Health, Diseases and Conditions
Jaundice in a newborn: causes, manifestations and treatment
Jaundice in a newborn is a physiological phenomenon, which manifests as yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes due to a violation of bilirubin metabolism, which is associated with the immaturity of the enzyme system of the liver. In addition, this phenomenon can have a hereditary nature. For example, a jaundice in a newborn can be a consequence of familial hyperbilirubinemia.
Jaundice in the newborn: manifestations
Physiological yellowing of the skin and sclera is most often observed on day 3 after birth. There are no signs of hemolysis and lesions of the liver or spleen. With the excretion of bilirubin, the ictericity gradually decreases. In more severe cases, intravenous infusion of the drug "Phenobarbital", as well as a solution of glucose and ascorbic acid.
It is worth noting that the jaundice in a newborn, which was born before the term, is characterized by greater intensity and duration. In this case, medication should be combined with phototherapy sessions.
With pathological jelly, when hemolytic disease develops , the child is sluggish, does not want to suckle. He may have seizures, and also increase liver and spleen.
Jaundice in newborns: consequences
Since this state in most cases has a physiological character, then no consequences or complications arise. In cases where the blood of the child and mother does not coincide with the Rh factor, when the baby is diagnosed with a bad outflow of bile or his liver is damaged by some virus, the prognosis is less favorable. Then there may be toxic brain damage, albuminemia, and also nuclear jaundice, which causes severe convulsions, deafness and lag in physical development.
Jaundice in newborns: treatment
The volume of therapeutic measures depends on the severity of the violation. For children who have yellowing of the skin and sclera, it is important to get the mother colostrum, which promotes faster meconium removal, and with it bilirubin.
When cholestasis is prescribed drugs that contribute to the outflow of bile, and with insufficient activity of digestive enzymes, enzyme therapy is performed.
In severe cases, when the concentration of bilirubin is too high, and other methods are ineffective, ill children are shown blood transfusion. When hemolytic disease baby is better to breastfeed another woman, because in the mother's milk there are Rh-antibodies, which have a damaging effect on the red blood cells of the baby.
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