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Is it possible to freeze yeast dough and how to do it correctly?

Baking pies, bread, sločki is always an event. And it always takes quite a lot of time. Just the process of kneading, even with the use of "fast" yeast, takes a good one and a half hours. And while inexperienced culinary experts are wondering whether it is possible to freeze the yeast dough, experienced have long been acting on this principle.

If there really is not any time or you do not want to spend it on the traditional preparation of the test, you can buy a ready-made one: frozen and packed in a nearby supermarket. But if the culinary light in the heart is not extinguished, do it yourself - for today's pies, and for stock. In the freezer, the dough will be "dozing", as long as it is necessary, keeping all its properties, and after defrosting you will get an excellent fresh, as if only kneaded.

Is it possible to equate the household and industrial technologies of freezing?

Who is accustomed to using the purchased dough, can confirm that the quality is exactly the same as cooked at home. Hence, doubts about whether it is possible to freeze the yeast dough at home are automatically canceled.

Powerful refrigeration units, freezers are at the disposal of every modern hostess, so problems with the creation of "factory material for pies" at home should not arise.

It is recommended to freeze not only dough, but also semi-finished products: formed rolls, pies and other products.

The power of modern freezers is enough to quickly bring the dough to the state of deep freezing and store it for a long period - from several weeks to several months.

How to prepare dough for freezing

After fermentation and mixing, give the test a little "rest", then divide it into pieces of the necessary size and put it in the freezer.

Important nuance: before freezing the yeast dough, be sure to wrap each of the lumps with food film or foil. Packaging it is necessary to limit the access of moisture, as the process of crystallization of water with rapid freezing also occurs very quickly. As a result, this negatively affects the taste of finished baked goods.

Correct temperature

In the first few days (7-14) of finding in the cold, the dough should be freezed - that is, completely get rid of moisture. For this purpose, the optimum temperature will be the lowest, which only your refrigerator is capable of. Yeast dough can be frozen at -20 ... -30 о С.

When the dough acquires a state of confident "stone", the regime can be changed a little, moving the reserves to a chamber with a temperature of -8 ... -18 о С.

The role of quality yeast

Usually the question of whether it is possible to freeze the yeast dough occurs in those who fear for the loss of its property to rise after a long stay in the cold.

"Having experienced" the process of freezing-defrosting, it does not deteriorate, however, when choosing yeast for the dough that is prepared for future use, pay attention to their quality and freshness. In the basis prepared for freezing, add more than usual yeast: instead of 5-7 grams, say, 8-12.

What kind of flour?

How to properly freeze yeast dough, not to worry about the quality of future buns? To pick up that grade of a flour which stably transfers temperature drops and will not be unstuck in process of freezing.

Important! When choosing a flour, attention should be paid to the percentage of its gluten: the weak after thawing gives an undesirable effect of diffusion, the increased - the excessive density of the crumb and the crusty crust.

The optimal percentage of gluten, when baking is soft and high, is 30-32.

To make the dough elastic, add eggs and margarine to the batch during the batch.

Pizza dough

Frozen yeast dough for pizza - this is the most convenient option for housewives who like to indulge in seven homemade cakes, but they are not ready to fiddle with the test every time.

Prepare it as much as possible, divide into portions - and use from time to time, baking not only pizza, but croissants or butter yeast biscuits.

According to the proposed recipe you will have to confuse yourself with the test for as many as ... half an hour.

Per liter of milk: 1.5 bags of dry yeast, a packet of margarine, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp. L. Sugar, a little salt, flour - how much will it take (usually it takes 1-1.5 kg). Prepare the dough in the usual way: dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add salt, sugar, a little flour - this is the first stage, opara.

The second stage is the addition of the remaining ingredients and the remaining amount of flour.

The third stage - packaging, packaging and location in the freezer.

For sloechek

The secret of the puff pastry consists in its gradual rolling out with oil. But if several stages for you - too long a story, you can add to the flour, chopped with butter, dissolved in water or milk yeast.

The peculiarity of the dough test is that it can not be kneaded too long and kneaded for too long - it can lose its lamination.

Dough puff yeast (frozen) is great for baking pies and strudels. If the usual puffs are boring, and there are still lots of blanks in the freezer - try it, it's very tasty!

For the strudel and croissants, roll the dough thinner, and leave the patties on the ruddy barrel - cut the blanks with the washers.

Storage, defrosting, baking

Having found out whether it is possible to freeze yeast dough, you need to learn how to place it correctly in the freezer. Even in the cold, it does not skoom in the first minutes, but will rise and grow in volume. This feature should be taken into account when filling the freezer: put portions more carefully, and then have time to "grow up" and occupy all the free space of the freezer.

The maximum shelf-life of the frozen test is no more than four months. But the earlier it is used, the better the taste and appearance of the finished product.

Repeated freezing is not recommended - more than one freezing properties of the yeast test are not saved.

Before freezing the yeast dough in plastic bags (they can be used as an alternative to foil), sprinkle the container with flour so that the contents do not stick, and let the air out of the bag.

Defreeze the yeast dough carefully and gradually: first move it from the freezer to the refrigerator, and then hold at room temperature. The finished dough should increase in volume. Noticing this, once again, double it and form buns.

Frozen dough is suitable for making any bakery products: pies, pies, pizza, buns, cookies, loaves, if you like. It is only a little peevish once, then several times very quickly (literally in 15 minutes, not counting the time spent on baking) to prepare fragrant products.

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