Food and drink, Reviews about restaurants
"Jamie Oliver" - restaurant in Moscow: address, reviews, photos
Moscow is one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world, where thousands of tourists come from all over the world every day. Here the infrastructure is well developed, and the opening of new restaurants, shops, cinemas, entertainment complexes and nightclubs can be seen almost every day. Today it will just go about one interesting institution right in the center of the capital.
Jamie Oliver restaurant in Moscow opened not so long ago - at the end of December 2014, when food sanctions were imposed against Russia. It's called Jamie's Italian, and in this article we will review it, find out the exact address, contact details, reviews and much more. Let's start right now!
Location and interior
A new project by Jamie Oliver opened near the Red Square, on the territory of the hotel complex "Moscow". There is an institution on the second floor of the shopping gallery called "Fashion season".
Jamie Oliver decided to decorate his restaurant so that it was very similar to the classic English pub. The walls of Jamie's Italian are decorated with beautiful wooden panels, and in some places you can see slate boards on which some positions from the main menu are written out. Well, the cuisine here is Italian, but not standard, but more adapted to the taste of Russians. By the way, this was done by Jamie Oliver himself.
The restaurant in Moscow, whose address: Okhotny Ryad (2nd house), invites guests to try a variety of dishes in interesting interpretations. The menu also presents a large number of drinks that every visitor will surely like!
In Jamie's Italian work only trained professionals, one hundred percent know their business. Each employee of the institution passed a special training under the guidance of the most experienced colleagues from Great Britain. Every guest is greeted by a traditional English greeting, so be ready for it!
By the way, at the entrance to Jamie's Italian, the British gave permission to open a small store, where everyone can purchase classic products for Italian dishes: rice, a variety of spices, tomatoes, pasta and so on.
I wonder if you wondered why Jamie Oliver, who was born in England, decided to open an Italian restaurant in Moscow? An experienced culinary practitioner has been asked this question many times, but Oliver never tires of answering him. The man thinks that he should have been born in Italy, because he loves the cuisine of this country so much. It is there that there is a real abundance of traditions, dialects, styles of life and, of course, cuisine. Jamie admires Italy, which inspired him to open this project. And why in the Russian capital? The chef loves and respects Russia, and Moscow is the largest and richest city in this country, so the owner of Jamie's Italian decided to open his institution here.
A little bit about the chef
Jamie Oliver, whose restaurant is considered one of the best in the capital, since childhood, loves cooking. For the first time he became acquainted with the process of cooking food in just 8 years, and already today he is one of the most outstanding culinary specialists in the world.
To date, the chef Jamie's Italian not only starred in a variety of shows, but also wrote useful books, but also actively engaged in charity. During his life Jamie helped thousands of people, many of whom were able to learn culinary skills, despite their modest financial situation. By the way, this charity program takes place in the restaurants of the Fifteen network, which can be found only in London, but also in Amsterdam, Melbourne, and Cornwall.
In addition, it is worth noting that Jamie Oliver is actively engaged in the promotion of healthy and at the same time delicious food. Culinary tries to do everything possible to prevent unhealthy food in schools, which adversely affects the state of the organisms of adolescents and children.
Also Oliver is a fairly famous person in the United States of America, where he created a project for people who are ready to fight their own excess weight. Well, you can not help but notice that the restaurant Jamie's Italian is located not only in the Russian capital, but also in Oxford (Great Britain).
The concept of the project
Restaurant Jamie Olivera in Moscow, reviews about which in most cases are positive, is an interesting institution where you will like not only noisy companies, but also quiet family couples. All dishes presented in the menu are prepared according to unique recipes, and one of the main advantages of the establishments of the Jamie's Italian network is an open kitchen, so you have the opportunity to watch how they prepare the food you ordered.
By the way, almost every day people who come to the restaurant Jamie Oliver in Moscow, are waiting for pleasant special offers and brand new cocktails, which you can try only in Jamie's Italian. If you want to drink some special drink, ask the barman to do something completely different for you!
Jamie's Italian - popular restaurants, where special attention is paid to children. Each institution has its own children's menu, which is a kind of filmstrip with photos. Now, children can choose the perfect dish for themselves!
In addition, the Moscow restaurant Jamie Oliver, whose comments we will discuss a little later, has one more feature - careful selection of products. Only farmer's meat is used here , as well as fresh seasonal vegetables, homemade pasta, best olive oil, free grazing eggs, mineral salt and so on.
Of course, it should be noted that in the institution of Jamie's Italian in Moscow, 160 seats. The decision not to make a huge number of seats was taken by Jamie Oliver himself. The restaurant in Moscow, whose address is above, is not a place where you can hold incredibly large banquets, but for weddings, anniversaries, corporate parties and similar festivities it is more than enough. The average bill here, by the way, is only one and a half thousand rubles.
basic information
As you know, in Jamie's Italian everyone can hold a banquet. To clarify with the administration any information or to ask any questions, call 8 (968) 544-92-35. If you are interested in the schedule of work of a Moscow institution, remember that it is open every day, from 10 am to midnight.
You can get to Jamie's Italian both on your own vehicle and on the metro (Okhotny Ryad station).
Runet overflowed with comments on the work of this project, because this restaurant was opened in the capital by the famous chef from England Jamie Oliver. Most of the reviews, of course, are positive. Many customers are completely satisfied with the level of service, prices and quality of cooked meals. At the same time, it is rare to find negative feedback, which refers to a long serving of food, as well as small portions.
In general, Jamie's Italian is an excellent restaurant with a great atmosphere, pleasant interior and Italian cuisine!
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