Spiritual developmentTarot

Interpretation and meaning of the Tarot: Seven Swords

Tarot cards hide a deep meaning. They can provide answers to exciting questions and reveal the true meaning of what is happening. Tarot - not just fortune telling. This is the key to the secrets hidden in the subconscious, and the opportunity to look beyond the boundaries of everyday life.

This article provides a description and interpretation of one of the junior arcane - the meaning of Tarot Seven Swords.

Description and general meaning

In the classic Tarot decks, a person is depicted on the map, who, stealing his eyes, carries away five swords, leaving two more behind. The fact that he looks back, speaks of his doubts, fears, inner struggle and fear. Another important point - a man holds swords in such a way that they can damage his hands. This indicates a danger and that, probably, it acts to the detriment of itself.


If the question pertained to the work, then the Tarot Seven's value of Swords implies non-standard ways or unconventional methods of problem solving. The combination with favorable arches speaks about the need to show dexterity, circumspection and diplomacy. These qualities will help settle conflicts and find a compromise.

In some cases, the lasso speaks of profit obtained dishonestly. Theft, fraud, financial fraud, deception - that's just an incomplete list of what the Seven Swords (Tarot) can conceal. The value can be determined more precisely by looking at the neighboring maps in the scenario.


In matters of love, swords most often carry a negative connotation. As for the card of the Seven Swords (Tarot), the value in the relationship is also very unfavorable. This junior arkan speaks of insincerity, lies, false emotions, and sometimes treason. In such an alliance, treachery, meanness and manipulation of the feelings of others are possible.

In an inverted position, the card indicates an addiction of love. In such a relationship, one partner is influenced by another. These relationships are dangerous for both. The dependent person loses his personality, completely adjusting to the circumstances. The second becomes a tyrant, showing his worst qualities: selfishness, aggression, jealousy.

Personal Characteristics

If you want to get a description of a specific person, then the Seven of Tarot Swords can speak both of his character in general and of the temporary state in which he is currently living. In the first case, the arkan personifies a person who is deceitful by nature, inclined to villainy and betrayal. Such a person achieves the goal in a dishonest way, causing harm to others. He can not openly express his own opinion. Because of cowardice, he acts secretly, manipulating other people.

If the question concerned the current state, and not the general characteristics of the individual, then the map may simply indicate temporary difficulties. The person is in a difficult condition and can not find a way out. In this case, he had to show cunning in order to avoid a conflict situation. Although, perhaps, in normal circumstances, it is unusual for such actions. It is also likely that the actions he is taking can harm himself.

The Meaning of the Tarot of the Swords in Health Matters

In this case, the card indicates a hidden disease, the symptoms of which have not yet been identified. If the question concerned a psychological state, the lasso testifies to the likelihood of depression and apathy associated with fatigue and recent experiences.

The inverted position has a positive meaning and indicates a speedy recovery. The acute period of the disease passed.

Situation on the situation

The presence of this arcana in the scenario speaks about dishonesty, doubts, duality or negative consequences of your actions in the past.

At the moment, the circumstances are very unfavorable. But the map shows only the current state of things and the likely trend of events. The value of the Tarot Seven of Swords implies that in this situation one should not lose heart and lose hope. The right actions will help you find a way out.

Perhaps you are uncomfortable because of some actions in the past and want to take a defensive position, letting everything go in its wake. However, such actions you only harm yourself. The presence of 7 Swords in the scenario must be perceived as a council to show dexterity, diplomacy, intelligence.

Among other things, this card may indicate the completion of a certain life stage and the beginning of a new path. Farewell to the past will help to look boldly into the future. But you should be cautious and avoid rash decisions in the near future. But do not take swords in the hand, as a foretaste of imminent danger. The value of the Tarot of the Seven Swords is first and foremost the advice to act cautiously. Maps show you the possible ways, showing what you should be afraid of and how best to do it.

The combination of 7 Swords with other arcana

Any situation should be viewed from different sides. For a clearer understanding, it is necessary to pay attention to combinations of arcana. Further details are told about the importance of the Seven Swords in combination with other cards.

Elder Arcana + Seven Swords:

  • 0 - "Fool" ("Fool", "Fool") speaks of a frivolous person who wants to avoid responsibility. If we are talking about the situation, then the neighborhood of the 7 Swords with the zero arcana personifies ambiguity and unreliability.
  • 1 - "Magician" ("The Wizard") calls to show dexterity and ingenuity.
  • 2 - "High Priestess" - concealment of the secret.
  • 3 - "Empress" - neglect of parental responsibilities, the desire to avoid responsibility.
  • 4 - "Emperor" - disagreement with the leadership.
  • 5 - "Hierophant" - hypocrisy, hypocrisy, an attempt to seem better.
  • 6 - "Lovers" - indecision and inability to make a choice.
  • 7 - "The Chariot". The meaning of the Tarot card "The Seven of Swords" + 7 Senior Arcane implies the need to avoid conflict situations.
  • 8 - "Power" - pretense.
  • 9 - "Hermit" - secrecy, an attempt to conceal from one's own emotions and thoughts.
  • 10 - "Wheel of Fortune" - monetary fraud.
  • 11 - "Justice" - unjust accusations, slander.
  • 12 - "Hanged" - indecisiveness, uncertain circumstances, weak-willedness.
  • 13 - "Death" - the completion of one stage and the opportunity to start something new.
  • 14 - "Moderation" - the need to compromise.
  • 15 - "Devil" - deception, hypocrisy, insincerity.
  • 16 - "Tower" - the destruction associated with your actions in the past. Or a warning that the result of current actions can be deplorable.
  • 17 - "Star" - lost opportunities, wasted potential.
  • 18 - "Moon" - machinations, hidden manipulation.
  • 19 - "The Sun" is a council to show diplomacy and compromise.
  • 20 - "Court" - an attempt to avoid deserved punishment.
  • 21 - "Peace" - to move forward one must use the power of the mind.


Virtually in any matter, the Seven Swords (Tarot) is a tip to exercise caution and prudence. Probably, it is necessary to make difficult decisions. The main thing is not to give up. The right direction and the right actions on the way to success will help achieve the desired result. However, before you make any effort, you need to think it over well.

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