HealthDiseases and Conditions

The most common signs of low blood pressure

Signs of reduced pressure, mainly manifested in the deterioration of the adaptability of the organism to the environment. Patients with hypotension badly tolerate fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, hot weather, sharp odors, alcohol. Symptoms of low blood pressure may occur in the morning. Patients often feel fatigue, severe weakness, lack of vigor, fatigue even after prolonged sleep. Memory impairment, instability of attention, dispersion are also noted. As a rule, the working capacity of such people also decreases. Signs of reduced pressure can also be expressed in the lack of air at rest. Thus shortness of breath always arises even at insignificant loadings. Some people have swelling of the extremities in the evening.

Almost always hypotension provokes a disorder of sexual desire. Men feel a violation of potency, and women - menstrual cycle.

Frequent signs of low blood pressure - tearfulness, irritable weakness, general deterioration in mood.

In many cases, the only manifestation of hypotension is a characteristic headache. It occurs, usually after sleep (often daytime) or as a result of fatigue. At the same time, a person feels almost exhausted. As a rule, pain sensations extend to the frontal-parietal or frontotemporal region and have the character of constricting, aching, blunt, pressing or bursting. The duration of sensations can range from a few hours to two or three days. In some cases, the headache with hypotension is very similar to the manifestations of migraine and is accompanied by vomiting or nausea.

Low pressure. Causes

A hypotonic attack can occur due to the intake of a large amount of food or a prolonged stationary position in a standing position. In the first case there is a striving of blood to the stomach, and in the second - it stagnates in the lower limbs.

In many cases, "hypotension of the situation" is noted. This state is manifested after a rapid transition to a vertical position from the horizontal position. In this case, often a hypotonic attack ends with a syncope (hypotonic crisis). In addition, the condition can also develop in stuffy, crowded premises, while traveling in public transport, with sudden braking of the car. In some cases, high and lean men are subject to fainting, most often the hypotonic crisis occurs after a prolonged stay in an upright position.

Signs of low pressure can manifest as an increased sensitivity to noise, bright light, loud speech. Sometimes there are dizziness. They provoke instability, shakiness when walking. In connection with this, it is quite problematic for a person to tolerate a location at altitude, and in some cases it is very difficult to cross a street or a bridge.

Hypotension is characterized by a large number and variety of manifestations. In connection with the lack of regularity in the course of the disease and specific manifestations, it is very difficult to isolate the state of low blood pressure into an independent pathology. In most cases, it is commonly believed that hypotension is a reflection of internal disorders. In the absence of neurosis, there may be some unrecognized damage to the internal organs.

It should be noted that getting rid of the disease is not an easy task. Medications for eliminating hypotension are quite small. As a rule, doctors prescribe caffeine-containing drugs.

In most cases, people try to cope with the condition with the help of strong coffee or tea. Effective and some folk remedies, for example, tincture of Chinese magnolia vine, echinacea, ginseng.

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