
Intrahospital infection in the puerperium

One of the most important problems in modern medicine is nosocomial infection. Definition: this is an infection that occurs in the conditions of a medical and preventive institution.

Recently, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of such cases. There is a nosocomial infection as a result of the creation of large medical complexes with a large concentration of persons with weakened health. In addition, the cause of the spread of infection is an increase in the number of invasive procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic nature, as well as the use of complex equipment, with the sterilization of which there can be great difficulties. These factors contribute to the formation of hospital strains of microorganisms that are resistant to the effects of drugs and disinfectants.

An increase in the incidence is accompanied by a quantitative increase in high-risk groups. Among them, in particular, include premature newborns, people with chronic pathologies. Importance is also attached to demographic shifts in society, as well as to reducing the resistance (resistance) of the organism against the background of adverse environmental conditions.

Intrahospital infection in the neonatal period (postpartum) differs from infectious diseases in other periods of life. This is due, mainly, to the reduced immunological resistance (resistance) of newborns, in particular, premature infants. In addition, the increase in morbidity is facilitated by the risk factors accompanying the process of hospitalization of these children.

The main of them include a minor gestational age (the number of full weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period to the time of delivery), the presence of a perinatal (perinatal) pathology (arising in the womb, during or within a few hours after birth). In addition, the risk factors are: a long hospitalization period, the use of medical equipment (suction, inhalers, ventilators and others) and instruments (urinary and vascular catheters, nasal cannula and others). As a result of the use of antibacterial, immunosuppressive and other therapy, surgical interventions also often develop nosocomial infection. An abstract can be written for only one reason for the occurrence of infection in newborns.

The spread in the volume of the medical institution is facilitated by defects in the ventilation system. As a rule, they are laid already in the process of designing a building. Instead of removing contaminated air from the chambers, the supply and exhaust ventilation system allows a significant number of harmful microorganisms to move freely around the institution.

In the spread of hospital infections important is the architectural layout of buildings. Circulation of pathological microorganisms occurs to a greater extent in buildings constructed according to standard designs, providing for the location of an observational (infectious, in most cases) maternity ward on the first floor. Together with the rising warm air, the nosocomial infection also rises.

The advantage of a joint stay after the birth of the child and the mother has been proved for a long time. However, in view of the reduction in the number of births, in some midwifery hospitals, it is now practiced to unite the newborn with the mother only after 24 hours. Thus, these institutions provide a sparing regimen for the puerpera. However, in this case, one of the advantages of a joint stay is undoubtedly lost. With this approach, during the first day of life the organism of the child is inhabited not by the maternal strains of microorganisms, but by the nosocomial infection.

Preventive maintenance of morbidity includes carrying out of a complex of disinfection measures which are directed on elimination of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic (harmful) microorganisms in an environment of the patient.

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