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Japanese flower: description, names, features of care and breeding

Very trepid attitude and admiration deserve beautiful Japanese flowers. Inhabitants of the Celestial Empire carefully follow the nature. For the East, in general, attachment is attached to everything fresh, the present, to the miracle of the nascent life.

Extolling the naturalness

Many botanists are of the opinion that the world of China's flora is one of the richest and most colorful on the planet. Indicator is a Japanese park of flowers called "Ashikaga", located on the island of Honshu. Here grows a gentle wisteria of different shades, a broom and a plum, daffodils and muscari. The colorful palette is amazed visitors of the park with tulips, azaleas and rhododendrons, as well as roses, hydrangeas, petunias, irises and clematis. In addition, you can see the delightful riot of nature by heading to Tokyo, where the Kawati Fuji Garden is located, or to the Hatachi-Seaside Park in the town of Hitachinaka.

If you get into this wonderful state, then you will see how its territory is appreciated and protected by nature.

Most residents are fond of floriculture, on their beds you can see a flower unusual for Europeans. The Japanese mentality has positive features: these people since childhood instilled a desire to protect the environment. In other countries, many of the local plants can not be found.

The country has a mild climate that promotes the growth of many species of flora. Also, there is enough moisture and sun, due to which such natural masterpieces are born. Local botanists try to improve natural plants, experiment, creating new shades, making buds more magnificent.

National traditions

Many people know about a hobby like ikebana. This art originated in the territory of Japan, where lovers first started arranging beautiful flowers. Careful attention is paid in the Middle Kingdom to the so-called art of flora. It includes the beliefs of local residents bordering on mysticism. There are special cults centered on a flower.

Japanese people live with the knowledge that admiring flowers should be an integral part of his life, because such pastime helps to feel delight, to enjoy the moments of the flowering of nature. This process has its own name - khans. It is combined with a meal. On the tables during dinner traditional Japanese flowers are put.

Exotic close

Repeatedly, each of us saw Japanese flowers in local latitudes. The names of some are also very well known, for example chrysanthemum, which is loved all over the world. If we have a flower growing in summer and autumn, then in its homeland the exotic beauty pleases glances already in the first months of spring.

There are many species of this plant that sometimes outshine even roses in their beauty. There are many poems by Japanese authors who chant this flower. The Japanese language conveys all the tenderness and awe, with which people relate to this miracle of nature. They can not only admire, but also make an element of dishes and teas, which the flower perfectly complements. There are interesting exhibitions in honor of this plant, where you can just look at the beautiful compositions that amaze the inexperienced art connoisseur.

Garden Beauty

Chrysanthemum can be kept at home. It has a compact size due to the fact that flowers are planted in flowerpots, taken from the greenhouses, where they grow from seeds. To stop the growth, introduce special drugs. Also, thanks to them, the plant acquires a decorative appearance.

When buying a cutting, you can end up with a rather large process, which is more suitable for garden conditions. In order to avoid this, you need to know the subtleties of care. They multiply in different ways: cuttings, bush separation, true lovers of these plants take Japanese flower seeds.

The first two methods are very simple. It is necessary to take 3-5 cuttings and plant in one pot. After flowering, the branches need to be cut off. Wintering should take place under temperature conditions close to zero. It is best to put the pot in the cellar. When spring comes, shoots will appear. This is a great time to transfer to a new land. If the flower is old, you can do without it, although fresh conditions always go to the plant for good. If the chrysanthemum has developed well, you can collect the cuttings that will be used to grow new shrubs. It is a beautiful and unpretentious flower, giving joy to everyone who will decorate their home with them.

Refined beauty

Also, sakura - the most popular Japanese tree deserves admiration. His flower has an unusually delicate color. Khanami, as a rule, is dedicated to him. On television, you can see the forecasts of the flowering time of trees in certain cities. Thus, citizens prepare for admiration, as if for a ceremony.

There are a huge number of parks and gardens planted with these plants. They look truly fabulous, they give admiration and pacification. Sakura is a serrate cherry, or sharply sawed. The tree can reach a height of 25 meters, has large leaves that in the autumn are dark purple or even brown. In each brush, having a length of 5 cm, there are about 8 colors.

Subtlety of treatment

Flowering is observed in March-June. Rose flowers are often formed , although in Japan one can find not only them. There are parks in which there are several dozens of species of this tree. It is able to withstand cold weather, it grows gradually. When buds appear, it is better to water the roots additionally, especially if the rain is low.

The earth sometimes lacks potassium and nitrogen, organic substances, because of which growth can be difficult. To solve this problem, use manure and hum, organic and mineral fertilizers. In addition, it is necessary to cut off branches that have dried up and weighed down the crown. This is best done in the spring time, until the juice began to move along the trunk. This operation should be carried out by a specialist, so as not to harm the sakura.

To obtain new trees, it is necessary to reproduce by means of seeds or root shoots. Shanks and graft are also suitable, if it is a question of varietal cherry.

Lovely children of the earth

Benibana is another unusual and interesting flower. The Japanese people love her for bright scarlet color. When it blossoms in the summer, it seems as if a red carpet has covered the mountains, like a poppy in our fields. The plant belongs to chrysanthemum, and by appearance looks like a thistle.

Another remarkable flower is an orchid, which is often depicted in the paintings of Japanese masters. It is interesting that in the Middle Kingdom it came from South America. The climate here is quite suitable for it. Japanese scientists put experiments in the course of which the color changes, the shape of the petals or the reproduction occurs in a new way.

Secrets of a successful gardener

In order for the orchid to grow well, you need to work on properly organized lighting. It must be scattered. Direct rays of the sun will only harm. If everything is done correctly, you can regularly see the beautiful flowers of this plant. When errors are allowed, the leaves acquire a yellow shade and an elongated shape. In the summer, do not leave the orchid on the windowsill, it is better to put it in a light shadow, otherwise there may be a burn. It adapts very slowly to bright lighting after winter cold. You can use plastic or film.

In autumn, the darkening should be eliminated, since the natural light is no longer so strong. At this time there comes a period when the orchid is experiencing peace, shoots and buds are being filled for future flowers. Also important is not only the strength, but also the duration of the lighting. This plant should be under the rays of light for at least half a day. You can not leave it in the shadows for a long time. To solve this problem, it is worth using artificial light.

Quality care

Always want to have more beauty, so gardeners ask questions about the reproduction of this beautiful flower. To do everything right, you need to have a solid stock of knowledge. It is possible to divide a larger plant. Some detach the shoots grown on the sides. Cuttings from above also fit well for transplant. For this purpose, bulbs are also suitable.

Or you can go more complex way and grow a flower from the seed. When a soil lump is destroyed, the plant can be damaged, so you need to act with extreme care not to touch the root hairs, because it is thanks to them that the orchid eats.

Sometimes you can cut a pot to make everything right, but the root system will remain unscathed. The jewelry work is cutting old parts. The top is not covered with a substrate. When it comes to pruning the peduncle, you can get rid of it completely or partially in the part where the flower grew. The plant has kidneys that are in a dormant state. Of these, lateral peduncles and offspring appear.

You really need to love nature, to learn all the subtleties of handling it and to provide people with an understanding with the environment. This is good for the Japanese, from whom we borrowed a large number of beautiful plants, giving pleasure and peace of mind at a mere glance at them. Celestial is the land of spiritual development and close interaction with the natural nature.

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