stone lamps of marble and onyx, because these noble stone rocks are best suited for processing. Advanced technology allows you to create lamps from stone of different shapes with an impeccably smooth surface without micropores. Due to this, dirt and dust are not collected on the surface of such luminaires, but even if they hit, it is easily washed off with a sponge and a usual soap solution. The relative "softness" of these stones makes it possible to produce lighting devices not only of rectilinear geometric shapes, but also with concave or curved surfaces of different radii.
Lamps from onyx: beauty from nature
Decorative lamps and onyx lanterns are ideal for almost any interior, as they are characterized by elegance and naturalness. Lamps and plafonds made of onyx let through the dimmed light stream of the lamp, delicately scattering it, "showing" every vein of a natural mineral. Simultaneous ease and monumentality of products made of this stone made it one of the favorite materials among interior artists and designers who prefer to experiment with light and color. By its nature, onyx is a semi-precious variety of chalcedony and a close relative of agate. Greenish or pale yellowish, with parallel stripes of different colors, it makes the lamps with magnificent decorative ornaments, worthy of the best houses.
Lamps made of marble: from antiquity to modernity
Unusually popular in ancient times, brilliant shining marble is experiencing today the next birth in the form of original lamps. This material is not subject to time and changing fashion, this is facilitated by its exquisite and expensive appearance, as well as the widest color palette. Today, lamps are made of marble of dozens of shades, including white, red, blue, turquoise, emerald, etc. Through the marble, the light passes, shimmering and sparkling, because it is a crystalline rock. This wonderful stone at all times is loved by sculptors and architects, and today also by designers of lamps, and also by their fans.
The main types of modern stone lamps
Among the most common types of stone lamps today are:
- suspended lights with metal finish
- table lamps with shades and lampshades or in the form of monolithic products
- wall lamps - sconces in the form of classic "buds" or balls, as well as various stylizations
- decorative lamps in the form of geometric shapes.
- large floor lamps for interior decoration or use in landscape compositions
In conclusion, we just have to wish you to choose your "own" lamp of stone to taste and liking.
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