Food and drinkDessert

How to brew black currant jam

Not for all of us, black currant is a favorite berry. However, in any case, it does not cease to be useful to the body: both for children and adults, both for males and females. If we talk about the beneficial substances contained in the fruits of black currant, then among them one can not fail to mention the vitamins of group K, oils, carotene. In addition to them, there are other components in its composition that will be no less useful to you.

As a rule, in winter, the lack of vitamins is particularly acute. That is why we offer you in the very heat of the summer, at a time when this useful berry ripens in the orchards on the bushes, to prepare black currant jam. It will become a special find in the winter and help to cope with any disease.

So, let's figure out how to properly prepare a jam of black currant. To do this, we offer you two recipes for this delicacy, which are somewhat different from each other by cooking technology.

Black currant jam "Pyatiminutka"

This recipe got its name only because it allows you to prepare a famous dessert, not only very simply, but also very quickly.

To prepare you need:

  • Black currant - 4 glasses;
  • Granulated sugar - 6 glasses;
  • Water - 2 cups

If you are a young hostess, then you should know about how much ready-made dessert you can get from the above quantity of ingredients: from four glasses of blackcurrant you will be able to cook a liter of delicious jam!

And now it's time to go directly to the description of the very process of preparation of jam. First you need to take water and half the sugar. You need to mix these ingredients and put them to cook on the stove. As soon as you notice that the water has boiled, dip the currant into it. In this composition, the ingredients should be cooked for 5-7 minutes, and after that boil for another 5 minutes, before laying the remaining sugar in the pan. Do not forget about the constant stirring of jam.

In fact, the jam is ready. If you want to but become your workpiece for the winter, you can roll it into glass jars.

As a rule, the black currant is very delicious. Jam, prepared according to the recipe below, is not inferior to the one prepared according to the above technology for any qualities.

Black currant jam. Recipe 2

To prepare you need:

  • Black currant - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg. (You can take more sugar, for example, 1.3 kg.)

Surely, every good housewife dreams that the fruits from which the jam was cooked, remained dense and kept their shape? This can be achieved through blanching. Therefore, the preparation of jam should begin with this very procedure.

Now, when the fruits are prepared, it would seem, it's time to begin their packing in the banks. However, it was not there! This recipe provides that the black currant jam is prepared in its own juice, without the addition of water in all its manifestations. You just need to fill the berries with sugar and let them brew for some time. As a rule, this process takes three to four hours. After this time, the mixture must be mixed and left to be infused further. This procedure should be repeated two to three times, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then jam should be cooked for an hour.

As soon as the sugar dissolves, you can put jam in jars and roll them with lids.

Have a nice appetite, and remember that it is the berries of the black currant that can provide you with an unprecedented range of nutrients. And, moreover, it does not matter what kind of berry is at the time of use - fresh or recycled.

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