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Is black currant useful for breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is an important period in the life of mother and baby. Breastfeeding mother must follow a special diet, so that the baby does not have an allergic rash. In addition, the diet of women with lactation should include useful substances to provide the child with vitamins and trace elements. Is black currant useful for breastfeeding? Today we will talk about this.

In summer, in the season of fruits and berries, you need to use these healthy foods to gain vitamins for the winter. But the mother and mother must enter fruits and berries in her menu carefully, since the reaction to new products in a newborn can be different. But this does not mean that during the lactation period you should give up summer treats. Use in reasonable limits will only benefit the baby.

Black currant with breastfeeding is useful, but you must follow certain rules so as not to harm the baby.

Useful properties of black currant

Berries of black currant are not only pleasant to taste. They have many healing properties that are beneficial to the human body.

The composition of black currant is similar to artificial vitamin preparations. It ranks first in the number of vitamins in the composition. They are much more than citrus fruits.

The berry contains a large amount of vitamin C. Most of all, it is concentrated in fruits during the ripening period. In a two-week blackcurrant, the highest concentration of vitamin C. If you eat 40 berries a day, the body will be provided with a daily rate of ascorbic acid. Thanks to this, resistance to catarrhal diseases will increase. Black currant will strengthen immunity. This is very important for a young mother. She will be healthy - with the child, too, everything will be in order. In addition, vitamin C reduces the harmful effects of toxins, helps to prevent the development of malignant tumors.

Also black currant berries are rich in vitamins of group A, B, E, P. Thanks to vitamin A, the body's defenses are mobilized. Vitamins of group B normalize energy and synthetic processes in the body, promote the production of hormones, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, help to assimilate proteins. But most importantly - they support the body in tone. This is very necessary for mom, as sleepless nights tire her.

In addition to vitamins, black currant berries contain phytoncides, acids, pectin, tannins and essential oils.

From minerals in berries contain sodium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron. Thanks to sodium, the acid-base balance is maintained, the nervous and muscular systems function normally. Potassium helps to normalize the pressure, to adjust the heart rate. The high content of calcium and phosphorus has a beneficial effect on joints. Iron and magnesium will prevent the development of anemia.

Black currant with breastfeeding plays an important role in the development of the baby. His fragile body will be under reliable protection. The immunity of the baby will be strengthened, and he will be less sick.

Black currant during breastfeeding has a beneficial effect on mother's milk. It improves its quality and promotes development. The child will be well fed and calm.

Harmful properties of black currant

Berries of blackcurrant contain too much vitamin C. Foods with a high content of ascorbic acid are considered allergenic. If you abuse them, the baby will suffer from diathesis. This can cause allergic dermatitis. However, if you eat berries in a moderate amount, there will be no harm to the baby.

It should be said: if you buy black currant berries out of season, then it is threatened with poisoning, because they contain a large amount of nitrates. The benefits of berries will be if they are dry, large and ripe. Perverted black currant loses its useful properties.

Black currant with breastfeeding can be harmful if the mother suffers from thrombophlebitis. It increases blood clotting due to vitamin K and phenol in the composition. In addition, the berry should be carefully applied to a mother who has acidity or has a stomach ulcer. If you do not comply with these recommendations, the disease can worsen.

Black currant during lactation

Can black currant be breastfed? Berries are very useful for mother and child during lactation. Thanks to them, the woman will always have enough milk, because currants increase lactation. With the use of berries, the risk of respiratory diseases decreases, as they increase immunity. It is a natural source of vitamins and minerals. Eating several berries a day, you can forget about the purchased vitamins. Currant is rich in iron and magnesium, so it will help to recover after natural and pathological births, increase hemoglobin.

How to check if the baby is allergic to black currant berries?

Can black currant be breastfed? It is known that it is a potential allergen. Before enjoying useful berries during lactation, the nursing mother should check whether there is a reaction to the newborn on them. Introducing a black currant into your diet, the mother should not eat anything new, except for these berries. Baby, too, should not introduce a new lure. To start the mother, you need to try to eat a few berries in the morning. The next day it will be seen if berries are allergic or not. If the baby's skin remains clean, then the berry can be safely taken, gradually increasing its quantity. If there is a rash, digestive problems, then it should be immediately excluded from the nourishment of the nursing mother. We must wait until the baby's gastrointestinal tract gets stronger.

If the baby is prone to allergies from birth, it is necessary to introduce this berry very carefully. Only in the absence of an allergic reaction to the mother can you eat currant in a small amount.

In what form can you use black currant?

The greatest amount of nutrients is found in fresh currants. It is especially useful in the period of its maturation. It concentrates the maximum composition of vitamins and minerals. A handful of ripe berries will provide a daily rate of ascorbic acid. In this case, blackcurrant has a small number of calories. In 100 grams of berries there are only 45 of them.

Ripe berries are less useful. If you freeze black currant for the winter, the benefits of using it will also be. It can be added to tea, cake, cottage cheese.
Jam from black currants, juices, fruit drinks and compotes are no less useful. They diversify the nutrition of the nursing mother. However, you can not abuse these products. Their composition includes sugar, so they are more caloric, can harm the figure. And sucrose is a common cause of diathesis in infants.

Black currant jam

Can I use black currant jam with breastfeeding? Usually it does not cause allergies in the baby. But every baby has a different reaction to this sweetness. It is not excluded that there will be a diathesis. You can use black currant jam with breastfeeding, but a little. It contains a lot of sugar, it can cause fermentation in the stomach. From this, a newborn can have problems with the tummy. Jam is a high-calorie product. Many can not eat it, otherwise there will be extra pounds. Before taking this delicacy, it is better to warm it up so that the sugar crystals will dissolve.

Compote of blackcurrant in lactation

Compote of black currant with breastfeeding is allowed. However, it will not be beneficial if there is a lot of sugar. He will hurt the child. Therefore, home compotes should be cooked with a minimum amount of sugar, so that there is no diathesis. More useful will be compote, which only boiled and removed from the plate. This preserves more vitamins.

Black currant morse

Morse is not only a delicious drink, but also useful. He perfectly quenches his thirst. Is it possible to drink black currant breast with breastfeeding? It will be useful if you cook it at home, do not abuse the addition of sugar. Storey berry drinks contain preservatives and colorants. They are harmful to mother and child. Industrial drinks are strictly forbidden to crumbs. Morse should be drunk only when there is no allergic reaction in the newborn. It is better to do this in the morning.

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