Education, Languages
Korean phrases with translation and transcription. Korean words. Basic Korean phrases for communication
In the modern world, the Korean language is gaining more and more popularity both among people who are keen on linguistics, and among ordinary travelers. And it's no accident: the sharp development of South Korea has confirmed its position in the technological and entertainment spheres. In addition, between Russia and the "country of morning freshness" there is a visa-free regime, which significantly expands the tourist borders.
Visit South Korea is at least once in your life. And in order to make you feel as comfortable as possible in an unknown environment, we have collected in this article the most popular phrases in Korean with a translation. You will learn the correct greeting, you can support a small conversation on the on-duty topics, and also learn how to make purchases correctly.
Greetings in Korean
Koreans always pay much attention to what a new friend's first impression is. Politeness and the age hierarchy play an important role in Korean culture. You as an alien should not pay attention to the features of the age hierarchy (at least initially). Being polite is the main task! Korean words and phrases can be divided into official and colloquial, depending on the status of the interlocutor and your relationship. Conversational expressions are recommended to be used with close friends, but the official ones are suitable for any occasion.
Hello! - 안녕하세요! - annen'haseyo!
Good afternoon! - 안녕하십니까! - Annen'haschennik!
Good night. - 잘 자요. - chal yayo
Hello! - 안녕! - Annen!
How are you? - 잘 지냈어 요? - Gul of jinetseo?
How are you? - 어떻게 지내 십니까? - Outflow gineeshtnikik?
My name is ___. - 저는 ___ 이에요 / . - counion ___ her / her
Nice to meet you. - 만나서 반가워요. - mannaso pangauoyo
Bye. - 안녕히 계세요. - annegy keseo (if you leave, and the interlocutor remains)
Till! - 안녕! - Annen!
Remember: in addition to translation, Korean phrases are given with transcription. During the pronunciation try to forget about the sharpness inherent in the Russian language, and pronounce all the letters softer than usual.
Useful Korean phrases and words for communication
I do not understand. - 나 몰 에 개 . - on muregesymnida.
Do you speak Russian? - 러시 어 말아요? - Grove grouse?
I do not speak _name of the language _ . - 저는 ___ 말 . - honeyn ___ mal motie
Please (please). - 제발. - Chebal
Please (responding to gratitude). - 괸 자나요 - kuenchane
Thank you. - 감사 합니다. - kamsahamnida
Thank you. - 고맙습니다. - koumapsymnida
Yes. - 네. - ne
Aha. - 에. - e
No. - 아니요. - anyo
Excuse me. - 죄송 합니다. - chueson'amnida
Where can I find a toilet? - 화장실 이 어디에 는데? - Hvajjan'chori odedende?
What time is it now? - 지금 몇시 입니까? -chig mietshiminikka?
I'm sick / I'm in pain. - 나 아파요. - on apayo
Now. - 지금. - chigym
Before. - 후에. - hue
Morning. - 아침. - Azhim
Night. - 밤. - bam
Accommodation in a hotel
Are you looking for a way to book a room in South Korea? Choose between a famous tourist place in the city center and an institution in the traditional national style? Korean phrases will help you to communicate with hotel staff.
I need to book a room. - 내가 보유 해야. - nega puyehai
I would like to book a hotel room. - 내가 예약 하고 싶은데요. - NEGA YEYAKHAGO SHIPYNDEYO.
Do you have spare rooms? - 방 있습니까? - bath 'issymnikka?
How much does a single / double room cost? - 한 사람 / 두 사람당 방이 얼마 ? - khan saram / tu saramdan 'ban'gi olmainimnik?
Is there room ___? - 그 방 에는 ___ 이 ? - gy ban'genin ___ and issymnikkka?
... the sheets? - ... 침대보 / 침대 시트? - Chimdabo / Chimde Shchikh?
... bathroom? - ... 화장실? - huajan'goshchil?
... phone? - ... 전화기? - johnhugi?
... TV? - ... 티비? - Thibi?
I want a room with a bath. - 목욕 과 방. - could '
I did your order number. - 네 방 에 지시. - ne ban'ge geese
Can I look at the number first? - 방 을 먼저 봐도 되겠습니까? - ban'gil monjo bao dou gessymnikka?
Do you have a number ... - ... 방 ? - ban'g issymnkka?
... quieter? - 더 조용한 ... - to Choen'ghang
... more? - 더 큰 ... - before khyn
... cleaner? - 더 깨끗한 ... - up to kekkektan
... cheaper? - 더 싼 ... - to ssan
Well, I'll take this number. - 좋습니다, 그것 으로 . - chosymnida, kygosyro hagesynmida.
I will stop for ___ nights. - ___ 밤 묵 . - ___ bam mukgesymnida.
Accept the order. - 주문 을 받아. - Chumunyl gang
Tip. - 도움말. - doommal
I would like to repay the bill. - 그 법안 에 지불 하고자 . - gy pobane zhypulhagozhakhanyn
Passport. - 여권. - yeguon
Room / room. - 방. - ban '
Please clean in my room. - 방 을 청소 해 . - ban'gil chon'souha chyschshchchio.
We go to a shopping trip
South Korea is famous all over the world for its shopping and pleasant prices. For pleasant walks to local shops, not overshadowed by a language barrier, we prepared the following Korean phrases:
How much is? - 얼마나 요? - Olmaneo?
Do you have this thing of my size? - 이것 으로 제 사이즈 와 맞는 것 것? - igosyro che saijyua ma'nyn goth issymnikkka?
It's too expensive. - 너무 비쌉니다. - To the Pissnamid
Expensive. - 비싼. - scissor
Cheap. - 싼. - Ssan
I can not afford it. - 그것을 살 여유 가 . - kygosyl sal yoyuga opsymnida
It seems you're making fun of me. - 속이지 마세요. - согиджи масэё
Well, I'll take it. - 좋습니다, 사 . - chosymnida, sageessymnida
Can I have a package? - 가방 을 살 수 있습니까? - kaban'gil sals su susymnikka?
Do you have delivery? - 발송 합니까? - palson'hamnikik?
I need ... - 저는 ... 이 필요 합니다 - chonin ... and phirahamnida
... Toothpaste. - ... 치약. - chyyak
... Toothbrush. - ... 칫솔. - chicissol
... tampons. - ... 탐폰. - Thapphon
... soap. - ... 비누. - binu
... shampoo. - ... 샴푸. - shampoo
... anesthetic. - ... 진통제. - chinton'ge
... shaver. - ... 면도기. - Myeongdogs
... umbrella. - ... 우산 - usan.
... battery. - ... 건전지 - gonchonge
When do you close? - 언제 닫 습니까? - Onge tadsymnikka?
Do you accept credit cards? - 신용 카드 받으 십니까? - shkinen 'khada pasyshtnicnikka?
Dining in a restaurant and cafe
In South Korea, a rich traditional cuisine, which is based on spicy food and a large variety of meat. Koreans love not only to eat a lot, but also talk a lot about food. Using the following Korean words and phrases, you can easily order a lunch in any local restaurant or cafe:
A table for one / two, please. - 한 사람 / 두 사람 테이블 부탁 . - khan saram / tu saram taeibyl poshakamnida.
Can I have a look at the menu, please? - 메뉴 를 봐도 되겠습니까? - manuyler buado dueckessymnik?
I am a vegetarian. - 저는 채식주의 자 입니다. - cheshon chehtjujuichaimid
I do not eat pork. - 저는 돼지 고기 를 먹지 . - counon duedjigogiryl mokgi ansymnida
I do not eat beef. - 저는 소고기 를 먹지 . - counon sogogiryl mokgi ansymnida
Dish for a fixed price. - 정가 음식. - chon'ga coachman
Breakfast. - 아침 식사. - acchim niche
Lunch. - 점심 식사. - those who smug the shark
Tea. - 차. - cha
Dinner. - 저녁 식사. - a smack of a box
I want ___. - 저는 ___ 을 . - honeyn ___ l wonhamnida
Meat. - 고기. - Gogi
Beef. - 소고기. - sogogi
Pork. - 돼지 고기. - Duelists
Ham. - 햄. - Ham
Bacon. - 베이컨 / . - bei-khon / samhepsal
Sausage. - 소세지. - SOSEGI
A hen. - 닭고기 / . - thalgot / chihkhin
Eggs. - 달걀 / . - talgyal / kieran
Seafood. - 해물. - hemul
A fish. - 생선. -san's son
Shrimp. - 새우. -sau
Crab meat. - 게살. - kesal
Dairy. - 유제품. - yujaphum
Milk. - 우유. - th
Cream. - 크림. - khyriim
Cheese. - 치즈. - schiji
Butter. - 버터. - Bodho
Yogurt. - 요구르트. - yogurthy
Bouillon. - 국물. -cumulus
(Fresh vegetables. - (신선한) . - (shinsonhan) yachhe
(Fresh fruits. - (신선한) . - (shinsonhan) guanyl
Salad. - 샐러드. - seldoys
Bread. - 빵. - ppan '
Noodles. - 국수. - kugsu
Fig. - 밥. - bap
Can I have a glass ___? - ___ 한 잔 주 ? - Khan jan juschigessymnikka?
Can I have a cup of ___? - ___ 한 컵 주 ? - Khan khop dzhuschigessymnikka?
Can I have a bottle of ___? - ___ 한 병 주 ? - Khan ben 'juschigessimnikka?
Coffee. - 커피 - khopi
Juice. - 주스. - jusses
Water. - 물. - mule
Beer. - 맥주. - makju
Red / white wine. - 레드 / 화이트 . - rada / waithi wain
Can I ___? - ___ 을 / 를 좀 주 ? - ___ l / ryl chom dzhuschigessymnikka?
Salt. - 소금. - cozum
Black pepper. - 후추. - huchhu
Sauce. - 양념 / . - yang'nyam / sosy
Excuse me, waiter? - 여기 요? - Yeogie?
I'm done. - 다 먹었 습니다. - yes mokossumnida
It was very tasty. - 맛 있었습니다. - mashchissussamnida
Please take the plates. - 접시 를 치워 주십시오. - Chomschiryl Chihuodjushchshchio
The check, please! - 계산서 부탁 합니다. -Kyesanso-putakhamnid
Drinking in the bar
Remember, we talked about the fact that Koreans love to eat? They love to drink even more! Surely you have at least once heard of sodju - a Korean traditional alcoholic drink, reminiscent of Russian vodka, but with a lower percentage of ethyl alcohol. In addition to soyju, in bars and shops you can always find a wide variety of drinks and, most importantly, cheap for the price.
Do you serve alcohol? - 술 팝 니까? - Sul pahabnik?
Beer / two beers, please. - 맥주 한 / 두 병 부탁 . - makju han / tu ben 'putahamknida
A glass of red / white wine, please. - 적 / 백 포도주 한 잔 부탁 . - chok / back pshodoju khan jan putahamknida
One bottle, please. - 한 병 부탁 합니다. - khan ben 'puthakamnida
Sodju. - 소주. - sodju
Whiskey. - 위스키 - иск
Vodka. - 보드카. - Boddykha
Rom. - 럼. - rum
Cola. - 콜라. - kholla
Do you have any snacks? - 안주 있습니까? - Ajsu issyk?
One more, please. - 한 개 더 부탁 . - khan geh up to putakhamnid
Romantic words and phrases about love
Bonus to the expressions already expressed, we have prepared beautiful phrases in Korean, which will help express your feelings in the most romantic moments of travel.
Beautiful. - 예쁘다. - the test
A couple. - 연인. - Yonin
Expensive / expensive. - 여보. - the ebony
The girl (in pair). - 여자 친구. - Ejaciting
The guy (in pair). - 남자 친구. - Namjachin
Date. - 데이트. - deithi
Blind date. - 미팅. - mitkhin '
Engagement. - 약혼. - Yakgon
Wedding. - 결혼. - keron
This is love at first sight. - 우린 서로 첫눈 에 반 . - urin soro chhonune banesso
You will be a my girlfriend? - 내 여자 친구 가 되어 ? - ne yojachinguga duojojulle?
Will you be my boyfriend? - 내 남자 친구 가 되어 ? - ne nedjachinguga duojojulle?
Will you go on a date with me? - 나랑 사귈 래요? - Naran 'saguillayo?
I love you. - 사랑 합니다 - saran'hamnid
You drive Me crazy. - 당신 에게 반 했습니다. - tanschinage baessamnida
Will you marry me? - 저랑 결혼 해 주세요? - choran 'korone juseyo?
Do not be afraid to use a foreign language. Koreans will appreciate your efforts
In South Korea, tourists are always welcome, and especially those who are trying to learn about Korean culture as much as possible. If you try to speak with the locals using the above Korean phrases, it will certainly raise you in the eyes of others.
By the way, a little advice: try to use as few gestures as possible, since in Asian countries they often have a completely different meaning.
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