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Plums during pregnancy: benefit and harm
Surely there is no man who does not try plums. Many women love this fruit, but not everyone knows about its harm and benefit. Particularly relevant is the question of the use of plum during the bearing of the child.
During the growth of the future baby in the womb, the woman becomes more vulnerable to external factors, her body is now working for two. Eating this or that product, the expectant mother should always think about how it will affect the health and development of the baby.
The future mother needs vitamins and trace elements, most of which can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. But quite often women think about whether plums are possible during pregnancy. It is necessary to understand in detail the properties of these fruits.
Plums belong to the genus of so-called stone fruit plants, as well as cherry, cherry, almond, etc. They have several shades depending on the species: yellow or red, blue or purple.
Fruit plum trees predominate in autumn and at the end of summer - that's when people collect a good harvest, which can be consumed both in raw and dried form, both in jam, and in fruit drinks and compotes. What can I say about baking! Pies and muffins with these fruits are incredibly delicious.
Benefits of Plum in Pregnancy
The fruits of plum trees contain a large amount of fructose, sucrose and glucose. This distinguishes them from most berries and fruits. Also, the plum contains tannins and organic acids, pectins and antioxidants, calcium and phosphorus, iron and vitamins of group A and C.
Plums during pregnancy are useful because due to their composition they have a beneficial effect on the human body. They also increase appetite. Due to the high fiber content, the plum fruit strengthens the intestinal peristaltic, which by itself proves the use of plum during pregnancy. After all, quite often the future mothers face the problem of constipation.
Among other things, plums have a diuretic effect, which significantly helps the kidneys work, and after all, they work for two all the while a woman carries a baby.
Having studied in detail the chemical composition of the fruits of plum trees, you can find out that vitamin C increases immunity, provitamins belonging to group A, improve vision, vitamin B has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is impossible not to note the high content of calcium in these fruits, which is exactly what is necessary for pregnant women over the entire time period of bearing a child.
Damage to plums during pregnancy
It is worth recalling that the plum is a choleretic agent. During the period of gestation, the gall bladder shifts somewhat due to the growth of the uterus, so a strong outflow of bile can lead to discomfort.
Also, do not abuse this fruit for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Plums during pregnancy can cause increased gas formation, which already often suffers women expecting a baby.
There are cases when during the gestation of a child a future mother needs certain medical support. Everyone knows that during the development of the embryo in the womb, he is exposed to all external influences that somehow influence the organism of a pregnant woman. It is in these cases, when the doctor can not prescribe treatment with medicines, so as not to harm the developing baby, folk medicine comes to the rescue. Indications for the use of plums are several:
- Colds and fever.
- Frequent constipation.
- Kidney disease, sand or stones.
- Difficult outflow of bile and heartburn.
- Early toxicosis and nausea.
- Swelling on the legs and hands, as well as with internal swelling as an adjunct to standard treatment.
- Reducing the level of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman.
- Varicose veins and vascular disease.
- Avitaminosis and depression.
There are several points that need to be remembered. Plums during pregnancy can not be used in the following cases:
- If a woman suffers from diabetes.
- If the plum fruit is not mature enough.
- If you have excess weight.
- In the presence of joint diseases.
How to cook?
About what the plum is useful in pregnancy, you already know. But here's how to cook it, in order to preserve the most useful properties?
Of course, the best option will be the use of fresh plums, without heat treatment. It is worth remembering that because of the high content of glucose in these fruits, their use can affect weight. Therefore, it is recommended to use them in the morning, before the main food.
Also, plums are often added during the preparation of meat and game. Their sour-sweet taste will perfectly complement this dish.
From the plums cook compotes and jam. Of course, it is very tasty, but in this case most of the vitamins and nutrients of this fruit are lost.
Fruits of plum tree are added to pastries: muffins, cakes and pastries. Such dishes in themselves contain a large amount of sugar, and the sink only increases it, so you need to be more careful and know the extent of use.
Another fairly common way of cooking is drying a fruit such as a sink. Useful properties in the pregnancy of dried prunes are almost inferior to the benefits of fresh fruits.
During colds very hot impact on the body has hot morsels. To do this, it is necessary to brew the plums with boiling water, for taste you can add sugar, although the fruit itself is sweet.
Women came up with a useful and delicious way of eating plum fruit - fruit salads. Sliced plums can be combined with pieces of apples, pears or bananas, fill the mass with low-fat yogurt and eat. This method is perfect as a replacement for supper with excessive weight gain during pregnancy.
To summarize, it is worth saying that the fruits of plum trees cleanse the blood, remove toxins from the body, help the liver work - all this is very important for the future mother.
Also, the plum may well be compared with raspberry in an antipyretic effect. Many pregnant women are not recommended to use raspberry decoctions - in this case, the plum will become an indispensable assistant.
In any case, if you are concerned about the use of plums during the bearing of an infant, you can consult your doctor at any time. Such a conversation will dispel all doubts and questions. After all, who, like a doctor, will help you with the right clue.
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